名古屋大学大学院国際原語文化研究科 第46回日本語教育学講座講演会


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Presentation transcript:

名古屋大学大学院国際原語文化研究科 第46回日本語教育学講座講演会 A typological comparison in the processing of relative clauses between prenominal languages 講師: Michael Patrick Mansbridge Graduate School of Languages and Cultures Nagoya University, Japan 日時: 2015年10月23日(金)16:30~18:00 場所:文系総合館7階カンファレンスホール (地下鉄名城線「名古屋大学駅」①番出口徒歩3分) 無料 Relative clause (RC) research has been and still is a prominent topic in experimental linguistics. The general question for much of the research has been “why are subject-extracted relative clauses (SRCs) so much easier to process and comprehend than their object-extracted relative clause (ORC) counterparts?” In linguistic literature, the classic dichotomy in processing between SRCs and ORCs (making SRCs “universally” easier) in European languages (e.g. English) is explained via numerous approaches, such as, syntactic complexity, experienced-based effects (i.e. frequency), and memory-based effects (i.e. integration) to name just a few. Even though this topic has been extensively explored, researchers are still using RCs to reveal aspects of linguistic theory and general processing behaviour. In this lecture, eye-tracking data on three prenominal RC languages (Mandarin Chinese, Korean and Japanese) will be used to reveal typological differences in processing between these languages whilst using post-nominal English as basis for comparison. Focusing on regressive eye-movements, these differences will raise questions on the universality of memory-based effects in the processing of RCs making either SRCs or ORCs more difficult to process depending on the language. 問い合わせ先: 日本語教育学講座 玉岡賀津雄ktamoka@lang.nagoya-u.ac.jp