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Published byEdwina Wright Modified 約 6 年前
AITAC Overview and Plan of Activities Advanced IT Architect Human Resource Development Council (AITAC) 2017年11月24日
Aiming at infrastructure engineers development
高度 IT アーキテクト育成協議会 AITAC : Advanced IT Architect Human Resource Development Council 2017年11月24日
Now is the time to review the infrastructure
Different from the past “network system used by human” Required delay performance, bandwidth and fault tolerant Infrastructure to immediately realize the idea Infrastructure building to utilize software resources at the maximum Operable infrastructure Speediness Small start Idea Service construction Key to success 2017年11月24日
Type of human resource AITAC is heading for
Top architect Talent who can realize the system from idea by utilizing ICT as a “weapon” Full stack engineer Hybrid engineer who cross over the “network administrator” and “server administrator” System operable engineer Person who can solve the troubles by understanding systems Just to monitor is not the operation 2017年11月24日
Re-education of existing engineers is also the target
Architect Existing engineers Developper Engineer Mobile Broadband Enterprise Programming Automation Virtualization technic Cloud configuration technic SDN technic Computer science Algorism basic Network basic OS basic Security basic IP technic basic Transmission basic Internet Server technic Operation 2017年11月24日
Step of engineers development
FY2017 FY2018 2017年11月24日
Carrier for students Further step through internship
Contributed course or concentrated seminar at university Development of practical skills by group work Further step through internship 2017年11月24日
STEP1 (Network) Network basic Configuration and operation technic
Design method General Network theory Position and policy of this course Outline of TCP/IP network Ethernet mechanism Understand outline of TCP/IP network and layer model Practice of network configuration using the Ethernet Configure small scale network using the Ethernet Master the operation of switches Network layer IP routing control (1) Understand the role of each network layer, composition of IP address and mechanism of IGP IP routing control (2) Understand the role of EGP and mechanism of BGP Learn about actual routing control method utilizing the BGP Routing control practice (1) Learn about the layered routing control of IGP and EGP Practice on routing control using RIP and OSPF Routing control practice (2) Understand the mechanism of BGP and deepen the understanding through the setting of routers Network redundancy and design Understand the necessity of network redundancy to enhance the reliability Learn about redundancy technic on each layer Network design method Learn the meaning from those actual network design on data center or ISP or the network design on Interop Tokyo 2017年11月24日
STEP1 (Computing) Server basic Scalability Virtualization technic
OS/Computer architecture Understand the basic mechanism of OS used for servers Learn about the mechanism of current computer architecture and CPU Mechanism of OS/Server Security Understand the OS structure and mechanism on the Linux as an example Understand the case of servers configured by Linux Linux install and configuration as a server Practice from OS install, software install to performance test and learn about the process of server configuration Load sharing and virtualization Learn the server virtualization technic and understand its advantages and disadvantages. Learn service load sharing method. Deepen the understanding on the actual system through the cases. 2017年11月24日
STEP1 (Cloud and virtualization technic)
