Dianne De Leon 1st Period


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Presentation transcript:

Dianne De Leon 1st Period Japanese 3 Lessons 9 & 10

Lesson 9 - Cause で following a nominal dictates that nominal as the cause of a particular state. Examples: わるいてんきで海に行きませんでした。 Because of bad weather, I did not go to the beach. 学校でたくさんのことをしっています。 Because of school, I know a lot of things.

Lesson 9 - Approximate # When stating an approximate amount, the last number is used with the counter. Examples: 四、五日前からべんきょうをしました。 I studied for the past 4 or 5 days. 二十、二十五人はえいがかんにいます。 There are 20 to 25 people at the movie theater.

Lesson 9 - Decide to/not to The dictionary or informal negative form of a verb + こと means decide to do or decide not to do. Examples: きっさてんへ行くことにしました。 I have decided to go to a coffee shop. 今日はれんしゅうをしないことにしました。 I have decided not to practice today.

Lesson 9 - Only The particle しか, only, is used with a predicate in negative form. Examples: この本しか読みません。 I’m reading only this book. かみしか二枚ありません。 I only have two pieces of paper.

Lesson 9 - Adverbs To turn an い adjective into an adverb, drop the last い and add く. Examples: 店へ早く行って。 Go to the store quickly. 学校におそく来ました。 I came to school late.

Lesson 9 - Do in advance おく means put or place; when used after the - て form of another verb, it means to do something in advance for a future purpose. Examples: しけんはあしたあるから、今日べんきょうをしておきます。 Since there is a test tomorrow, I am studying today. あしたいそがしいだから、今日しゅくだいをしておきます。 Since I will be busy tomorrow, I am doing homework today.

Lesson 9 - Per The particle に can mean per. Examples: 一日に三回食べます。 I eat three times per day. 一しゅうかんに五日学校に行きます。 I go to school five days a week.

Lesson 9 - Duration The で particle can indicate duration; it means something will finish by the end of that time. Examples: パーティーは一時間でおわります。 The party will be over in an hour. ここ二十分で来ますか。 Will you come here in 20 minutes?

Lesson 9 - Tentative Verb でしょう is more tentative that です or ます and means perhaps, maybe, or probably. Examples: 雨が十分でやむでしょう。 The rain will (probably) end in 10 minutes. そこへ三十分に行くでしょう。 I will (probably) go there in 30 minutes.

Lesson 10 - Potential Form Verbs To turn a 5-だん verb into potential form, add ます to the えーだん. For 1-だん verbs, add られます to the stem. The objects in these sentences take the particle が instead of を. Examples: ここからうちが見えます。 I can see my house from here. この日本語の本が読めます。 I can read this Japanese book.

Lesson 10 - Decided When ことになりました is added to the dictionary or informal negative form of a verb, it means it has been decided that/ not to. Examples: 買いものに行くことになりました。 It has been decided that I am going shopping. 今日は友だちが会わないことになりました。 It has been decided that I am not meeting my friend today.

Lesson 10 - How To Removing ます, stem + 方 (かた) means how to. Examples: 英語を話し方がわかります。 I know how to speak English. そふはコンピュータをつかい方がわかりません。 My grandfather does not know how to use a computer.

Lesson 10 - Counters -わ, -こ, -ちょう, and -ふくろ are counters. わ is used to count bunches of things, like flowers. (Exceptions: 3 = ば; 6, 8, 10 = ぱ; how many = なんば) はなはごわあります。= There are 5 bunches of flowers. こ is used to count objects that are somewhat round, like oranges, cabbages, candies, etc. あめがさんこほしいです。= I want 3 candies.

Lesson 10 - Counters (cont.) ちょう is used to count とうふ. とうふはなんちょうほしいですか。= How much tofu do you want? ふくろ means bag and is used to count bags of things. やさいがあそこにななふくろあります。= There are 7 bags of vegetables over there.

Lesson 10 - Fractions Fractions are said as “(denominator) ぶんの (numerator)”. Examples: あめがごぶんのさんひとふくろです。 It is 3/5 of a bag of candy. 水がにぶんのいちカップもちます。 I have 1/2 a cup of water.

Lesson 10 - To Cut or Chop 切ります (きります) means to cut or chop and is preceded by an adverb or nominal + に to describe shape, size, or number. Examples: 魚が二つに切ります。 I am cutting the fish into two pieces. 大きく切ってください。 Please cut it largely.

Lesson 10 - Adjective > Nominal To turn an い adjective into a nominal, replace the last い with さ. It describes a state of being. Examples: 家の大きさは好きです。 I like the largeness of the house. ながさはーインチです。 The length is one inch.

Lesson 10 - Or The particle か, meaning or, is used between nominals. Examples: ねこかいぬは好きですか。 Do you like cats or dogs? ここかそこに行きますか。 Are you going here or there?

Lesson 10 - Conditional Form For conditional form: add ら to the た form N + だ: たんじょうびだったら If it’s a birthday Adjectival Nominal + だ: しずかだったら If it is quiet Verb: うたったら If you sing Adj: はやかったら If it is early/ fast Plain neg.: 飲まなかったら If you drink

Lesson 10 - Match/Goes Well With 合います (あいます), meaning match or goes well with, uses the particle に. Examples: このくつはシャツに合います。 These shoes match the shirt. セリアルはキルクに合います。 Cereal goes well with milk.

Lesson 10 - Particle に The particle に is used to show the location of the result of an action after the action occurs. Examples: 母は魚屋に行きます。 Mother is going to the fish market. 学校に来ましたか。 Did you come to school?

Lesson 10 - Each A number or quantity word followed by ずつ means each. Examples: ねこといぬが二ひきずついます。 I have two dogs and two cats. (two each) 学生にかみを一枚ずつやって。 Give one piece of paper to each student.

Lesson 10 - Before Doing 前に means before. The dictionary form of a verb followed by 前に means before doing. The time interval is placed between the verb and 前。 Examples: れんしゅうをする前にあるばいとをしました。 I did part-time work before practicing. しけんをうける一時間前にべんきょうをしました。 I studied one hour before taking a test.

Lesson 10 - Contractions …といて is the contraction of ておいて. Contractions are commonly used in conversation. Examples: 私にまかしといて。 Leave it to me. 二百円かしといて。 Lend me 200 yen.

Lesson 10 - I’d Be Willing To Te form of a verb + も + いい means I’d be willing to or it is alright with me to do, when referring to one’s own action. Examples: 私が本を買ってもいい。 I’d be willing to buy the book. 一時間であってもいい。 I’d be willing to meet in one hour.

Lesson 10 - Informal Imperative Form The informal imperative form is used by males among close friends. よ often follows it. For 5-だん verbs: え-ending その水でおよげ。 Swim in that water. ビールをのめ。 Drink beer. For 1-だん verbs: add ろ to the stem. すしをたべろ。 Eat sushi.

JA3 Lessons 9 & 10 END