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Every one else Minai-san, respondents [回答者]

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Presentation on theme: "Every one else Minai-san, respondents [回答者]"— Presentation transcript:

1 Every one else Minai-san, respondents [回答者]
Survey Says? 6 Survey Takers [調査係] Every one else Minai-san, respondents [回答者]

2 Why did you come to school today?
ANSWERS: To learn English. To see my friends. To play in a sports club. To sleep. Why did you watch The Last Samurai? ANSWERS: To see Ken Watanabe. To see Tom Cruise To practice my English. To learn about Katsumoto. Why did you go to the Arashi concert? ANSWERS: To sing Arashi songs. To marry a member of Arashi. 嵐のメンバーと結婚するため。 To be with my friends. 友達と一緒にいるため。 To sleep. 寝るため。 Why did you visit The United States? ANSWERS: To see Mt. Rushmore. To have lunch with Mr. Kehoe. To eat corn. To find a boyfriend or girlfriend.

3 Why did you visit the moon?
なぜあなたは月を訪れたのですか? ANSWERS: To ride in a spaceship. 宇宙船に乗るため。 To meet aliens. 宇宙人にあうため。 To buy omiyage from the moon. 月面からのお土産をかうため。 To see Earth from far away. 遠くから地球を見るため。 Why did you eat all the nattō? なぜあなたはすべての納豆を食べたのですか? ANSWERS: To enjoy the taste of nattō. 納豆の味を楽しむために。 To stop you from eating it. あなたがたべるのをやめさせるために。 To see if I could eat all the nattō. すべてのなっとうをたべてりかいするため。 To get a stomach ache. 胃をいたくするため。

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