Understanding Japanese Business Culture

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1 Understanding Japanese Business Culture
Business Seminars for Non-Japanese Businesspersons: Useful tips for doing business in Japan Registration Fax to  03-3843-1206 Year of 2010  Taito Chapter, The Tokyo Chamber of Commerce and Industry  東京商工会議所 台東支部     NEW Understanding Japanese Business Culture   日本のビジネス文化・慣習を学ぶ (在日外国ビジネスパーソン対象講座) ●Objectives: Prepare for the unique challenges of working with Japanese people and doing business in Japan. Reinforce lessons learned and correct cultural misunderstandings by non-Japanese currently living and working here.   東京商工会議所台東支部では、在日の外国ビジネスパーソンを対象としたセミナーを開催いたします。“独特”ともいわれる日本のビジネス文化・慣習を学び、理解することは、社内外における円滑なコミュニケーションや業務推進、またビジネスの発展のためにも重要です。本講座は、昨年も東京商工会議所本部で主催をし、大変好評を得た講座です。貴社の外国ビジネスパーソンのご参加等、お待ちしております。なお、本講義はすべて英語で、通訳なしで実施いたします。 A summary of the main cultural differences General business etiquette Case study and workshop 1 Decision-making process in Japan Meetings Contracts Case study and workshop 2 Customer relations Issue resolution Information sharing Lecture will be in English  (講義は英語のみ、通訳なし) ■Lecturer (講師) Mr. Philip Deane, President, Globalinx  Mr. Deane has lived in Japan since 1990, and he has worked as a business skill instructor since He became Program Director for GLOBALINX in 2004, responsible for developing business skill seminars and coordinating training programs and events. In 2008, he was appointed President of the company. ◆Registration(お申込み)◆ Please return this sheet to the TCCI office by fax. The TCCI office will then send you a confirmation letter by fax once the registration is completed. (本申込書にご記入の上、FAX(3843-1206)にてご連絡ください。) ■Payment (お支払いについて)      We can accept funds via bank transfer only. We’ll inform our bank account to participants later, upon registration. (銀行振込のみ) ■Cancellation (キャンセルについて) If you would like to cancel a seminar for which you have registered, please let us know. Unless you notify us, we will ask you to pay a cancellation fee for no-shows. The cancellation fees are as given below. Notifications made 5 or fewer working days before the day of the event: 30% of total price (70% refund)  The seminar day / no show: 100% of total price (no refund) Additionally, if the number of participants does not reach the minimum targeted number, the seminar could be canceled.. In such a case, we would inform the participants 2 weeks prior to the seminar day at the latest and refund the full payment. ■Privacy Policy (個人情報取り扱いについて) Your information is restricted to use by TCCI alone. TCCI will use your information to organize the seminar and to send you (by postal mail, , and fax) further information on TCCI seminars, events, and activities. If you prefer not to receive any information from TCCI other than regarding the seminar(s) for which you have registered, please specify so in the registration form. ■Price:  TCCI members (東商会員、お一人) 9,000円 (参加費) Non-TCCI member (東商非会員、お一人)  18,000円                 (including tax、税込)  ■Date & Time: (日時) Thursday, Nov. 18, 2010   (平成22年11月18日、木曜日) 15: :30 (lecture、講義) Followed by a networking gathering for about one hour with light snacks and drinks                        (講座終了後、1時間程度の交流会あり) ■Venue: (会場) Taito Citizens’ Hall (台東区民会館) Address: Hanakawado, Taito-Ku, Tokyo,   (最寄駅:浅草) 【Contact】  Akiko Saito (斉藤),   Phone 03-3842-5031  Fax 03-3843-1206 2-6-5 Hanakawado, Taito-Ku, Tokyo (連絡先)  別途、10月25日(月)に国際ビジネス交流会を開催いたします。ご関心の向きは台東支部にお問い合わせください。We are holding a business networking gathering on Oct If you have interested, please feel free to contact us. Please do not cut Registration Form [お申込書] Participating in (参加) □ Seminar Only(セミナーのみ) / □ Seminar and Networking gathering (セミナーと交流会)   Date   / /2010 Company (会社名) Industry (業種) Membership TCCI member(会員) / Non-TCCI member(非会員) Mailing Address (住所)  TCCI Membership ID # 会員番号 MEMO (備考欄) Name (参加者氏名) Title(役職) Department(部署) Phone (電話) Fax

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