by Phil Sonn and John Kim

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Presentation on theme: "by Phil Sonn and John Kim"— Presentation transcript:

1 by Phil Sonn and John Kim
Japanese Jeopardy by Phil Sonn and John Kim

2 Kanji Vocab Misc Sentence 100 100 100 100 200 200 200 200 300 300 300 300 400 400 400 400 500 500 500 500

3 What is British, excellent?
Row 1, Col 1

4 What is study? 勉強 1,2

5 Characters that represent
What is 諸兄文字 shokeimoji? Characters that represent stylized images of an actual object 1,3

6 Which means this kanji is hard to memorize?
この漢字は覚えにくいですよ。 1,4

7 What is grass? 2,1

8 What is English? 英語 2,2

9 What is 怪異文字 Kaiimoji? Compound ideographs 2,3

10 Which means I found my glasses?
めがねを見つけました。 2,4

11 What is small forest? 3,1

12 What is Chinese character?
漢字 3,2

13 Used when one does not know
What is 漢和辞典 Kanwajiten? Used when one does not know The meaning of a kanji 3,3

14 Which means I cannot sleep easily tonight?
今版はなかなか寝られない。 3,4

15 What is forest? 4,1

16 What is what? 4,2

17 Main identifying component
What is 部首 bushu? Main identifying component Of a kanji 4,3

18 Which means I am taking a beginning class?
初級のクラスを取っています。 4,4

19 What is counter? 5,1

20 What is older brother? お兄さん 5,2

21 What are examples of 形成文字 keiseimoji?
作る、松、読む 5,3

22 Which means please translate this sentence into English?
この文を英語に訳してください。 5,4

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