New Sources in the Sgr B & C Regions 6.4 keV 2.46 keV 6.7 keV
Collisonal Ionization Z-4.3 EW of Fe~ 0.3 KeV O,Ne, Si, S, Fe : 360, 110, 70, 40, 290 eV 1.2: 0.38: 0.24: 0.14: 1 0.11: 0.06: 0.05: 0.04: 1 Cross Section of photo ionization Z-2.3 EW of Fe~1 keV (Tatischeff et al.2002)
(2)6.4 keV Line: X線反射星雲の発見 6.4 keV line 7.1 keV Edge Sgr B2
X-ray light curve of Sgr A* Murakami(PhD) 10
(3)No Line: Non Thermal X-ray Jets and filamentsの発見 1 2 3
ブラックホールにガスが落ちると X線とジェットが出る 3C273の X線写真
New SNR Sgr A East Ec=6663 (6661-6664) eV (6685 eV) Width= 47 (44-51) eV 2-temperature CEI Model kTH = 4.9 keV kTL = 1.2 keV NEI Model kTH = 13 keV kTL = 1.2 keV nt = 2x1010 sec May be Multi-temperature +Power-law
The Galactic Center Observed with Suzaku 6.70keV-Map 2.46keV-Map Sgr A* 6.40keV-MaP 108K Plasma 107K Plasma ● Black Hole Molecular Cloud 30 pc