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〈Lesson plan for ESD〉 コンパクトシティ化による持続可能な都市発展 Compact City Planning in Japan for sustainable development We are glad to attend this workshop today. We made.

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Presentation on theme: "〈Lesson plan for ESD〉 コンパクトシティ化による持続可能な都市発展 Compact City Planning in Japan for sustainable development We are glad to attend this workshop today. We made."— Presentation transcript:

1 〈Lesson plan for ESD〉 コンパクトシティ化による持続可能な都市発展 Compact City Planning in Japan for sustainable development We are glad to attend this workshop today. We made a lesson plan for ESD. The theme of our lesson is “the compact city planning for sustainable development”. Today we will talk about the compact city planning in the case study of Aomori city. As showing this slide, Aomori locates in the north part of Japan and it has often heavy snow. Takuya IWAMURA (Hiroshima Univ.)& Yoshimichi YUI (Hiroshima Univ.) 岩村拓哉, 由井義通

2 What is basic concept of ESD?
The aim of ESD is cultivation of human resources for sustainable society. 【基本的な考え方】   ESDは、持続可能な社会づくりのための担い手づくりです  ESDの実施には、特に次の2つの観点が必要です -人格の発達や、自律心、判断力、責任感などの人間性を育むこと -他人との関係性、社会との関係性、自然環境との関係性を認識し、「関わり」、「つながり」を尊重できる個人を育むこと   環境教育、国際理解教育、基礎教育、人権教育等の持続可能な発展に関わる諸問題に対応する個別分野の取組のみではなく、様々な分野を多様な方法を用いてつなげ、総合的に取り組むことが重要です Before introducing case study, we will talk about the basic concept of ESD and the compact city planning. Firstly, what is basic concept of ESD? We think one of the basic concepts of ESD is cultivation of human resources for sustainable development. The aim of ESD is cultivation of human resources for sustainable society. So we think it is important to develop the thinking ability of students and to encourage the change of wasteful life style. 岩村:2ページ目(What is basic concept of ESD?) We consider the aim of ESD to be cultivation of human resources of sustainable society. It is important to address ourselves synthetically and integrate various fields about various problems for sustainable development like environmental education, international understanding education, basic education, human rights education, not to address separately.

3 Methods and Ability by ESD
【encourage ability】育みたい力 Systematic thinking: multi viewpoints Findings for variety of values Alternative and critical thinking ability Information analysis ability Communication ability  体系的な思考力(問題や現象の背景の理解、多面的・総合的なものの見方)  持続可能な発展に関する価値観(人間の尊重、多様性の尊重、非排他性、機会均等、環境の尊重等)を見出す力  代替案の思考力(批判力)  情報収集・分析能力  コミュニケーション能力 【 learning methods and teaching methods 】 学び方・教え方 Problem solving attitudes and ability Participant approach Encourage for voluntary based activities  「関心の喚起→理解の深化→参加する態度や問題解決能力の育成」を通じて「具体的な行動」を促すという一連の流れの中に位置付けること  単に知識・技能の習得や活用にとどまらず、体験、体感を重視して、探求や実践を重視する参加型アプローチとすること  活動の場で学習者の自発的な行動を上手に引き出すこと

4 なぜコンパクトシティ構想がESDと関連するのか? Why the compact city planning is related with ESD? Relevance and role of urban sustainability コンパクトシティ構想とESDの目標の共通点 Why the aim of “compact city plan” is the same as sustainable development of city ? コンパクトシティは何を目指すのか? What is purpose of “compact city plan” ? Why the compact city planning is related with ESD ? What is urban sustainability ? Nobody think modern urbanization continue for a long time. Urbanization destroy the forest and fields in their surrounding areas. And each suburbanites needs to use car. Therefore modern suburbanization waste a lot of natural resources. Why the aim of “compact city plan” is the same as sustainable development of city ? What is purpose of “compact city plan” ? Normal city planning is control the urban growth or redevelop the built-up areas. “The compact city planning” is considered as the change of urbanization and the change of life style of urban residents.

