領域2 領域の政治的概念化 政治地理学の理論と方法論 第7週.

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1 領域2 領域の政治的概念化 政治地理学の理論と方法論 第7週

2 Sackの領域性(再確認) 秩序を創造し維持する手段
われわれが世界を経験して、それに意味を付与する多くの地理的コンテクストを創造し維持する装置 個人や集団のアイデンティティの創造と再創造における領域の利用、その領域へのアイデンティティの形成

3 領域的イデオロギーとしてのナショナリズム
重要概念 国民国家 国家(state)と国民(nation) ナショナリズム nationの主権・自治・自決といった集合的権利を主張するイデオロギーや運動 国民国家を形成、民族自決を実現する不可欠の契機=領域・領土

4 ナショナリズムの領域的契機 客観的条件=土地の占拠・領有 主観的条件=土地に対する心理的愛着、帰属意識、アイデンティティ ↓

5 ナショナリズム研究の今日的価値 歴史的研究(18世紀末ヨーロッパ起源) 冷戦後の世界 グローバル化論 国民国家(衰退・変容)論
エスノ・ナショナリズム論 アイデンティティ論(エスニック境界論) 領域的アプローチの可能性

6 ナショナリズムへの接近法 近代主義アプローチ 世界経済の構造と近代化、ネイションの構築性 非近代主義アプローチ
ネイションの歴史的起源と持続性、情緒的・心理的紐帯の重要性 領域的アプローチ 領域の構造的位置・その変化、およびそこへの帰属意識

7 領域的視点からのナショナリズム 中心ー周辺関係と政治的動員 政治経済的不均等発展(社会・空間的周辺化)とエスニック集団の政治的動員
単一化前提の問題点とその意義 1)構造的インパクトが集団から一様な反応を引き起こす。 2)集団は地理的に均質な領域に居住している。 3)領域的な連帯形成の困難さと重要性

8 領域とアイデンティティ 政治経済的構造から説明する限界、集団の紐帯や連帯を構成する要素に注目 領域保有+領域と集団との文化・歴史的関係
「ホームランド」の神話化=領域の政治化 領域性による場所を通しての権力の具象化 主権の獲得・維持を目的とした集団の統合を領域の形成・管理を通して行う(ex.竹島・独島ツアー) 領域のイデオロギー的利用(表象) 社会的現実の基盤を形成(ex.領土・領海侵犯報道)→自己と他者の区別 領域は社会的に構築される(「生成」である)

9 ナショナリズムと地理的スケール 次週のテーマ

10 沖縄における領域の政治化 戦後の沖縄

11 It is clear that the geopolitical location of Okinawa is a key to understanding politics over Okinawa among great powers.

12 地理 面積2,266 km2 (559,951エーカー) 島の数108 亜熱帯性気候 人口1,273,440 (1995年現在)
日本で年間平均収入最下位、失業率最高 Okinawa is geographically marginalized in many respects.

13 歴史 〜1879: 琉球王国 1879〜1945: 沖縄県として編入 1945: 沖縄戦 1945〜72: 米軍占領・統治(琉球列島)
1972〜: 沖縄県として復帰 And its history is very complicated. It used to be an independent kingdom but has belonged to two core states. Meanwhile, it was severely destroyed in the Battle of Okinawa.

14 This is a very popular geographical image of Okinawa
This is a very popular geographical image of Okinawa. Blue ocean, blue sky, and white beach.

15 Beautiful coral reeves.

16 Unique culture.

17 And also many US bases. This map shows thirty-eight military installations located in Okinawa Island, which occupies about 20% of the land.

18 There are shooting/bombing ranges outside the island.

19 This is one of the bases in the island, Futenma Air Station
This is one of the bases in the island, Futenma Air Station. I lived near hear. Please look at the difference of land use, particularly residential density.

20 This is Kadena Air Base which is the largest US air base in East Asia and a big source of income and problems for Okinawans.

21 US military force uses various parts of Okinawa.

22 And causes accidents and damage outside their bases.

23 Therefore, Okinawans protest against US bases
Therefore, Okinawans protest against US bases. This is the human chain in July 2000 when the G8 summit was held in Okinawa.

24 This is the large-scale political rally against the Japan-US security relations in 1995, which was triggered by the rape conducted by three US servicemen.

25 1956 年の土地闘争 「島ぐるみ闘争」 Now, let’s move back to forty-five years ago.

26 First, we need to understand what frustrates Okinawans
First, we need to understand what frustrates Okinawans. Obviously, It is the presence of US bases in their islands. However, the presence has been changing according to the security importance of Okinawa for US and Japan. The end of WWII, the beginning of the Cold-War, and the reversion of Okinawa to Japan changed the pattern of the US military presence in mainland Japan and Okinawa. Importantly, it seems that the beginning of the Cold-War determined the fate of Okinawa and that its end in 1989 does not affect this pattern at all. The graph clearly shows that the territory of Okinawa has been forced to accept the burden of security for US and Japan according to their security partnership. In 1956, when the area of US bases started increasing, Okinawans came to realize what burden they were expected to accept.

27 The destruction after the Battle of Okinawa

28 Americans came in.

29 They started governing Okinawa
They started governing Okinawa. They also established Okinawan semi-autonomous government.

30 The Governance of Okinawa in 1956
The US The Japanese Government Government Negotiation Okinawa Petition Petition The USCAR Appointment of Veto/Ordinances the Chief Delegate The Ryukyu Government The trilateral relationship between Okinawa, US, and Japan was formed. But there was not much democracy guaranteed for Okinawans. The US governing body was called USCAR (the US Civil Administration of the Ryukyus) that often repressed Okinawan social movements. Institutionalized Municipal governments Election of the relationship Legislature Election Non-institutionalized The Okinawans relationship

31 However, we should not forget that US governance gave Okinawans job opportunities and material resources for recovery.

32 Let’s look at the background of the 1956 land struggle
Let’s look at the background of the 1956 land struggle. In order to transform Okinawa to a security site. US needed land to build their bases. The land was often forcibly seized from Okinawan farmers.

33 US tried to establish permanent leasehold using a lump-sum payment of the rent for land. Through this policy, Okinawan lost their land and had to leave their home and moved to houses like this. US built their bases and houses on the seized land such as these.

34 Okinawans started to protest against the policy of forcible land seizure in the early 1950s.

35 The pretest spread all over Okinawa Island in 1956, which was later cold the 1956 crisis by US military force.

36 The 1956 protest had a significant political implication leading to the 1972 reversion. Why so?

37 島ぐるみ闘争と領域性 1956年「島ぐるみ闘争」 冷戦の開始と沖縄の軍事要塞化 土地収用の開始と住民の抵抗
米軍駐留の永続化と土地の無期限借用 土地契約をめぐる経済闘争 領土をめぐる民族・復帰闘争に変化 「土地」を「領土」へ 米軍の弾圧 より有利な条件で地主との個別契約

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