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3.11 東日本大震災 ~自然災害とユース世代の課題~

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Presentation on theme: "3.11 東日本大震災 ~自然災害とユース世代の課題~"— Presentation transcript:

1 3.11 東日本大震災 ~自然災害とユース世代の課題~
The March 11 Great East Japan Earthquake Natural Disasters and Issues for the Youth - PSI -JC Youth Network 1 1

2 1.被災状況 1. Conditions and Damage in the Affected Area
- Rescue and relief efforts by fire and ambulance services - 2 2

3 The 2011 Tohoku Pacific Ocean Earthquake Time and date of occurrence
Name of earthquake The 2011 Tohoku Pacific Ocean Earthquake Time and date of occurrence 14:46, March 11, 2011 Epicenter Off the coast of Sanriku, in the Pacific Ocean Depth 24 km Maximum magnitude (Japanese scale) 7 Type Subduction zone earthquake Moment magnitude 9.0 Number of deaths 15,799 (As of Sep. 20, the Cabinet Office) Number of missing 4,053 (As of Sep. 20, the Cabinet Office) Number of injured 5,927 (As of Sep. 20, the Cabinet Office) Conditions and damage in the affected area Tsunami, collapsed buildings, radioactive leaks, fire, and liquefied ground ここでは、東日本大震災震災の概要及び消防職員の活動について報告させていただきます。 ①概要報告 3 3

4 次に画像を紹介しながら、ご説明いたします。
①左上の画像をご覧ください。まさに沿岸部の町に津波が襲ってきた瞬間の画像です。場所によっては波高10m以上、最大遡上高40.5mにも上る大津波が発生し、東北地方と関東地方の太平洋沿岸部に壊滅的な被害をもたらしたらしました。 ②次に、右下の画像をご覧ください。津波が去った後のある町の画像です。ほぼすべての建物、人が流されており、津波の脅威と恐ろしさを物語っています。 4 4

5 Dispatch status of emergency fire response teams
Operation period March 11 to June 6, 2011 Total number of dispatched members (Total number including multiple dispatches) 28,620 members (104,093) Total number of dispatched teams 7,577 teams (27,544 teams) 次に、日本の緊急消防援助隊の活動を報告します。 ①概要説明 ②左下の画像をご覧ください。助けを求める方を救出している状況です。我々はこの瞬間のために使命感を持ち訓練に励んでいます。しかし、東日本大震災は想定を遥かに超えておりました。 ③次に、右下の画像をご覧ください。津波は全てを奪い去りました。車、建物の他全ての物が入り乱れ、活動は困難を極めました。初動は決して遅くなかったのですが、救出できた人は多くはありませんでした。 ④最後に、この活動に出動した消防士の経験談を紹介します。  「『必ず要救助者を助け出す!』との使命感を抱き現場へ向かった。現場に近づくにつれ人は減り、死を免れた人たちは消防車に深々と頭を下げた。その姿に使命感はさらに強くなった。しかし、使命感は絶望感となった。想像を遥かに超えた津波の脅威と共に無力さを認識したからだ。地震だけであれば多くの命を救えた。しかし、津波は全てを奪い去った。緊急消防援助隊活動は終わったが、人として何ができるかを考え、未来に向け行動する。」  日本の消防士は、この経験を無駄にせず、明日来るかもしれない現場で、一人でも多くの命を救うために前を向いて、 日々訓練に励んでいます。私たちもそれぞれの立場で、今何ができるかを常に考え、行動していきます。 以上で、震災の概要及び消防職員の活動についての報告を終わります。  引き続き。。。 5 5

6 2.震災が日本(地域/国)の 公共サービスに与えた影響
2. Influences of the Quake on Public Services in Japan (Regional / National) 2.震災が日本(地域/国)の   公共サービスに与えた影響 6

7 Destruction of essential utilities (“lifeline”) ライフラインの破壊
Disruption of essential utilities, e.g., electricity, gas, water, sewage, and com-munications, to residences * The tsunami-devastated area lost all essential utilities. In the broad area beyond the tsunami-devastated area, water, sewage, and gas supplies were interrupted due to power outages and ground liquefaction. * The public services that are directly linked to survival were destroyed. 7

8 Traffic disruption 交通の遮断 All means of transportation were disrupted.
Roads sagged and bridges were washed away. Rail services experienced power outages and destruction of railroad tracks, elevated tracks, and train station buildings. Public buses were swept away by the tsunami. Sendai Airport was overwhelmed and flooded by the tsunami. Immediately after the quake, fuel shortages occurred, which influenced all sectors including public transportation. 8

9 Breakdown of local government functions 自治体機能の停止
Local governments themselves were destroyed. Local government buildings were destroyed. Just like ordinary citizens, local government employees also became victims of the quake. Some of them are dead or missing. Confirmation of the safety and evacuation status of residents was also difficult.

10 3.震災時に公共サービス/ 公共部門労働者が果たした役割
3. Roles Played by Public Sector Workers / Public Services after the Quake 3.震災時に公共サービス/ 公共部門労働者が果たした役割

11 生きるための公共サービスの維持 Maintenance of public services for survival
Performed with the aim of protecting lives immediately after the quake and reestab- lishing daily life in the affected area

12 4.労働組合が果たした役割 4. Roles Played by Trade Unions
- Volunteer activities and reconstruction assistance efforts -

13 パート5 労働組合が果たした役割(ボランティア活動、参加しての感想)


15 5.震災がユースに与えた影響 5. Impacts of the Quake on the Youth
- Cancellation of employment offers and business bankruptcies -