5 都市の持続可能な発展とは? What is sustainable development for city
都市の持続可能な発展とは? What is sustainable development for city ? Perceptional change! Sustainable development means harmonious coexistence and symbiotic system between nature and human. (都市の成長をコントロールし,環境との共生を図る) It is important to control urban growth for sustainable development. In order for the success of sustainable development, we must change our lifestyle, for example the establishment a public transportation system. However the establishment of public transportation is not purpose but one of methods for sustainable development. The essence of compact city plan is the change of our traditional idea which urban success is the growth of population and urban area. Therefore we must change our mind that suburbanization is not the way of urban success. (ライフスタイルを変える(例えば、自動車依存から公共交通+徒歩を中心にする等)といった場面が中心になってくるのであって、そのために、都市部に公共施設や住宅が整備されることは非常に効果的なことであると思われますが、それは目的像ではなく、単なる手法の-つです。人口や面積が拡大していくことが、都市の成功であるという考え方を全く違う方向に転換させること、それこそがコンパクトシティ論の本質)

6 郊外化による弊害 What is negative effect of suburbanization?
social shaping depending on the “motorization”. Loading of moving cost: wasting fuel and time Destruction of nature Decline of core shopping area モータリゼーションに依存した社会の形成    移動コストの負荷:長距離通勤・通学    都市開発による自然破壊    農村景観の破壊    中心商店街の衰退 岩村:6ページ目(郊外化による弊害) What is negative effect of suburbanization? ・social shaping depending on the “motorization”. ・the road of moving cost: attending school or commuting long-distance ・the destruction of nature by urban development ・the destruction of rural scenery ・the decline of central shopping district

7 Cost of urbanization Land Use and Transportation Data for Selected Cities, 1990 Car Use per capita (km) % of total passenger km on transit Urban density (persons per ha) Selected European Case Cities Amsterdam 3977 17.7 48.8 Zurich 5197 24.2 47.1 Stockholm 4638 27.3 53.1 Vienna 3964 31.6 68.3 Copenhagen 4558 17.2 28.6 London 3892 29.9 42.3 Selected American Cities Phoenix 11608 0.8 10.5 Boston 10280 3.5 12 Houston 13016 1.1 9.5 Washington 12013 4.6 13.7 Los Angeles 11587 2.1 22.4 New York 8317 10.8 19.2 Timothy Beatley(2000): Green Urbanism 岩村:7ページ目(Cost of urbanization) This table shows the cost of urbanization, comparison between European Case Cities and American Cities. You can find that European Cities’ Urban density is higher than American Cities’ one, and Car Use per capita is opposite result. The total passenger km on transit, we can find that European Case Cities’ value is higher than American Cities’ one. These values show that European Cities are more sustainable than American Cities.

8 Why Aomori city adopts “compact city planning”
Why Aomori city adopts “compact city planning”? A case study of Aomori city: Compact city planning in snow region Urban sprawl Why Aomori city adopts “compact city planning”? Aomori city locates in the north part of Japan. Aomori city is prefecture capital city and has been grew. These graphs shows the change of population, economic growth and motorization. The built up area of Aomori city enlarged and these urban sprawl proceeded. 岩村:8ページ目(Why Aomori city adopts “compact city planning”?) We selected Aomori city as the case study of sustainable city. Aomori city is located in north of Honshu, Japan. These tables show the social change of Aomori city past thirty years. The population continues growing, economic is also growing, and motorization is also. Economic growth motorization

9 青森の事例 A case of Snowy Aomori
Accumulated snow depth (1971~2000):774cm 積算降雪量の平年値 deepest snow depth (1971~2000):114cm 最深積雪の平均値   ※平年値データ使用期間 Aomori This graph shows the depth of snow in Japan. Aomori is one of the deepest snow city. The annual accumulated snow depth is over 7 meters. And the annual average of deepest snow depth is 114 cm. 岩村:9ページ目(A case of Snowy Aomori) This table shows the accumulated snow depth and deepest snow depth of Japanese Cities. These cities are snowy cities in Japan. You can find that Aomori is very snowy.

10 Heavy snow and traffic jam
These pictures show heavy snow and traffic jams in Aomori city.

11 remove snow and clearance
They are removing snow. Many people must clear snow. It is hard work for elder people. .

12 Snow clearance and disposal cost in Aomori city: suburbanization force the cost of snow clearance
1994yr 1995yr 1996yr 1997yr 1998yr 1999yr 2000yr 2001yr 2002yr 2003yr 2004yr 2005yr snow clearance and disposal cost(million yen) 1508.8 1012.8 1479.8 2399.1 1223.6 2897.7 1839.9 1821.6 1657.1 3006.8 2330.1 1099.4 total city road (km) 1,052 1,058 1,063 1,074 1,089 1,103 1,114 1,118 1,131 1,143 1,791 1,790 road length of snow clearance  (km) 1,072 1,083 1,090 1,096 1,111 1,128 1,154 1,162 1,169 1,305 1,319 snow disposal road length (km) 891 maximum depth of snow (cm) 120 82 93 147 87 154 128 79 178 148 58 cumulative total depth of snow (cm) 766 500 569 1,033 763 1,027 722 794 518 1,043 797 335 岩村:12ページ目(Snow clearance and disposal cost in Aomori city) This is the table of snow clearance and disposal cost in Aomori city. Aomori city wastes for snow clearance, it costs about one billion yen to three billion yen in every year, or the cost amounted to eighteen million Euros.

