Matthew McMullen Nanzan Institute for Religion and Culture

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Presentation on theme: "Matthew McMullen Nanzan Institute for Religion and Culture"— Presentation transcript:

1 Matthew McMullen Nanzan Institute for Religion and Culture
Introduction to the Study of Buddhism 仏教学概論 宗教史ii q c58–001 (hc–phi–2092) Matthew McMullen Nanzan Institute for Religion and Culture マシュー・マクマレン 南山宗教文化研究所

2 Where did Buddhism begin? 仏教はどこに成立された?
Japan 日本 India 印度 America 米国 France 仏国


4 Who was the Buddha? ブッダは誰だった?
a prince 王子 a sage 聖人 an ascetic 修行者 all of the above

5 Acts of the Buddha

6 3rd century, Gandhara (from MET)

7 What did the Buddha teach? ブッダは何を教えた?
Life is good 人生が善い Life is eternal 人生が無限 Life is suffering 人生が苦しい Life is meaningless 人生が無駄

8 Four Noble Truths 四諦 All life is suffering 苦諦
Suffering is caused by desire 集諦 Suffering can end if such desire ceases 滅諦 By following the Eight-fold Path 八正道 Correct views 正見 Correct thoughts 正思惟 Correct speech 正語 Correct action 正業 Correct livelihood 正命 Correct effort 正精進 Correct mindfulness 正念 Correct concentration 正定

9 What happened to the Buddha after he died? ブッダは死んでから、何行われた?
He ascended to heaven and became a god 天国へ上って、神になった He was reborn in this world (samsara) この世界に再生された(輪廻) Actually, he is not dead 実は不死している He calmly extinguished (entered nirvana) 寂滅された(入涅槃)

10 Nirvana 涅槃 Reclining Buddha Wat Pho, Bangkok

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