十年生の 日本語 Year 10 Writing Portfolio

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1 十年生の 日本語 Year 10 Writing Portfolio
Task One My Family Feedback

2 will write the first page of your writing portfolio about you and your family. Use all the pages in your workbook relating to family to give you ideas of the type of sentences you can write. Also check your Year 9 workbooks for ideas. To achieve you must include the following; A statement about the number of people in your family A list of members of your family, including numbers of siblings. One or two sentences about your family pet(s) and how many there are Information about you, including your name in katakana, year at school, free time activities/sports/hobbies. To achieve Merit or higher you should include; Information about one other family member: name, age, year at school, likes or dislikes, what they do during the week.(write about a sibling or a parent) Where your parents/grandparents come from OR what their nationalities are, OR where they/your family live/lived. What language(s) your family members speak. Where/when/how a family member went recently /will go to. Merit is some of these 4 bullet points; Excellence is most of these bullet points.

3 Information about you, including your name in katakana, year at school, free time activities/sports/hobbies. こんにちわ ひまなとくに なまいえ さよなら

4 A statement about the number of people in your family and list of members
一人 あに わたしの 五人かぞくです。 ちちと ははと いもうとが 二人と わたし います。 四人 かそくです。 ちちと ははと おとうと 一人と あに 一人と ぼくです。 わたしは かぞくは ちちと ははと いもうとと わたしわ わたしは かぞく

5 One or two sentences about your family pet(s) and how many there are
いぬが いつぴき います。 ベットの ねこが 二ひき います。 ペットガ いません。 いぬが いぴきいます。

6 Information about one other family member: name, age, year at school, likes or dislikes, what they do during the week すがくをべんきゅします ははは ラグビー すきです。 ひまなときに りょうり です。 そふわ イギリス人です。 火よう日に 水よう日に こうえん します。

7 Where your parents/grandparents come from OR what their nationalities are, OR where they/your family live/lived イギリスを きました。 サモア きました。 クライストチャーチ すんでいます。 オーストラリアに つんでいます。 ウエストコーストに すいんでいます。

8 What language(s) your family members speak
あねは ロシア語 はなします。

9 Where/when/how a family member went recently
ひこうきに オーストラリアを いきました。 ひこきに フィージーは いきます。 こんしゅ じてんしゃで アカロア います。 あには 土よう日に バスで うみです。

10 General Use kanji for all numbers, counting people, year level etc.
Don’t join two sentences with と。 Spelling of Cashmere High (check your book) What particle after a non-specific time word? What particle after a specific time word? What particle for transport? (except for on foot) You can’t say “Like doing something yet”. This is actually year 12 although we learn it a little in Year 11. Don’t use さん for pets.

11 General (2) Make sure all borrowed words are written in katakana.
You can’t say “ 13 years old AND year 9”. Make 2 sentences. Spelling of New Zealand. Video games???? Make sure you have typed all the symbols for each word. Spelling of Australia (check your book)

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