13 Snow clearance and disposal cost in Aomori city
除排雪車両使用台数(2006年)     shovelling car ショベルカー:525cars     dump truck ダンプカー:1192cars     rotary blower グレーダー:31cars     rotary snow remover ロータリーカー:68cars     others その他:127cars         total:1943 cars 岩村:13ページ目(除排雪車両使用台数)  This table shows the amount of cars for snow clearance and disposal. So many and various specialized cars are used to clear and dispose snow.

14 Regulation of urban sprawl: “stop” suburbanization
This slide shows the city planning for Aomori. Municipal government regulates urban development in suburb. They stops the suburbanization in outer area. 岩村:14ページ目(都市構造の基本的考え方) The concept of urbanization -Motorization of “compact city” Functional and efficient urban structure that directs urbanization policy inner city Promotion of the urban development that divides a city into three areas and satisfy the characteristics of each districts. Regulation line

15 Support for immigrant from suburb to inner city
Support for immigrant from suburb to inner city. Aomori municipality stopped suburban development and induce movement from suburb to inner city. ← Migrate ← 岩村:15ページ目(Support for immigrant from suburb to inner city) Aomori city constructs the system of movement from suburb to inner city that dears with the promotion of living in inner city and the hollowing of existing suburban housing development. Elderly households move to inner city, and parenting households move to suburb. Aomori city supports the moving of intergeneration. Public housing for elderly people. This apartment has “convenience store”. Photo by Hirano

16 Compact city planning for Aomori
city library and shopping complex downtown living: Public housing in inner area 岩村:16ページ目(Compact city planning for Aomori) Aomori city arranges the public housing in inner area, and built complex instruction of city library and shopping mall near central station. The compact city planning needs the revitalization of inner city. Revitalization of inner area ミッドライフタワー Photo by Hirano 複合施設 アウガ

17 Practice for compact city
City library in 6-8 floors 岩村:17ページ目(Practice for compact city) These pictures are the outside and inside of the complex instruction. Market in the basement: Fresh foods, vegetables and fish Photo by Hirano

18 Activity1 Think about the impact of suburbanization to people’s life!
郊外化は人々にどのような影響を与えるか考えてみよう。 How dose people change their life style in suburb? 郊外化によって人々のライフスタイルはどのように変化するのか? Compare people’s lifestyle between suburb and core area!   郊外の生活と都心での生活を比較してみよう! We think it is important to develop the lesson materials for ESD which are useful for middle school class in both Japan and Germany. And we think it is necessary to develop the lesson activities and the estimation method for ESD. Because one of key points for the success of ESD is the encouragement of each students attitudes and activities. So, we make some lesson activities for ESD. First activity is follows; Think about the impact of suburbanization to people’s life! This activity aims to understand the basic concept of compact city for students. Next activity is; How dose people change their life style in suburb? 郊外化によって人々のライフスタイルはどのように変化するのか? Compare people’s lifestyle between suburb and core area! We try to rethink students’ lifestyle themselves by learning these activities 岩村:18ページ目(Activity 1) This is one of the lesson materials for ESD, so we should develop activities and make students understand about sustainable society.

19 Activity 2 What is improve by compact city planning?
コンパクトシティのプランは何を改善するためのものだろうか。考えてみよう。 What is necessary to succeed in compact city planning? コンパクトシティのプランが成功するには何が必要だろうか? Discuss about the possibility of compact city planning in your city. 身近な地域でコンパクトシティのプランが可能かどうか討論してみよう? Next activities are aimed for further and deeply thinking. What is improve by compact city planning? コンパクトシティのプランは何を改善するためのものだろうか。考えてみよう。 What is necessary to succeed in compact city planning? コンパクトシティのプランが成功するには何が必要だろうか? Discuss about the possibility of compact city planning in your city. The aim of this lesson plan is encouragement of student thinking ability and participant attitude. We think systematic lesson activities enable to encourage citizenship. We heard some Japanese city adapt compact city planning for their sustainable development in Japan. And we also hear Nurnberg city adapts the compact city planning in Germany. I hope that many people think their wasteful life style and choose the compact city planning in the world.

20 Thank you! Thank for your attention!

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