“Business English Pro” Why is it necessary to learn this course?

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1 “Business English Pro” Why is it necessary to learn this course?
The content is very relevant to anybody with an interest in business and global issues. It is necessary to understand the background to many of the current global economic issues in English. International communication is such an important component in today’s economy. To gain knowledge of issues relating to your industry in English which will enable you to discuss using relevant vocabulary. “Business English Pro” will give you a foundation and inspire you to learn more about other industries and economies. なぜ、”Business English Pro” を学ぶのか? 今日の国際経済社会の中で国境を超えたコミュニケーションは重要な鍵となります。 今リアルに進んでいる経済問題には英語が使用されているという事実があります。 誰もが興味をもてるグローバルな問題やビジネスの話を使います。 Copyright (c) SIGMA BASE CAPITAL Corp.

2 How to best study “Business English Pro”
Try to understand the pre-reading component of each article to the best of your ability before progressing to the reading of the article itself. Spend the most time on articles that are of the most personal interest to you. Think of how you could contribute to a discussion based on the content. Utilize the ‘highlighted section’ feature when you submit an incorrect answer. Try to work out how the correct answer can be derived from the ‘highlighted section’. Use this section to add to your new business vocabulary each time. Listen to what you have read using the audio recordings available. Use the ‘shadowing’ technique to read what you are listening to. This ‘listen and repeat’ technique will help with your fluency. Business English Pro 効果的な学習法 各テーマの本題に入る前、軸となる文章を先読みし題材を理解します。 自身が興味を持つ部分に集中してください。 回答が誤っている場合、正解に導く鍵となる文章へ戻ります。 学習した文章は音声ダウンロードできるので、聞きながら復習できます。 Copyright (c) SIGMA BASE CAPITAL Corp.

3 Characteristics of “Business English Pro” #1
“Business English Pro” motivates students because it uses real business articles that students are probably familiar with in Japanese. It provides real feedback in order to build on student’s reading comprehension skills. This is achieved through the browser directing learners back to the section of the article that contains the best answer. The audio recordings of each article allow students to remember new vocabulary in context and listen to correct pronunciation. Business English Pro の特徴 (1) 日本人にも馴染みがある内容を題材にします 読解力の向上を助けるフィードバック 各記事についてオーディオ素材をご提供 Copyright (c) SIGMA BASE CAPITAL Corp.

4 Characteristics of “Business English Pro” #2
The articles are sourced from a variety of well known news providers including the Wall Street Journal and Economist magazine. You have the support of a native speaker with knowledge of the issues contained in the articles. We offer assistance through the course with any questions on the content. A possible medium of forum for discussion with other learners and a native speaker on the contents of the articles. Updates associated with vocabulary from the articles via a twitter feed provides a unique way to reinforce the new words to your memory. Business English Pro の特徴 (2) ウォールストリートジャーナル、エコノミストなど様々な著名メディアを使います。 豊富な知識を持つネイティブスピーカーがサポートします。 Copyright (c) SIGMA BASE CAPITAL Corp.

5 How to subscribe to “Business English Pro”
Please refer to our homepage. Here you will find a link with a guide to completing a subscription to “Business English Pro”. We are sure you will find this an excellent e-learning resource and are committed to supporting your development throughout the course. “Business English Pro” お申し込みについて 弊社ホームページをご覧ください。 “Business English Pro” の詳しい内容と、お申し込み方法が載っています。 この卓越したコースを受講することで、ビジネス英語力がきっと向上するでしょう。 Copyright (c) SIGMA BASE CAPITAL Corp.

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