“Nine of every ten people say they love chocolate

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1 “Nine of every ten people say they love chocolate
“Nine of every ten people say they love chocolate. The tenth lies,” amusingly says a famous French gourmet. Many people agree that chocolate is the king of all sweets. When you are tired, or when you need a break, what you want is, yes, chocolate! The rich flavor, fine texture, and sweet smell … all these make a perfect harmony to help you relax.

2 The main ingredient in chocolate is cacao beans
The main ingredient in chocolate is cacao beans. These are mainly produced in the hot and humid areas of West Africa and Latin America. Cacao gives chocolate its wonderful and unique taste.

3 Chocolate comes in various forms such as bonbons, chocolate bars, or cookies. Chocolate fondue is a Swiss-style dessert. You dip various items such as pieces of fruit and marshmallows into the melted chocolate. You may find it hard to believe, but chocolate isn’t just a sweet. Mole Poblano, Mexican sauce for chicken, is made with chocolate, chili peppers, tomatoes, and other ingredients.

4 Get the Picture  What do many people agree about chocolate? It is a king of all sweets.

5 Get the Picture  Where are cacao beans mainly produced? In (the hot and humid areas of) West Africa and Latin America.

6 Get the Picture  What is Mole Poblano? It is Mexican sauce for chicken made with chocolate, chili peppers, tomatoes, and other ingredients.

7 I promise to finish the work by noon. I refused to accept her offer.
Grammar for Communication Focus 動詞+to doの主なタイプ(名詞的用法) I want to go abroad. I promise to finish the work by noon. I refused to accept her offer.

8 I have a report to finish by tomorrow.
Grammar for Communication Focus 動詞+to doの主なタイプ(形容詞的用法) I have a report to finish by tomorrow.

9 I went to the airport to see him off.
Grammar for Communication Focus 動詞+to doの主なタイプ(副詞的用法) I went to the airport to see him off.

10 TASK 下線部の内容をto doを使って表現してみよう. 状況 海外在住の友人が帰国する予定だと聞いて.
Grammar for Communication Focus TASK 下線部の内容をto doを使って表現してみよう. 状況 海外在住の友人が帰国する予定だと聞いて. A: I’m going to come back to Japan next month. B: Really? そのときに君に会いたいな. I want [would like / hope] to see you then.

11 I have a lot of homework to do.
Grammar for Communication Focus TASK 下線部の内容をto doを使って表現してみよう. 状況 映画を見に行こうと誘われて. A: Do you want to go and see a movie on Sunday? B: Sorry, I can’t go. やらなきゃいけない宿題がたくさんあるんだ. I have a lot of homework to do.

12 You may find it hard to believe, but chocolate isn’t just a sweet.
Grammar for Communication Structures and Expressions ❶ 形式目的語it You may find it hard to believe, but chocolate isn’t just a sweet. I find it very hard to do business with them.

13 The government regards it as necessary to raise taxes.
Grammar for Communication Structures and Expressions ❶ 形式目的語it The government regards it as necessary to raise taxes. I think it likely that he will join our basketball team.

14 ❶ TASK [ ]内の語句を使って表現してみよう. 状況 異文化を理解するのは難しい.
Grammar for Communication Structures and Expressions ❶ TASK [ ]内の語句を使って表現してみよう. 状況 異文化を理解するのは難しい. I find [ to, different cultures, it, understand, difficult ]. it difficult to understand different cultures

15 ❶ TASK [ ]内の語句を使って表現してみよう. 状況 時間をじょうずに使うことが大切だと思う.
Grammar for Communication Structures and Expressions ❶ TASK [ ]内の語句を使って表現してみよう. 状況 時間をじょうずに使うことが大切だと思う. I think [ well, to, your time, it, important, use ]. it important to use your time well

16 ❶ TASK [ ]内の語句を使って表現してみよう. 状況 政府は温暖化ガスを削減する必要があると考えている.
Grammar for Communication Structures and Expressions ❶ TASK [ ]内の語句を使って表現してみよう. 状況 政府は温暖化ガスを削減する必要があると考えている. The government regards [ reduce, it, as, to, greenhouse gases, necessary ]. it as necessary to reduce greenhouse gases

17 Grammar for Communication Structures and Expressions
❷ 動詞+ A + to do I’ll get him to do it. They set up cacao plantations in Africa and forced local people to work there.

18 Allow me to introduce myself. He ordered us to stay here.
Grammar for Communication Structures and Expressions ❷ 動詞+ A + to do Allow me to introduce myself. He ordered us to stay here. I want you to do it right away.

19 ❷ TASK 下線部の内容を英語で表現してみよう. 状況 友人になぜテレビゲームを持っていないのか聞かれて.
Grammar for Communication Structures and Expressions ❷ TASK 下線部の内容を英語で表現してみよう. 状況 友人になぜテレビゲームを持っていないのか聞かれて. A: Why don’t you have any video games? B: 両親が買うのを許してくれないんだ. My parents never allow me to buy any (video games).

20 ❷ TASK 下線部の内容を英語で表現してみよう. 状況 ドアの鍵を閉め忘れた人に尋ねる.
Grammar for Communication Structures and Expressions ❷ TASK 下線部の内容を英語で表現してみよう. 状況 ドアの鍵を閉め忘れた人に尋ねる. A: I think I forgot to lock the door. B: だれかに確かめに行ってもらえないの? Can’t you ask someone to go (and) check it?

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