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Presentation transcript:


東 ひがし east

https://upload. wikimedia https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/0/00/Seibu-railway-SI14-Higashi-kurume-station-sign-20150213.jpg Map from Google Maps This is a sign from 東久留米駅 (ひがしくるめえき) which is the train station located at in the Higashi-Kurume district in the outskirts of Tokyo.

東口 ひがし ぐち east exit

NO http://japan-magazine.jnto.go.jp/jntowm/wp-content/uploads/narita_tokyo_13.jpg This is a common sign within the Japanese metro system. As most stations have multiple exits, the easiest way to not get lost is to figure out which direction the destination is from the station and head for that exit, unlike American metro systems that favor using the street on which the exit occurs as the identifying feature (here’s to you, DC metro)

西 にし west

https://upload. wikimedia https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/0/04/Japanese_Road_sign_(Direction_and_Exit_B).svg/466px-Japanese_Road_sign_(Direction_and_Exit_B).svg.png The above is a reproduced image of a street sign for traffic directed toward 西神田 (にしかんだ), an area in the northern part of central Tokyo.

西口 にし ぐち west exit

NO http://japan-magazine.jnto.go.jp/jntowm/wp-content/uploads/narita_tokyo_13.jpg This is the same common sign within the Japanese metro system. As most stations have multiple exits, the easiest way to not get lost is to figure out which direction the destination is from the station and head for that exit, unlike American metro systems that favor using the street on which the exit occurs as the identifying feature (here’s to you, DC metro)

南 みなみ south

http://www. rantlifestyle http://www.rantlifestyle.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/07/show-you-the-world.jpg

南口 みなみ ぐち south exit

NO http://www.exploringtokyo.com/images/photos/guides/guide_yamanote/otsuka-sugamo/processed_intro/otsuka-station%20013.jpg This is a common sign style within the Japanese metro system. This is the south exit variation. As most stations have multiple exits, the easiest way to not get lost is to figure out which direction the destination is from the station and head for that exit, unlike American metro systems that favor using the street on which the exit occurs as the identifying feature (here’s to you, DC metro)

北 きた north

http://www. rantlifestyle http://www.rantlifestyle.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/07/show-you-the-world.jpg

北口 きた ぐち north exit

NO http://www.exploringtokyo.com/images/photos/guides/guide_yamanote/otsuka-sugamo/processed_intro/otsuka-station%20012.jpg This is a common sign style within the Japanese metro system. This is the north exit variation. As most stations have multiple exits, the easiest way to not get lost is to figure out which direction the destination is from the station and head for that exit, unlike American metro systems that favor using the street on which the exit occurs as the identifying feature (here’s to you, DC metro)

出る で  to exit

http://www. rantlifestyle http://www.rantlifestyle.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/07/show-you-the-world.jpg

出口 で ぐち exit

A generic Japanese metro exit sign http://www.jnto.go.jp/eng/arrange/transportation/f_languages/img/s1_12.jpg A generic Japanese metro exit sign

右 みぎ right

http://www. rantlifestyle http://www.rantlifestyle.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/07/show-you-the-world.jpg

左 ひだり left

http://www. rantlifestyle http://www.rantlifestyle.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/07/show-you-the-world.jpg

五分 ご ふん five minutes

NO http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/51hH-oee6fL._SY344_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg The text reads 朝5分ドリル (あさごぷんドリル) or Morning 5 Minute Drill which is a book that helps build the reading skills of Japanese children over time.

十分 じゅっぷん/じっぷん ten minutes

http://www. rantlifestyle http://www.rantlifestyle.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/07/show-you-the-world.jpg

先生 せん せい teacher

http://www. rantlifestyle http://www.rantlifestyle.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/07/show-you-the-world.jpg

学生 がく せい student

http://www. rantlifestyle http://www.rantlifestyle.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/07/show-you-the-world.jpg

大学生 だい がく せい college student

http://www. rantlifestyle http://www.rantlifestyle.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/07/show-you-the-world.jpg

大きい おお big

The text reads こども大百科 (こどもだいひゃっか) or Children’s Large Encyclopedia. NO http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/51ahI%2BiDmzL._SY344_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg The text reads こども大百科 (こどもだいひゃっか) or Children’s Large Encyclopedia.

大学    だい がく university

NO The text reads 東京大学 (とうきょうだいがく) or The University of Tokyo. Also known as Todai, this large university in Toyko features signature Red Gate and has an annual International Festival during the summer. http://logonoid.com/images/university-of-tokyo-logo.png

外国 がい こく foreign country

NO http://www.tufs.ac.jp/english/tufs_common/images/base/header_logo_01.png The text reads 東京外国語大学 (とうきょうがいこくごだいがく) or Tokyo University of Foreign Studies.

外国人 がい こく じん foreigner

https://upload. wikimedia https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/b/bd/Japanese_only_sign.jpg The text reads 外国人の方の入場をお断りいたします (がいこくひとのかたのにゅうじょうをおことわりいたします) which means “We refuse the admission of foreigners” and appears in this photo in Hokkaido on the front door of a bathhouse. This practice originated after drunk Russian sailors caused uneasiness with business owners in the are and was challenged by activist Debito Arudou with success.

中国 ちゅう ごく China

http://www. rantlifestyle http://www.rantlifestyle.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/07/show-you-the-world.jpg