Baa Baa Black Sheep 0:28.


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Presentation transcript:

Baa Baa Black Sheep 0:28

What did you do last weekend? QA

What did you do last weekend? went swimming

played soccer

played video games

played with my friends

practiced dancing 

写真 写真 saw a movie 

写真 ate  sukiyaki  yakiniku 

Q: What did you do last weekend? played with my friends. played video games . saw a movie. practiced dancing. played soccer. ate ~. went shopping. ~. go swimming. went swimming practiced dancing played soccer saw a movie played with my friends ate ~


The Gingerbread Boy 表紙

絵本の写真をここへ An old man and an old woman lived in a little old house. They had no children.

絵本の写真をここへ 同様に絵本の内容を続ける

Can you answer these questions? Q 1. Who are the characters in this story? 写真 写真 写真 An old man and an old woman A gingerbread boy a horse 写真 写真 a cow a fox

Q 2. Did the old man and the old woman have children? 写真

Q 3. What did the gingerbread boy do when the old woman open the door? 1. He started dancing. 2. He hopped out of the oven. 3. He started singing. 写真 写真

Q 4. Which animal tried to stop the gingerbread boy?

Q 5. Who helped the gingerbread boy cross the river? 写真 写真 写真 写真 写真 写真

Q 6. What did the fox do in the end? He danced with the gingerbread boy. 2. He played 3. He ate up the gingerbread boy. 写真