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Presentation on theme: "ー生命倫理の授業を通して生徒の意識に何が生じたかー"— Presentation transcript:

1 ー生命倫理の授業を通して生徒の意識に何が生じたかー
生命倫理と高校生の生命観 ー生命倫理の授業を通して生徒の意識に何が生じたかー 埼玉県立草加西高校 教諭 三浦 俊二

2 今時の携帯を持った日本の高校生です

3 Point of the class View of life is moving from “respect for life” to question the “quality of life” Does the students’ life view change after the “bioethics” class?

4 Points to consider Surveys were performed before and after the bioethics class What do you imagine with the word “bioethics”? Do you believe in life after death? What is “death” to you? Do you think brain death is human death? Do you want your organs after your brain death? Do you feel that you are alive? What comforts you? Are you alive now? Are you made to live? What would you do if you were told “cancer” Do you think that life science makes people happy?

5 Survey results① Students described as if some one else’s problem, prior to the class After the class, students seems to think of life as relationship. Students feel death as the back side of life Japanese students feel comfort in sleeping or when eating (Stressful society!) No change in the broad sense, still some thing has changed.

6 Survey results② While some students become more definite, the percentage of “I don’t know” increased This reaction is beyond the teacher’s intention Difficult to understand “quality of life” Students are puzzled what life is, not that they don’t know

7 Conclusion It is good if bioethics provides a better life
“Quality of life” sometimes wishes for extensive life care, on the other hand, euthanasia Biological life view vs. humanized life view must be challenged Buddhist life view, as organisms’ karma Autonomy, or pursuing happiness Pursuing “quality of life” may provide new discussion on “greatest benefit for greatest number” Pandora’s box is open, we need to collect what is released

8 「生命倫理」の書籍類 2019/5/4

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