Japanese Language Education for Newcomer Children in Japan Public Schools: Sufficient or Insufficient? B15660 Tomomi Koguchi.


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Presentation transcript:

Japanese Language Education for Newcomer Children in Japan Public Schools: Sufficient or Insufficient? B15660 Tomomi Koguchi

The Number of Students who Need Extra Help 図2 MEXT 2015:5

1.Introduction 図1 MEXT 2015:5

Article about Newcomer Children 日本語苦手、留学生がお助け 浪速区と専門学校、協定結ぶ 【大 阪】 学校現場で、海外にルーツをもち日本語に習熟していない子どもたち を、留学生が支援する取り組みが広がっている。外国人が多く住む大 阪市浪速区は4日、留学生の専門学校と協定を結び、区内の全小中学 校を対象に留学生を派遣することにした。 外国にルーツをもつ子どもは年々増えている。国際結婚や多国間を移 動する家族の増加が背景にあるとみられ、大学生や留学生による学習 支援が広がっている。 日本語指導が必要な児童生徒約8千人を抱える愛知県では、愛知教 育大が周辺4市の小中約30校に日本語教師や教員志望のボランティ ア学生を派遣。東京都荒川区は2009年度から中国人留学生のボラ ンティアを区立の小中学校に派遣しており、今年度は3校で19人が 支援にあたった。 毎日新聞 2015年11月04日 夕刊

図3 MEXT 2015:7

Japanese Language Education for Newcomer Children in Japan Public Schools: Sufficient or Insufficient?

Outline 1. Introduction 2. Defining Terms 3. Evidence for Sufficient 4. Evidence for Insufficient 5. Analysis 6. Conclusion

Outline 1. Introduction 2. Defining Terms 3. Evidence for Sufficient 4. Evidence for Insufficient 5. Analysis 6. Conclusion

Japanese Language Education for Newcomer Children in Japan Public Schools: Sufficient or Insufficient?

Defining Terms Newcomer Children: children who were born and brought up outside Japan (Burgess 2007) Sufficient: enough to meet a need or purpose (Collins 2009: 1633) Insufficient: not enough to meet a need or purpose(Collins 2009: 1633)

The Japanese government and local governments provide enough language support for children who do not speak Japanese as their mother tongue, or the support is not enough

Outline 1. Introduction 2. Defining Terms 3. Evidence for Sufficient 4. Evidence for Insufficient 5. Analysis 6. Conclusion

3. Evidence for sufficient 3-1. Japan provides necessary money for education for newcomer children 3-2. Japan gives some support for those children

3-1. Japan provides necessary money for education for newcomer children Japan spend 2.3 billion yen(20億3000万円) to deal with the problem as初等中等教育段階におけるグローバルな視点に立っ て活躍する人材の育成 (2015-2016) →前年度に比べ、2000万円の予算増 (MEXT 2016: 51,53)

3-2.Japan gives some support for those children a) Hire additional teachers for teaching Japanese since 1992 b) JSL curriculum c) Over 80 percent of schools and students can get extra help to some extent(MEXT 2014)

Outline 1. Introduction 2. Defining Terms 3. Evidence for Sufficient 4. Evidence for Insufficient 5. Analysis 6. Conclusion

4. Evidence for Insufficient 1) The difficulty to enter high school 2) The lack of staff to help newcomer students and teachers’ knowledge

4-1. The difficulty to enter high school the percentage of students who go on to high schools Japanese students: about 97% Newcomer students: about 50% + Quota for newcomer students is not enough. (CLAIR 2016)

4-2. The lack of staff to help newcomer students and teachers’ knowledge a) The number of additional teachers for teaching Japanese is not enough →many problems of employment (Sakuma:2011) b) Teachers’ misunderstanding (Kanai:2012)

Outline 1. Introduction 2. Defining Terms 3. Evidence for Sufficient 4. Evidence for Insufficient 5. Analysis 6. Conclusion

5. Analysis 3-1. Not enough money 3-2. Big gaps between urban area and rural area

3. Evidence for sufficient 3-1. Japan provides necessary money for education for newcomer children 3-2. Japan gives some support for those children

3-1. Not enough money (Analysis) Japan gives a subsidy of only one third of money each local government spent for the program →Local areas do not have enough money to help newcomer children

3-2. Big gaps between urban area and rural area (Analysis) Newcomer children in urban area with high concentrations of newcomer are easy to get such support (Burgess 2007) →Newcomer children in rural area with low concentrations of newcomer are not easy to get such support

4-1. Extra consideration for newcomer children (Analysis) Entrance examination for high school ―Chinese characters with hiragana ―Paper-dictionary (Tokyo)

4. Evidence for Insufficient a) The difficulty to enter high school b) The lack of staff to help newcomer students and teachers’ knowledge

4-1. Extra consideration for newcomer children (Analysis) Entrance examination for high school ―Chinese characters with hiragana ―Paper-dictionary (Tokyo)

Answer Sheet 東京都教育委員会 2016

4-1. a)Extra consideration for newcomer children (Analysis) Entrance examination for high school ―Chinese characters with hiragana ―Paper-dictionary (Tokyo)

4-2. a) Getting help from NPO support (Analysis) Many NPO groups help newcomer students to get additional support after school and Saturdays Ex) NPO法人 多文化共生センター東京

4-2. b) Giving some manuals for teachers 1.『外国人児童生徒受入れの手引き』 ~外国人児童生徒の体系的かつ総合 的な受入れのガイドライン~ since 2011 2.情報検索サイト「かすたねっと」 ~教育委員会等作成の多言語文書や教 材の検索サイト~ since 2011 3. 『外国人児童生徒のためのJSL対話型 アセスメント~DLA~』 ~日本語 能力の把握と、その後の指導方針を検討する際の参考となるもの~ since 2014 4. 『外国人児童生徒のためのJSL対話型 アセスメント~DLA~』 ~日本語 能力の把握と、その後の指導方針を検討する際の参考となるもの~ since 2014

6. Conclusion Insufficient 3-1. Not enough money ○ 3-2. Big gaps between urban area and rural area ○ 4-1. Extra consideration for newcomer children △ 4-2. a) Getting help from NPO support △ b) Giving some manuals for teachers ○