Eriko Fukuyama, MD Fukuyama Eye Clinic Fukuoka, Japan


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Presentation transcript:

Comparison of Visual Outcomes With Toric IOL and With Limbal Relaxing Incisions in Cataract Surgery Eriko Fukuyama, MD Fukuyama Eye Clinic Fukuoka, Japan The author has no financial interest in the subject matter of this e-poster.

Purpose To compare visual outcomes between a toric intraocular lens (IOL) and limbal relaxing incisions (LRIs) to correct preexisting astigmatism in patients having cataract surgery.

Methods This prospective study compared the results of bilateral cataract surgery with implantation of a AcrySof IQ Toric IOL in one eye (group A) and with implantation of a AcrySof IQ IOL with LRIs in a fellow eye (group B). Outcome measures were refraction and corneal astigmatism measured using keratometory and topography, uncorrected (UDVA) and corrected (CDVA) distance visual acuities.

手術方法2 LRIsの方法 切開の深さ:年齢や角膜中心厚に応じて450μmもしくは500μm 切開の長さ:福山LRIノモグラムにより決定 [倒乱視] [直乱視] 乱視矯正目標 (D) 切開長 0.75 30° 1.00 45° 1.50 60° 2.00 75° 3.00 90° 4.00 120° 乱視矯正目標 (D) 切開長 0.75 60° 1.00 70° 1.50 80° 2.00 90° 3.00 120° 4.00 120°、切開の深さ+50μm LRIsの切開の深さは450もしくは500μm、切開の長さは福山LRIノモグラムにより決定しました。 (10秒:1分15秒)

Results(抄録提出時) The study comprised 16 patients (32 eyes). They had astigmatism more over 1.00 dioptor in their both eyes. The mean corneal astigmatism measured by keratometer before the surgery was 1.76 dioptors in group A and 1.87 dioptors in group B. After the treatment, the mean corneal astigmatism was 1.86 dioptors in group A and 0.42 dioptors in group B, and the mean refraction astigmatism was 0.63 dioptors in group A and 0.38 dioptors in group B at three months after the surgery. The UDVA and CDVA were similar in both groups. The corneal shape measured by topography was stabilized earlier in group A than in group B.

Results(改変用) The study comprised 20 patients (40 eyes). They had astigmatism more over 1.00 dioptor in their both eyes. The mean corneal astigmatism measured by keratometer before the surgery was 1.89 dioptors in group A and 1.73 dioptors in group B. After the treatment, the mean corneal astigmatism was 1.89 dioptors in group A and 0.81 dioptors in group B, and the mean refraction astigmatism was 0.73 dioptors in group A and 0.51 dioptors in group B at six months after the surgery. The UDVA and CDVA were similar in both groups. The corneal shape measured by topography was stabilized earlier in group A than in group B.

角膜乱視の経時変化 (ケラトメーター) 両群共 n=20 D D s ** 術後 **: 両群間に有意差有 ウィルコクソンの 順位和検定 角膜乱視の経時変化 (ケラトメーター) D D s ** **: 両群間に有意差有 ウィルコクソンの 順位和検定 P<0.02 術前は 両群間に有意差無 ウィルコクソンの 順位和検定 ケラトメーターによる角膜乱視の経時変化です。LRI群では術前1.73Dから6か月目には0.81Dと減少しました。Toric IOL群では術前と術後はほぼ同じでした。(16秒:1分54秒) 両群共 n=20 術後

TMS™による術前-術後の乱視変化 角膜形状解析装置TMS™では2つのマップ間の角膜形状解析値の引き算ができる TMSでは角膜形状解析値の引き算ができますので、これを用いると術前から術後へと変化した乱視度数を求めることができます。これを利用して両群の変化した角膜乱視度数を求めました。(20秒:2分30秒) 角膜形状解析装置TMS™では2つのマップ間の角膜形状解析値の引き算ができる これを用いると術前から術後へと変化した乱視度数を求めることができる

術前と術後6Mの乱視の比較 T-IOL LRIs 自覚屈折乱視(術後6 ) 自覚屈折乱視(術後6 ) M M 角膜乱視(術前) (D) (D) 自覚屈折乱視(術後6  ) M 自覚屈折乱視(術後6  ) M 屈折乱視では両群ほぼ同様な乱視矯正を行えていました。 (n=20) (n=20) (D) (D) 角膜乱視(術前) 角膜乱視(術前)

LRIsとT- IOL LRIs T- IOL 裸眼視力の向上 ○ 角膜乱視の矯正 △ 非対称性乱視の矯正 2D以上の乱視矯正        ○ 角膜乱視の矯正        △ 非対称性乱視の矯正 2D以上の乱視矯正 術後角膜形状の早期安定 合併症 これは以上のようなことをまとめた表です

Conclusion Both a toric IOL and LRIs are useful to correct preexisting astigmatism in patients having cataract surgery. A toric IOL excels LRIs in the early stabilization of the corneal shape.

KEYWORDS toric intraocular lens limbal relaxing incisions astigmatism management