How to make reservation for your presentation

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Presentation on theme: "How to make reservation for your presentation"— Presentation transcript:

1 How to make reservation for your presentation
T Suzuki

2 You have to arrange all by yourself
Discuss proposed date with the other students. Ask the schedules of supervisors around your proposed date. Primary SV, 1st co-SV, 2nd co-SV Decide the schedule and book on the Web calendar

3 発表種別と目的 Presentation Category and their aims
Grade 学年 Semester 学期 Presetation 発表 Category カテゴリー AIM 目的 1 1st Mid-term 中間発表 Research proposal 研究計画 Explain your research plan for the thesis research. Basic concept, originality, and inpotance. Also discuss the methodology, and possible difficulty, etc. 2nd Review 1 総説1 Peruse about 100 or more papers, including original papers and review papers, which are related to your research. Research history, introducing preceding study. 2 3rd Progress report 1 進捗報告 1 Report one years progress of your research. If you revise your research plan, explain the reason and show the load-map of thesis preparation. 4th Review 2 総説2 Try deepen and critical analysis and discussion about your research field. It will be base of the thesis 'general introduction 3 5th Progress report 2 進捗報告 2 Report recent one year progress of your research. This also mave meaning of qualifying for the thesis submission in next semester. Over-year students also do this presentation again, during one year before submitting thesis. 6th Final 最終発表会 Thesis Presentation and Examination 公開学位論文発表会・最終試験 After you submit the thesis and all paper-works to RENDAI office and also published (or get in press status ) two (or more) original papers, you do final presentation to 3 or more Judges. This final presentation is carried out publicly.

4 All RENDAI Students do mid-termpresentation every semesters
All RENDAI Students do mid-termpresentation every semesters. Student organize these events by yourself. This page shows how to organize your mid-term presentation. Arrange date with the other students in the loboratory (or supervised by the same professor). Negosiate the schedules of supervisors around your proposed date with Primary SV, 1st co-SV, 2nd co-SV. Mind 2nd-CoSV need move by Shinkansen trip to Join the presentation. Decide the schedule and book on the Web calendar See the Help [calendar-Help] After Finishing booking, report your schedule to RENDAI office Send invitation mail to all supervisors and also othor important person. Attach the abstract of the presentation. The present Day, You have to come the session room 1 hr before presentation and set up TV conference system PC conection, Mic and Air-conditionaer, etc. Ask rendai office staff, when you get some trouble. 7. After finished the presentation, prepare report, including the abstract and discussion

5 岐阜連農所属の学生は、半期毎に1回中間発表を行います。日程調整等は全て学生自身行います。
同じ研究室や専攻の学生、あるいは同じ教員が副指導している学生同士で相談して、候補日を挙げてください。 主指導教員 第1副2副指導教員とメール等で予定を調整してください。特に、新幹線等での移動が必要な第2副指導教員の都合に留意してください 予定を決定したら、下記のURLから、Google Calendarに予定を記入してください。 決定した日程を、下記の書式を用いて連大事務室に報告してください。[日程報告Format.doc] 決定した日程を主指導、副指導教員と、それ以外のあなたの発表会に参加して意見を伺いたい人々にメールを送りましょう. 当日は、発表1時間前にきてTV会議システムやPCの準備をしてください。トラブルが有った場合は連大スタッフに問い合わせてください。 終了後は報告書を提出します。アブストラクトと質疑の要約を指導教官に提出してください。[中間発表報告書.doc]






11 名前 Name (Main SV, 1st Co-SV, 2nd co-SV)
タイトル Session # ○○大学 TV Session X Gifu:xxxxxx Shizuoka: xxxxxxx Session # Title (eng) タイトル (J) 主指導教員: Main SV 第一幅指導: 1st Co-SV 第一幅指導: 2nd co-SV

12 Shared account for Google Apps
生物生産科学 Pw : xxxxxxxxxxxxx 生物環境科学 生物資源科学 Passwordは連大オフィスまで

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