De-facto marriage is the best choice for Japanese society!


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Presentation transcript:

De-facto marriage is the best choice for Japanese society! Lena Shinozaki Yoko Uehara Eri Ono Kaede Mashiko

more than1/4

4couples in over1couple

OUTLINE 1) Introduction 2) Defining Terms 3) Background 4) Evidence 1 6) Summary and Final Message

OUTLINE 1) Introduction 2) Defining Terms 3) Background 4) Evidence 1 6) Summary and Final Message Next, I'll talk about definition of de-facto marriage.

We don't get married legally We are husband and wife BUT We don't get married legally There are 2 big points in the definition of de-facto marriage. First point is consciousness that we are husband and wife, and second point is the way to marry, "We don't get married legally." So, I'll tell you about these 2 points in more detail in the next slide.

①cohabitation ②legal marriage Difference from… Do you know what difference of de-facto marriage from ①cohabitation and ②legal marriage ? First, I'll tell you about the difference between de-facto marriage and cohabitation.

living together living together as a family ! as a couple ! de-facto marriage cohabitation ・own consciousness of husband and wife ・others' recognition of husband and wife ・own consciousness of husband and wife ・others' recognition of husband and wife living together as a family ! living together as a couple ! About de-facto marriage, both man and woman have consciousness that "we are husband and wife," and others also have recognition that they are husband and woman. On the other hand, about cohabitation, they have nothing like this consciousness and others, too. In brief, the people of "de-facto marriage people" live together as a family, but "cohabitation people" live together as a couple. Next, I'll talk about the difference between de-facto marriage and legal marriage.

residence certificate described de-facto marriage legal marriage residence certificate described same household family register and marriage register family register and marriage register About legal marriage, man and woman have to submit each family register and marriage register to city hall, and then, they are recognized that they get married legally. On the other hand, de-facto marriage doesn't have to submit these documents, but submit residence certificate, "jumin-hyo", described that they are same household. By this way, they are recognized that they got married in fact.

OUTLINE 1) Introduction 2) Defining Terms 3) Background 4) Evidence 1 6) Summary and Final Message

OUTLINE 1) Introduction 2) Defining Terms 3) Background 4) Evidence 1 a)  Marriage Rate c)Unmarried career b) Divorce Rate d)The reason for being single 4) Evidence 1 5) Evidence 2 6) Summary and Final Message

Marriage Rate:−11% Marriage rate Graph1: Japanese marriage rate (2010-2016) Marriage Rate:−11% (MHLW, 2017)

Divorce Rate:Increasing b) Divorce Rate Graph2: Japanese divorce rate (only who has partner ) (MHLW, 2013) Divorce Rate:Increasing

c) Rate of unmarried career Graph3: Japanese unmarried rate (立社会保障・人口問題研究所, 2017) Marked the Highest rate in 2015 生涯未婚率というのは、「45~49歳」と「50~54歳」未婚率の平均値から、「50歳時」の未婚率(結婚したことがない人の割合)を算出したものです。生涯を通して未婚である人の割合を示すものではありません。 ただし50歳で未婚の人は、将来的にも結婚する予定がないと考えることもできることから、生涯独身でいる人がどのくらいいるかを示す統計指標として使われます。生涯未婚率というのは、「45~49歳」と「50~54歳」未婚率の平均値から、「50歳時」の未婚率(結婚したことがない人の割合)を算出したものです。生涯を通して未婚である人の割合を示すものではありません。 ただし50歳で未婚の人は、将来的にも結婚する予定がないと考えることもできることから、生涯独身でいる人がどのくらいいるかを示す統計指標として使われます。 50歳まで一度も結婚したことがない人が2015年に男性で4人に1人、女性で7人に1人いたことが、国立社会保障・人口問題研究所の調査で分かった。こうした人の割合を示す「生涯未婚率」は、10年の前回調査から男女とも3ポイント以上増えて過去最高を更新した。  研究所は5年に1回、国勢調査を分析して生涯未婚率を割り出している。今回は男性が前回調査比3・23ポイント増の23・37%、女性は同3・45ポイント増の14・06%だった。男性は1970年まで、女性は60年まで1%台が長い間続いたが、その後、増加傾向に拍車がかかっている。

d) The change of reason of NOT to get married Graph4: The reason for being single Getting Married = Not Flexible Life style, Disadvantage (MHLW, 2013) file:///C:/Users/Lenata/Documents/3年/seminar3/1-02-2.pdf

What is the solution for this situation??? QUESTION: What is the solution for this situation???

Legal marriage is not suitable for Japanese society anymore…?

OUTLINE 1) Introduction 2) Defining Terms 3) Background 4) Evidence 1 6) Summary and Final Message

Sambolagen Law of Sweden Gives same rights as marriage To protect the rights of cohabitation

More than 90% couples have experienced Sambo! 内閣府経済社会総合研究所 注:調査対象は大ストックホルム在住。35-44歳。600カップル More than 90% couples have experienced Sambo! Also, sambo is used as practice for legal marriage. Which mean most people have experienced even if they did legal marriage and it’s so popular.

Perfect Environment ! Character Individual property rights Be considered as a family Joint custody (共同養育権) Perfect Environment ! In joint property case, they can divide it equally. They are protected by law. Have duty to provide childcare.

毎日新聞(2017・3・16) Child Care Career

WOMAN’S EMPOWERMENT! Higher rate of 独立行政法人   労働政策研究、研修機構 国際労働比較2016 Sweden: the rate of employment is more than 80% (age 25-50) Japan : goes down from age 25-35(第一子の平均出産年齢)      goes up again from age 40.

-Having babies -Woman’s empowerment -Basically, both working -Financial independence -Joint custody

OUTLINE 1) Introduction 2) Defining Terms 3) Background 4) Evidence 1 6) Summary and Final Message

Changing Name One of the hardest thing is changing name. Civil code Article 750  A husband and wife shall adopt the surname of the husband or wife in accordance with that which is decided at the time of marriage. (Japanese Law Transiton ,2009)

1,you don't need to change name ・impossible to change at the same time. ・open only week-day.

woman's enpowerment 2, career' s disadvntage ・everyone knows your previous name ・not need to have 2signature stamps woman's enpowerment

OUTLINE 1) Introduction 2) Defining Terms 3) Background 4) Evidence 1 6) Summary and Final Message

6) Summary and Final Message ①Joint Costody ②Women’s Empowerment ③Changing family name

Child Care Career de-facto marriage! legal marriage?

Thank you for listening!