Latest network control technic Service virtualization Integrated management technic Toward large scale system configuration Learn about large scale system configuration by utilizing server virtualization, load sharing and network redundancy. Outline of cloud technic How to configure cloud service Understand the cloud architecture and its elemental technologies. Storage and data base technic Understand the technologies from file system to network based storage and database. Container technic and practice Experience about on-premises cloud system set up for both of IaaS and PaaS. Learn about security as a point to be noted in case of on-premises cloud system set up. Service configuration utilizing commercial cloud service Learn about how to use the commercial cloud and system configuration cases utilizing commercial cloud. Utilizing commercial cloud service Hybrid system configuration Learn about web service set up method by utilizing commercial cloud. Learn about data base utilization method as data analysis platform. SDN technic Understand the basic of SDN technology and its characteristics and difference between existing networks. Creating network application using OpenFlow Set up the OpenFlow applications. Outline of NFV technic Understand the concept of NFV technology and its realization method and technical issues. 2017年11月24日
STEP1(Service design and automation technic)
Get the design method using service infrastructure design, configuration and programming properly utilizing each technic Infrastructure design method Introduction of configuration process Deepen the understanding through discussions about how to utilize the components satisfying the requirements to make up services. Introduce the network design method with examples of ShowNet and large scale networks. Infrastructure operation , monitoring and management technology Learn about monitoring method for the built up infrastructure system and how to set up the monitoring system based on monitoring requirements through the example cases. Security on service infrastructure Learn about security and point to be noted required for the service infrastructure through actual examples and text materials. Automation of infrastructure configuration and operation (Includes necessary programming) Learn the programming language for automation tools of infrastructure set up. Automation of infrastructure configuration and operation by operation tool Experience about infrastructure set up and operation automation using automation tools. Architecture design based on actual scenario Discuss and make summary about system architecture to overcome service issues in group work. 2017年11月24日
FY2017 Activity plan (2017/09 – 2018/03) September to February
Pilot class at Keio SFC Conduct as AITAC contributed course STEP1 concentration seminars by AITAC [1st] 14, 15 December, 10 to 12 January [2nd] End/February to Beg./March End/February STEP1 concentration seminar by University of Tokyo Information Platform Center 2017年11月24日
FY2018Activity plan (2018/04 – 2019/03) Provide contributed courses for plural universities (Under discussion) Tokyo (2 universities) Kyusyu (1 university) Okinawa (1 university) Kansai (1 university) Provide STEP1 lecture courses with online Under discussion about collaboration with The Open University of Japan STEP1 concentration seminars by AITAC: 5 times including regional area STEP2 practice seminar by AITAC: 2 times 2017年11月24日
1st STEP1 seminar conducted by AITAC
セミナー概要 日時:前半 12/14~12/15 後半 1/10~1/11 (演習予備日 1/12) 場所:東京都大手町2-6-2 日本ビル 7階 759室 サイバー大手町 (Cyber Otemachi) 参加条件 必要スキル:日常的に PC とネットワークを利用していること 受講に必要なもの:ネットワーク接続可能なノートPC ※ 無線 LAN (WiFi), USB ポートを装備していること 受講料:108,000円 (税込) 受講対象 : 主に社会人を対象としたセミナー ※ 学生の方は東京大学情報基盤センター主催セミナーへのご参加をお勧めします 2017年11月24日
Operation formation 2017年11月24日
Type of Members ・正会員(社員) 当法人の目的に賛同して入会の申し込みをする者で理事会
当法人の目的に賛同して入会の申し込みをする者で理事会 にて入会を承認され、かつ代表理事の承認を受けた個人又は 団体若しくは法人。 ・ 賛助会員 当法人の目的に賛同し、当法人の事業を賛助するために 入会の申し込みをする者で、理事会にて入会を承認された 個人又は団体若しくは法人。 ・特別会員 入会申し込みをする者で、理事会にて入会を承認された 公共団体又は公益法人若しくはこれに準ずる法人若しくは個人。 2017年11月24日
Member fee and member’s rights
会員種別 正会員 賛助会員 特別会員 入会金 無料 会費(消費税込み) 1口100万円 1口50万円 年度途中の入会(初年度のみ) 全額 5万×残月数 理事会 理事推挙 ○ 2口1名 × 理事会、社員総会の承認要 議決権 1票/理事1名 社員総会 出席 委員会 設置発議 委員長任用 演習プログラム 参加 最大4名無料/1口 最大1名/1口 社団の事業 成果の利用 全て 周知・広報 会員企業活動時の 社団名の利用 広告、パンフ、催事等に利用可 社団活動時の 会員企業名の掲載 広告、広報、催事等での 掲載、掲出可 2017年11月24日
Advantage of members (1) 旬なテーマの1日セミナー (2) 参加企業主催のセミナー
まだカリキュラムに取り入れるまでには至らないがおさえておくべき最 新技術に関する 1日セミナーの開催提案と優先参加 (2) 参加企業主催のセミナー 参加企業の技術を中心として AITAC が開催する 1日セミナーの 開催提案 (3) 参加企業のための特別セミナー STEP1, STEP2 のカリキュラムとコンテンツを利用した 参加企業専用の集中セミナー開催 2017年11月24日
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