極紫外撮像分光装置 (EIS) 国立天文台 渡 邊 鉄 哉


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Presentation transcript:

極紫外撮像分光装置 (EIS) 国立天文台 渡 邊 鉄 哉 EIS H.Hara Home Page http://solarwww.mtk.nao.ac.jp/hara/eis_home_J.html

(Imaging Spectroscopy) (Pseudo-spectroheliograph) 撮 像 分 光 (Imaging Spectroscopy) と オーバーラッポグラフ (Overlappograph) (Pseudo-spectroheliograph) (命名者 H. Zirin?)

Overlappographの原理 凹面回折格子

EIS光路図 Slit/slot; 1”, 2”, 40”, 250” 多層膜主鏡 (15cmΦ) 東西スキャン 2波長域 250-290 Å 170-210 Å 多層膜凹面回折格子

観測領域 精密スキャン領域 東西 240 (360) arcsec スリット・スロット幅 1”, 2 ”, 40 ”, 250” (4位置) スリット長 512 arcsec (1pixel=13.5µm=1arcsec) 最短露出間隔 < 1 秒 (sit&stare/overlappograph), <1.3秒 (raster) 観測波長域 170 - 210Å & 250 - 290Å 観測温度域 105 – 2 × 107 °K (via HeII ~ FeXXIV) 観測密度領域 108 – 1012 cm-3 (via FeXII) 観測速度域 Δv ~20 kms-1/pix (250 – 290Å); 1000ph → 1kms-1 (輝線中心波長) , 3kms-1 (輝線幅)




フレア( 3)ピーク M


EISチームの優先観測課題 Coronal Mass Ejection Onset: first spatial velocity and dimming measurement at high temporal resolution Coronal Hole Boundaries: the first measurement of intensity and velocity field at the coronal hole boundary Quiet Sun Brightenings: the first determination of the relationship between different categories of quiet Sun events. Flare trigger and dynamics: the first spatial determination of evaporation and turbulence in a flare Active region heating: the first spatial determination of the velocity field in active region loops

EIS Science Planning Guide We are developing this on our web site: http://www.mssl.ucl.ac.uk/solar-b/espg.html Includes an EIS study form in order to ‘play’ with your own personal observing plans. Includes a list of EIS studies produced by the EIS team Includes line lists and intensities in different regions of activity Includes a set of science data products Includes a proposed operations planning procedure Includes an initial science plan for the first 3 months