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After (I) verbed & After (I) verb

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Presentation on theme: "After (I) verbed & After (I) verb"— Presentation transcript:

1 After (I) verbed & After (I) verb
Bたあと & Bてから After (I) verbed & After (I) verb

2 したあとで、 Means “after (subject) verbed”
Combines two sentences by sequencing them. Used in the past tense. Appears in the center of the sentence and is followed by a comma.

3 Samples English sentence:
After Dave spoke to the teacher, he understood. Dave understood after he spoke to the teacher.

4 Samples – English English sentence:
After Dave spoke to the teacher, he understood. Dave understood after he spoke to the teacher. This is the order the Japanese will be in – whatever follows “after” goes first.

5 Sample – 日本語 デーブは先生にはなしたあとで、わかりました。
After Dave spoke to the teacher, he understood. Dave spoke to the teacher デーブは先生にはなした (PF past is base ta) After あとで、 He understood わかりました。 デーブは先生にはなしたあとで、わかりました。

6 してから、 Means “after (subject) verb”
Combines two sentences by sequencing them. Used in the present (future) tense. Appears in the center of the sentence and is followed by a comma.

7 Samples English sentence:
After Dave speaks to the teacher, he will understand. Dave will understand after he speaks to the teacher.

8 Sample – English English sentence:
After Dave speaks to the teacher, he will understand. Dave will understand after he speaks to the teacher. This is the order the Japanese will be in – whatever follows “after” goes first.

9 Sample – 日本語 After Dave speaks to the teacher, he will understand.
デーブは先生にはなす→はなして After から、 He will understand. わかります。 デーブは先生にはなしてから、わかります。

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