With Miss Digitally Angry Clock-Face


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Presentation transcript:

With Miss Digitally Angry Clock-Face Handy Ordinal Numbers With Miss Digitally Angry Clock-Face

Hello! I am Miss Digitally Angry Clock-Face, and I am here to teach you ordinal numbers. So pay attention.

Ordinal numbers show you which order things are in.

いちばんめ 一番目 First (1st)

にばんめ 二番目 Second (2nd)

さんばんめ 三番目 Third (3rd)

よんばんめ 四番目 Fourth (4rd)

ごばんめ 五番目 Fifth (5th)

ろくばんめ 六番目 Sixth (6th)

ななばんめ 七番目 Seventh (7th)

はちばんめ 八番目 Eighth (8th)

きゅうばんめ 九番目 Ninth (9th)

じゅうばんめ 十番目 Tenth (10th)

じゅういちばんめ 十一番目 Eleventh (11th)

じゅうにばんめ 十二番目 Twelfth (12th)

From 13th to 19th, you only have to add “th” to the end of the number,


And of course, TWENTIETH! にじゅうばんめ 二十番目 And of course, TWENTIETH!

Here are some examples!

いちばんめ いえ 一番目の家 The first house

   にばんめ  き 二番目の木 The second tree

さんばんめ 三番目のシマウマ The third zebra

よんかい 四階 The fourth floor

ごばんめ 五番目のボトル 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 The fifth bottle

And so on! Now watch Angry Olympics 10, you’re ready for some practice!

Join us again!