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The Role/Model of the 'Good Wife, Wise Mother' : Empowering or Oppressing? Mizuki Hayashi.

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Presentation on theme: "The Role/Model of the 'Good Wife, Wise Mother' : Empowering or Oppressing? Mizuki Hayashi."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Role/Model of the 'Good Wife, Wise Mother' : Empowering or Oppressing?
Mizuki Hayashi

2 1. Introduction

3 Outline 1. Introduction 2. Defining Terms 3. Evidence for Empowering
4. Evidence for Oppressing 5. Analysis 6. Conclusion

4 Outline 1. Introduction 2. Defining Terms 3. Evidence for Empowering
4. Evidence for Oppressing 5. Analysis 6. Conclusion

5 2. Defining Terms Good Wife , Wise Mother(良妻賢母) to educate all women so that they could better perform their home duties especially childrearing (Bernstein 1991:7)  明治初期より用いられ、明治34年(1901年)に文部大臣に就任した菊池大麓によって定着した。そして「良妻賢母」という規範の影響力は女子教育を受けることがなかった女にも広く及んだため、「良妻賢母」は近代日本における理想の女を表す語となったのである。(Senba 2008:7)

6 2. Defining Terms Empower
to give someone the freedom to do something or opportunities Oppress to prevent women from having opportunities and freedom

7 2. Defining Terms Freedom
the condition or right of being able or allowed to do, say, think, etc. whatever you want to, without being controlled or limited Opportunity situation that makes it possible to do something that you want to do

8 2.Defining Terms-Parahrasing Title-
The Role/Model of the 'Good Wife, Wise Mother' : Empowering or Oppressing? Do the role/model of Japanese women, called 'good wife, wise mother'make Japanese women freer/provide more opportunities or limit their opportunities and possibilities?

9 Outline 1. Introduction 2. Defining Terms 3. Evidence for Empowering
4. Evidence for Oppressing 5. Analysis 6. Conclusion

10 3. Evidence for Empowering
3.1 Education, social participation 3.2 Concentrating in child-rearing

11 3.1 Education, social participation
「女子教育の必要性が語られるときは必ず、賢母養成ということがその論拠として用いられた。~中略~ 女は母たることを通して自らの地位を向上させていった。」(Koyama:34)

12 3.1 Education, social participation
Figure 1 平成25年度男女共同参画社会の形成の状況 Empowering to give someone the freedom to do something or opportunities

13 3.2 Concentrating in child-rearing
Figure 2 And... one third of unmarried women want to be full-time housewives (MHLW (厚生労働省) 少子高齢社会等調査検討事業報告書 :2013)

14 3.2 Concentrating in child-rearing
Figure 3 子どもを持つことの価値観について 「子供がいると 生活が楽しく豊かになる」 と考える母親は81.6% 子どもを「生活や人生を豊かにしてくれる存在」と考えている母親は86.5% (

15 3.2 Concentrating in child-rearing
「職業に携わらなくともよく、 とりわけ子育てや子どもの教育という 『楽しく有意義な』仕事に専念できる、 一種の『心地良さ』や『魅力』をも 女たちにもたらした」(Koyama 1991: ii) Empowering to give someone the freedom to do something or opportunities

16 Outline 1. Introduction 2. Defining Terms 3. Evidence for Empowering
4. Evidence for Oppressing 5. Analysis 6. Conclusion

17 4. Evidence for Oppressing
4.1 Fixed stereotype 4.2 Lacking political power of women

18 4.1 Fixed Stereotype Figure 4 (Asahi Shinbun 2016)

19 4.1 Fixed Stereotype Figure 5 (IPSOS 2014, edited by Amano 2014)
IPSOS (file:///C:/Users/vnvnm_000/Documents/women-in-society-global-trends-survey.pdf) ニッセイ ( (IPSOS 2014, edited by Amano 2014)

20 4.1 Fixed Stereotype 「残念に思うのは、日本において、男性のみならず女性も、世界的にみればいまだ『良妻賢母』志向が強いことである。 ~中略~ スウェーデンなどをみると『良き母良き妻』が社会的役割と考える女性はわずかに4%である。」(Amano 2014) IPSOS (file:///C:/Users/vnvnm_000/Documents/women-in-society-global-trends-survey.pdf) ニッセイ (

21 prevent women from having opportunities and freedom
4.1 Fixed Stereotype 「男尊女卑の基本観念を温存するはたらき」(Haga 1990:20) 「女の可能性を閉ざし、女の生き方を妻や母としての役割に限定する」  (Koyama 1991:ii) Oppressing prevent women from having opportunities and freedom

22 4.2 Lacking political power
Figure 6 (World Economic Forum 2015)

23 prevent women from having opportunities and freedom
5. Analysis for 4.2   the mainstream political parties have essentially prioritized men over women in choosing their candidates.    a deep-rooted sense of gender-based division of labor — that politics belong to men — which makes it difficult for women to gain understanding and support from their families and relatives to pursue a political career. (The Japan Times 2016) "getting more women in the diet" The Japan Times( Oppressing prevent women from having opportunities and freedom

24 Outline 1. Introduction 2. Defining Terms 3. Evidence for Empowering
4. Evidence for Oppressing 5. Analysis 6. Conclusion

25 5. Analysis 3.1 Lacking Economic Participation
3.2 Child-rearing Anxiety 4.1 More freedom of choice 4.2 Getting more women in politics recently

26 5. Analysis for 3.1 Lacking Economic Participation
Figure 6 Empowering to give someone the freedom to do something or opportunities (World Economic Forum 2015)

27 5. Analysis for 3.2 Child-rearing Anxiety
Figure 7 少子高齢社会等調査検討事業報告書 (厚生労働省 2015) →72.4% of parents have child-rearing anxiety Empowering to give someone the freedom to do something or opportunities

28 5. Analysis for 4.1 More freedom of choice
「男性は女性よりパターン化された人生を歩む傾向にあります。」(Nikkei 2014) →Men tend to have less opportunities 「女性たちは自覚的に『女子』を名乗ることで、『良妻賢母規範』をも軽妙に脱ぎ捨てようとしている。」(Yonezawa 2014) Oppressing prevent women from having opportunities and freedom

29 5. Analysis for 4.2 Getting more women in politics recently
Figure 8 前回の選挙 当選者9.5% Oppressing prevent women from having opportunities and freedom

30 Outline 1. Introduction 2. Defining Terms 3. Evidence for Empowering
4. Evidence for Oppressing 5. Analysis 6. Conclusion

31 6. Conclusion 3.1 Lacking Economic Participation
3.2 Child-rearing Anxiety 4.1 More freedom of choice 4.2 Getting more women in politics recently

32 Oppressing 6. Conclusion
The Role Model of the 'Good Wife, Wise Mother': Empowering or Oppressing? Oppressing

33 Outline 1. Introduction 2. Defining Terms 3. Evidence for Empowering
4. Evidence for Oppressing 5. Analysis 6. Conclusion

34 Thank you for listening!

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