国連防災世界会議 相馬地方パブリックフォーラム 原発災害後の地域連携と復興への道のり: 相双地区の健康対策から 開会に際して: 越智小枝 相馬中央病院 WCDRR Public Forum Community resilience and recovery after the nuclear disaster:

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Presentation on theme: "国連防災世界会議 相馬地方パブリックフォーラム 原発災害後の地域連携と復興への道のり: 相双地区の健康対策から 開会に際して: 越智小枝 相馬中央病院 WCDRR Public Forum Community resilience and recovery after the nuclear disaster:"— Presentation transcript:

1 国連防災世界会議 相馬地方パブリックフォーラム 原発災害後の地域連携と復興への道のり: 相双地区の健康対策から 開会に際して: 越智小枝 相馬中央病院 WCDRR Public Forum Community resilience and recovery after the nuclear disaster: A health protection in Fukushima Opening remark: Sae Ochi, MD, MPH, PhD Soma Central Hospital Good morning ladies and gentleman, welcome to the public forum on community resilience and recovery after the nuclear disaster. My name is Sae Ochi, director of Internal Medicine at Soma Central Hospital, and I am the organizer of this forum. It is my great honor to welcome you to today's event. Our mission is to present our experience in health protection after the nuclear accident in Fukushima and share an idea how to achieve community resilience.

2 大災害における負の連鎖 Vicious cycle of a disaster
Vulnerable population 更なる弱者 Poor 貧困 Ageing 高齢者 Mentally ill 精神疾患 Losses 喪失 Assets 財産 Family 家族 Land  土地 Collapse 崩壊 Family 家庭 Community コミュニティ Economy 経済 As all the attendance hear already know, huge disaster may cause a vicious cycle. Losses of lives and assets causes collapse of social system. This may also cause spin-off effect such as fear, stigma, demographic change and loss of livelihood, which will lead to deterioration in health. Worsened health will make vulnerable population more vulnerable to disaster. Worsened health  健康被害 Physical  身体的 Mental  精神的 Economical 経済的 Spin-off effect 波及効果 Fear / Anxiety 恐れ・不安 Stigmatisation 風評被害 Ageing population 高齢化 Lack of confidence 自信喪失 Loss of livelihood 活力低下

3 原発事故の健康被害 Impact of nuclear accident on health
≠放射線被害 is not simply owing to that of radiation 避難区域設定による社会混乱 Social panic caused by the settlement of evacuation zone 2.患者の避難による健康被害→及川医師 Health deterioration among evacuated patients→Dr Oikawa 2okm: ‘no-entry zone’ 立ち入り禁止区域 20-30km: 計画的避難区域→屋内退避指示  ‘evacuation zone in case of emergency’; people were recommended to stay at home 30-50km: ‘planned evacuation zone’ 避難準備区域 Today we are talking about nuclear disaster and health. But what we want to insist is that impact of nuclear accident on population health is not simply owing to that of radiation. For example, The settlement of evacuation zone caused huge social panic. Immediately after the nuclear accident, the government set 3types of evacuation zone and in this area, they recommended people to stay inside of house. This is scientifically reasonable, but what happened in the real world wa 科学的には「適切」、しかし実際に起きたことは… Scientifically ‘reasonable’, but in the real world.. 避難可能な人は全員避難  All who could evacuate left the place 50㎞圏の流通が遮断  No supply within 50km 

4 原発事故の健康被害 Impact of nuclear accident on health
3. 長期避難生活による健康被害→森田医師 Worsened chronic conditions due to long-term evacuation→Dr Morita 4. 放射線を避けるリスク Alternative health risks by avoiding radiation 放射線を避けるための行動 People trying to avoid radiation may.. 骨を強くするには Factors to prevent osteoporosis Food食べ物 Calcium カルシウム Vitamin D ビタミンD Vitamin K ビタミンK Exercise 運動 Sunlight 日光 外へ出ないDo not go out 魚を食べないDo not eat fish 野菜を食べないDo not eat vegetables きのこを食べないDo not eat mushroom →全て健康リスクです。All may increase health risks

5 地域創生への正の連鎖へ Positive cycle to recreation
Home land Recreation 地域創生 Disaster 災害 Government 政府 Prompt response 迅速な対応 Prevention 予防措置 Compensation 速やかな補償 Vulnerable population 更なる弱者 Losses 喪失 Collapse 崩壊 Researcher 研究者 Worsened health  健康被害 Timely information 適時の情報提供 Monitoring モニタリング Visualisation 可視化 Education   教育 Spin-off effect  波及効果 Companies & Hospitals 企業・病院 Detection & intervention 調査・介入 Occupational health 労災調査 Health checkup 健康診断

6 Multidisciplinary Co-operation in Soma Area
新地町 Shinchi 飯舘村 Iitate 相馬市 Soma 南相馬市 Minamisoma 20km 20km 30km 1F: Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Powerplant 2F: Fukushima Daini Nuclear Powerplant

7 Multidisciplinary Co-operation in Soma Area
東京大学 University of Tokyo 相馬中央病院 Soma Central Hospital 慶応大学 Keio University 新地町 Shinchi 飯舘村 Iitate 石川建設工業 Ishikawa Construction Co. 相馬市 Soma 南相馬市立総合病院 Minamisoma City Genearal Hospital 南相馬市 Minamisoma 20km 20km 30km

8 Disaster as an opportunity to re-create community around health
労働環境 Occupational health Session 3-1 Shun Ishikawa 石川 俊 未来 Future 活力 Livelihood 健康 Health 革新 Innovation Cooperation 連携 復興 Renovation Education 教育 訪問診療 Medical outreach Session 3-2 Tomoyoshi Oikawa 及川友好 産業Industry 高齢化対策 Ageing society Session 3-5 Tomohiro Morita 森田知宏 放射線防護 Radiation protection Session 3-4 Masaharu Tsubokura 坪倉正治 空間疫学 Spatial epidemiology Session 3-3 Tomoyuki Furutani 古谷知之 住居 Residency

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