Bellwork: There is a new Japanese student at North.


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Presentation transcript:

Bellwork: There is a new Japanese student at North. 平成二十七年三月三十日・月曜日 Goal: I can discuss some basic rules regarding the Columbus North school rules Agenda: -Kiritsu/Date -Dress Codes! -BW Bellwork: There is a new Japanese student at North. What advice should you give him/her about what she/he can wear at school? (try to list at least 2 pieces of advice)  Assignments: -wkbk p. 33?

Bellwork: List 2+ things you’d be allowed to do OR 平成三十一年二月二十八日・ 火曜日 Goal: I can discuss some of the rules and expectations at Columbus North HS Agenda: -Kiritsu/Date -Ideal Classroom -BW Bellwork: List 2+ things you’d be allowed to do OR Prohibited from doing in your ideal classroom/school Assignments: -wkbk p. 33

平成三十一年二月二十八日・ 水曜日 Goal: I can discuss my ideal classroom rules with a classmate and discuss what rules I prefer Agenda: -Kiritsu/Date -Bellwork -Review of prohibition and permission patterns -Prep for quiz: Rules in Japanese class Bellwork: Translate to English 1. うるさく話してもいいですか。 2.今、フルツ・バスッケトをしてもいいですか。 3.教室(きょうしつ)でコーヒーを飲んでもいいですか Assignments: -wkbk p. 33

平成三十一年二月二十八日・ 木曜日 Goal: I can Bellwork: Permission Pattern is: 平成三十一年二月二十八日・ 木曜日 Goal: I can Agenda: Kiritsu/Date BW Permission/prohibition quiz Bellwork: Permission Pattern is: Prohibition Pattern is: Assignments: -wkbk p. 33

平成三十一年二月二十八日・金曜日 Assignments: -wkbk p. 33