Chapter 6 Jade 翡翠(ヒスイ).

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1 Chapter 6 Jade 翡翠(ヒスイ)

2 Jade is usually green, the color of nature.
And, jade was praised by Confucius 褒め称えられた as an earthly treasure because it has the この世の宝であるとして なぜなら〜 five things that humans should try to learn.             〜を試みる These are: kindness, honesty, wisdom, courage, and purity.

3 A long time ago, the Chinese believed
that the earliest humans were helpless, 太古の人間            無力な troubled by wild animals and dangerous によって悩まされていた weather. However, the gods felt sorry  for them. 哀れに思った  〜に対し

4 To help them, the gods made a
〜ために rainbow of jade for humans to use.      〜の為  使える様に So, the Chinese believe jade is “the stone of heaven.”

5 Jade was the connection between the gods and men, and also between life and life-after-death.
This is why Chinese emperors had  これが、〜のためです。  suits of jade after they died.  ヒスイの衣

6 Chinese jade comes from mountains in Central 産出される
Asia and was brought to China’s       へと運ばれた  richest cities on the Silk Road by camels. 〜を通って     らくだで

7 In Central America, jade was also greatly valued by the old Maya and Aztec cultures.古代マヤ・アステカ文化
Jade was their most important treasure, so they offered it to their gods.

8 For example, they threw jade into holy
  例えば 投げた  〜の中へ   wells for the rain god. 〜の為に And some Maya kings were given jade   与えられた(かぶされた) mask swhen they died.

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