How do you read HIRAGANA?


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Presentation transcript:

How do you read HIRAGANA? B 03 HIRAGANA ひらがな How do you read HIRAGANA?

Index Hiragana Websites Hiragana: How do you read it? Hiragana Chart: How does it work? Tip 1: a i u e o Tip 2: shi, chi, tsu, fu, n Tip 3: ten ten Let’s Read Hiragana!

Hiragana Chart & Sounds Hiragana Websites Hiragana Chart & Sounds Hiragana Robot Okochama Yochien Hiragana Song Genki Nihongo Genki Kokugo

Hiragana Websites Hiragana Games Broken Hiragana Hiragana Drag-n-Drop Listen Words Kana Invaders H Card Match H Typing Game

How do you read Hiragana? So, now you wonder “How can I read the manga, written in Hiragana?” Easy! Using the Hiragana chart, you’ll be able to read anything in Hiragana today!

How does Hiragana chart work? The following is the Hiragana chart. It enables you to read ANY words in Hiragana, which is the most common character set of the three. W R Y M H N T S K わ ら や ま は な た さ か あ a り み ひ に ち し き い I ん る ゆ む ふ ぬ つ す く う u れ め へ ね て せ け え e を ろ よ も ほ の と そ こ お o You can find a Hiragana chart in your Textbook, Workbook and also you can find it on the Internet. Hiragana chart is your best friend when reading Japanese!

How does Hiragana chart work? So, let’s get to know your Japanese best friend, Hiragana chart. It has all the 46 Hiragana characters in it. W R Y M H N T S K わ ら や ま は な た さ か あ a り み ひ に ち し き い I ん る ゆ む ふ ぬ つ す く う u れ め へ ね て せ け え e を ろ よ も ほ の と そ こ お o Hiragana chart also has English characters on the top and right. All you need to do to read a Hiragana character is to locate it in the chart, find what English characters are in the row and column. Combine the one on the top (consonant) and right (vowel).

How does Hiragana chart work? の り Let’s try. You found an interesting item at a super market and a Hiragana word is written on it. The word is: Can you find the these two Hiragana characters in the chart? W R Y M H N T S K わ ら や ま は な た さ か あ a り み ひ に ち し き い I ん る ゆ む ふ ぬ つ す く う u れ め へ ね て せ け え e を ろ よ も ほ の と そ こ お o The FIRST Hiragana is here. の り The SECOND Hiragana is here.

How does Hiragana chart work? の り So, the word reads NORI, which means “dried seaweed”! Now, you are ready to read the Hiragana word out. Check the English characters on the top and right of those two Hiragana. W R Y M H N T S K わ ら や ま は な た さ か あ a り み ひ に ち し き い I ん る ゆ む ふ ぬ つ す く う u れ め へ ね て せ け え e を ろ よ も ほ の と そ こ お o NORI The FIRST Hiragana の aligns with N and O. So it reads NO. The SECOND Hiragana り aligns with R and I. So it reads RI.

Tip 1: a i u e o Before trying to read some more Hiragana words using Hiragana chart, let’s grab some “Hiragana reading tips”. The first tip is on “a i u e o”. These five on the right side of the chart are called vowels. a “a” always reads “a” for “Wasabi”. i “i” always reads “i” for “Nintendo”. u “u” always reads “i” for “Sushi”. e “e” always reads “e” for “Sensei”. o “o” always reads “o” for “Toyota”.

Tip 2: shi, chi, tsu, fu, n し shi ち chi つ tsu ふ fu ん n The second tip is on some individual Hiragana. The following five don’t fit to the chart exactly. し shi This is under “si” in the chart but it’s actually “shi”. ち chi This is under “ti” in the chart but it’s actually “chi”. つ tsu This is under “tu” in the chart but it’s actually “tsu”. ふ fu This is under “hu” in the chart but it’s actually “fu”. (Except it’s not a “teeth-lip” sound but “round-lips” sound) ん n This is sort of out of the chart. It’s “n” for “futon”.

Tip 3: てんてん ten ten て te → で de く ku → ぐ gu K + ゛ = G S + ゛ = Z The third tip is “ten ten”. A Hiragana character sometimes has extra two dots called “ten ten”. く ku → ぐ gu て te → で de This magical “ten ten” helps you to create more sounds. See how the Hiragana sound changes with “ten ten”. K + ゛ = G e.g. かka + ゛ = がga S + ゛ = Z e.g. さsa + ゛ = ざza T + ゛ = D e.g. たta + ゛ = だda H + ゛ = B e.g. はba + ゛ = ばba

Quizzes Hiragana chart しshi, ちchi, つtsu, ふfu, んn What helps you to read Japanese written in Hiragana? Hiragana chart Wasabi, Nintendo, Sushi, Sensei, Toyota How do you pronounce the five vowels “a i u e o” in Japanese? ゆis aligned Y and U, so it’s YU. You found this Hiragana, ゆ. How do you read it out using the Hiragana chart? しshi, ちchi, つtsu, ふfu, んn In the Hiragana chart, which five characters don’t exactly fit the chart? “ten ten” changes the Hiranaga reading. e.g. K + ゛ = G Sometimes a Hiragana character gets two dots (ten ten) with it. What happens?

Let’s Read Hiragana! の そ く て ろ へ LEVEL 1 NO SO TE KU HE RO By using a Hiragana chart, see if you can read (sound out) the following Hiragana characters. LEVEL 1 の そ NO SO く て TE KU ろ へ HE RO

Let’s Read Hiragana! LEVEL 2 い み i MI こ え E KO う よ YO RO

Let’s Read Hiragana! LEVEL 3 け か KE KA に た TA NI せ ま MA SE

Let’s Read Hiragana! LEVEL 4 は わ HA WA ほ ね NE HO れ ぬ NU RE

Let’s Read Hiragana! LEVEL 5 あ ち A CHI し ふ FU SHI つ ん N TSU

Let’s Read Hiragana! LEVEL 6 ぐ び GU BI ず ご GO ZU で ぞ ZO DE

Let’s Read Hiragana! すし からて せんせい sushi karate teacher Now, read the following WORDS and see if you can get their MEANINGS. すし sushi su shi からて karate ka ra te せんせい teacher se n se i

Let’s Read Hiragana! つなみ わさび しいたけ にほんご tsunami wasabi Japanese Some more words to find their meanings! つなみ tsunami tsu na mi わさび wasabi wa sa bi しいたけ shitake mushroom shi i ta ke にほんご Japanese ni ho n go