Task 1 Match the Hiragana words with the pictures

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1 LL291 Week 2 Friday Homework To be submitted by email by 13 Oct (Monday) 11:00am Name: _________
Task 1 Match the Hiragana words with the pictures. (There are more pictures than words) e.g にほん Answer e.g. D 1 とけい A B C 2 きもの 3 おはよう D E F 4 さようなら

2 Task 2 Choose the hiragana words which are written correctly e.g A にはん
LL291 Week 2 Friday Homework To be submitted by by 13 Oct (Monday) 11:00am Name: _________ Task 2 Choose the hiragana words which are written correctly e.g A にはん Bにほん Cにまん Answer B 5 Aかさ Bかき Cかち umbrella 6 Aすし Bすうし Cすしい sushi 7 Aはん Bほの Cほん book 8 Aねたし Bわたし Cれたし me

3 Task 3 Listen to the words and choose the words as pronounced. e.g
LL291 Week 2 Friday Homework To be submitted by by 13 Oct (Monday) 11:00am Name: _________ Task 3 Listen to the words and choose the words as pronounced. e.g A みほん Bにほん Cにまん Answer B 9 Aいぬ Bいす Cいち 10 Aさま Bはま Cやま 11 Aみみ Bみい Cみ 12 Aよみます Bのみます Cのります

4 LL291 Week 2 Friday Homework To be submitted by email by 13 Oct (Monday) 11:00am Name: _________
Task 4 Listen to the words and choose the words as pronounced. e.g Institution/person university Phone number 231-4578 9 13 14 10 15 16 11 17 18 12 19 20

5 スクリプト 大学の 電話番号は 231-4578です。 銀行の 電話番号は 310-8246です。 先生の携帯の番号は 206-7113です。 会社の電話番号は、130-2197ではありません。230-2179で す。 129-2307は、銀行の電話番号ではありません。大使館の電話番 号です。

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