16 More than 200 companies were driven into bankruptcy by the quake
The number of companies affected indirectly by the quake exceeded the number of companies affected directly by the quake. The number of failed companies as a result of the 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake reached 229 as of July 8 (according to a survey conducted by the Tokyo Chamber of Commerce and Industry). ・Of the 229 cases, 178 are bankruptcies. The total debt climbed to billion yen. ・Examination of the 178 bankruptcies caused by the “earthquake and related incidences” according to the type of business reveals: 48 bankruptcies in service businesses including lodging businesses, the largest number in all types of businesses, followed by 46 in manufacturing, 27 in wholesale, and 24 in construction. ・Bankruptcies of manufacturing and service businesses account for approximately half of all the bankruptcies. ・Furthermore, the 229 bankruptcies can be classified into “indirect” bankruptcies (207 cases, composition rate: 90.4%) and “direct” bankruptcies (22 cases, composition rate: 9.6%). These data suggest that the number of “indirect” bankruptcies is by far larger than the number of “direct” bankruptcies. ・The number of businesses in serious financial trouble has been increasing with the passage of time.

17 The impact of business bankruptcies has extended to individuals with employment offers
Approximately 3,000 individuals were affected by the cancellation of employment offers or postponed employment start dates by furlough and other means. Cancellation of employment offers: 416 individuals (121 businesses), postponed employment start dates: 2,366 individuals (266 businesses) (according to a survey conducted by the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare of Japan between March 11 and June 30) The quake significantly affected not only current workers, but also the youth who were going to commence employment. In some cases, employment offers were cancelled because of an inability to assess the timing of the resumption of operations of factories which were destroyed by the tsunami. In other cases, business facilities were catastrophically damaged by the quake and businesses had difficulties in continuing their operations. Overall, there tended to be a loss of work sites themselves and cutbacks in hiring due to the downsizing of business operations.

18 The government responded quickly (however, how effective was it…?)
The Japanese Health Minister requested major economic organizations to preserve employment for workers and hire quake victims (April 11). The government has been assisting business owners to preserve employment and hire quake victims in order to support their employment and living. “The disaster victims’ employment and living will be supported by ‘Japan becoming one’” was established as a basic guideline, and the entire effort was named the “‘Japan as One’ Work Project.” The support efforts include the preservation of employment of workers with the use of an employment adjustment subsidy, proactive participation of employers in offering employment both inside and outside the affected area, and proactive recruitment of graduates who were affected by the quake and remain unemployed. As a result of these efforts by the government, the recovery in corporate earnings, and other factors, the employment market improved after the quake. However, the employment market was flat during the July period, and thus remains severe.

19 6.若年失業者はなぜ出たか 6. Why Some Youths Ended Up Unemployed
- The path toward recovery is long, and young people wish to work in their local areas -

20 Finding employment in the employment seekers’ local areas
Urgent need for assistance to companies affected by the quake July 9, 2011 (news report) About half a month had passed since the quake. Ikeharaya (18 years old), who had earlier been offered a position at a company in Ofunato City, was visited by a recruiter from the company. “Regrettably, …” Bowing deeply, the recruiter informed Mr. Ikeharaya of the cancellation of the job offer. Mr Ikeharaya was aware that the company had suffered greatly from the quake. Chagrin and anguish were written all over the recruiter’s face. “I was quite surprised, but there was no way I could blame that person (the recruiter).” Mr. Ikeharaya gave up his pursuit of joining the company and visited the Ofunato Public Employment Service Center. The number of visitors to the Service Center per day increased to more than 1,000 after the quake from approximately 200 visitors prior to the quake. “I want to live the rest of my life without having to stay away from my family and childhood friends” – the dream of finding employment in his local area, to which he had adhered, was crushed. In the jurisdiction of the Ofunato Employment Service Center, 18 students experienced cancellation of job offers. Many of these students are seeking new employment while working as temporary employees at government offices. Every day, Mr. Ikeharaya is also devoting himself to organizing employment information he finds at the Service Center and seeking employment as close to his home as possible. However, it is accurate to say that the job market in the Kesen Region is devastated. The job-offers-to-seekers ratio within the jurisdiction of the Service Center is 0.26, the lowest in Iwate Prefecture. Recruitment is nowhere in sight for many of the local companies. An officer at the Service Center sighs saying “Even during visits to companies for exploring employment opportunities, we are turned down being told ‘it does us no good to be visited at this time.’” The impact of the devastated job market on graduates this spring cannot be avoided, either. Within the jurisdiction of the Service Center, 172 students hope to be employed after their graduation. 29.7% of these students hope to find employment in their local areas. Compared to 47.3% of such students in the same jurisdiction from the previous year, the number has dropped considerably on the back of the bleak employment situation. Nonetheless, 51 students hope to find employment in their hometowns. Yet, not a single job opening was posted by a company in the job opening listing that was released on July 1 for high school students graduating this spring. パート6 若年失業者はなぜ出たか 今回の震災は、就職活動中の若者にも大きな影響を及ぼした。内定取り消し、入社延期などで、採用が難しくなった企業が多い。被災地では復興に貢献するためにも、地元で働きたいと考えている学生が多い。その一方で被災した企業も多いため、地元に就職することが以前にも増して厳しい状況になっている。

21 7.若者が考える公共サービス 7. Public Services that Incorporate Ideas of the Youth
- Taking young workers into the public sector - パート7 若年失業者を公共セクターへ  先ほども述べたが、被災地にはマンパワーが必要であったし、現在もなお必要である。その点を踏まえ、内定取り消しにより職を失った若年層を公共セクターで採用し、一刻も早く復興を遂げることが非常に重要である。若年層にとっては、その間の生活の糧を得ることができ、復興作業はその進行速度を速めることになる。さらには、復興が進み、企業経済が再び震災前の姿を取り戻した時には、若年層も職を見つけることができるようになる。

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