関係代名詞 目的格の関係代名詞.

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Presentation on theme: "関係代名詞 目的格の関係代名詞."— Presentation transcript:

1 関係代名詞 目的格の関係代名詞

2 What are these? They are candies.

3 candies [ ] which children want [ ]
[                 ] which children want [               ]  子どもたちがほしがっている   アメ

4 Point 文章の中での関係代名詞(節) + <Many candies[which children want]>
are needed on a Halloween night. which children want Point ①関係代名詞に続く部分[関係代名詞節]は先行詞の修飾をする ②先行詞と関係代名詞の部分で<1つのまとまり>(別々にしない)

5 を使ってみよう。Let’s practice
目的格の関係代名詞 を使ってみよう。Let’s practice

6 絵美がつくったケーキはおいしかった。 The cake was delicious . Emi made which it

7 YELLは私が1番好きな歌です。 YELL is a song . I like which it the best

8 ③ The book was very interesting . + I bought which it last week
私が先週買った本はとてもおもしろかった。 The book was very interesting . I bought which it last week

9 ④ Frozen is a movie . + we watched which it yesterday
アナと雪の女王は私たちが昨日見た映画です。 Frozen is a movie . we watched which it yesterday

10 ⑤ The cellphone is an iPhone . + Ken is using which it

11 マイクが昨日会った女性を私は知っています。 I know a woman . Mike met her that yesterday

12 ⑦ The girl is my sister . + Tom called her that yesterday
トムが昨日電話をかけた少女は私の姉です。 The girl is my sister . Tom called her that yesterday

13 ⑧ . + 私はサラが知っている人々に会いたい。 I want to meet some people Sara knows them

14 マリが好きな男性は信次です。 The man is Shinji . Mari likes him that

15 ⑩ . + I’ll play with some children she takes care of that them
私は彼女が世話をしている子どもたちと一緒に遊ぶつもりです。 I’ll play with some children . she takes care of that them


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