In this section we will describe the major classes of gaseous pollutants and some important individual pollutant compounds. we will describe   the major.


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Presentation transcript:

In this section we will describe the major classes of gaseous pollutants and some important individual pollutant compounds. we will describe   the major classes of gaseous pollutants   some important individual pollutant compounds.

In this section we will describe the major classes of gaseous pollutants and some important individual pollutant compounds. この段落では主な気体の汚染物質といくつかの重要な独立した汚染物質の混合物を説明しようと思う

The major classes of gaseous pollutants and some important individual pollutant compounds. Carbon Oxides    CO2, CO Hydrocarbons, Oxygenated Hydrocarbon Compounds    HCs, alcohols, organic acids Sulfur Compounds    SOx (SO3, SO2), H2S Nitrogen Compounds    NOx (NO, NO2) individual pollutant compounds [ この段落のあとに残りの三つのクラスについての説明があります。]

Carbon dioxide, (or) CO2, is a normal component of air (see Table 5 Carbon dioxide, (or) CO2, is a normal component of air (see Table 5.1) and a part of the carbon cycle of the biosphere; therefore, it is not ordinarily considered to be a pollutant. CO2 is a normal component of air (see Table 5.1). CO2 is a part of the carbon cycle of the biosphere. ↓ CO2 is not ordinarily considered to be a pollutant. ⇒ We do not consider that CO2 is a pollutant. (We consider that CO2 is not a pollutant とはいわない)

Carbon dioxide, CO2, is a normal component of air (see Table 5 Carbon dioxide, CO2, is a normal component of air (see Table 5.1) and a part of the carbon cycle of the biosphere; therefore, it is not ordinarily considered to be a pollutant. 二酸化炭素、CO2 は大気の普通の構成要素であり (表 5.1 参照) 生活圏の炭素循環サイクルの一部である、それゆえ、それは通常汚染物質とはみなされないのだ。 二酸化炭素、CO2は空気の典型的成分であり生物圏の炭素サイクルの一部である、それゆえ二酸化炭素は普通、普通汚染物であると考えられることはない。

However, the burning of coal, oil, and natural gas as fuels produces large quantities of CO2. the burning produces large quantities of CO2.      coal    of oil        as fuels      natural gas ↓ We produce large quantities of CO2 by burning of ~.

However, the burning of coal, oil, and natural gas as fuels produces large quantities of CO2. しかしながら,燃料としての石炭,石油,天然ガスの燃焼は,多大な量の二酸化炭素を排出することとなった. しかし燃料として石炭、石油、天然ガスを燃やすとたくさんの二酸化炭素が発生する。

It is estimated that the present rate of increase of the worldwide CO2 concentration is about 0.7 ppm per year. It is estimated that ~.   estimate: to determine roughly the size, extent, or nature of   evaluate: to determine or fix the value, significance, or worth the present rate [of increase of the worldwide CO2 concentration] is about 0.7 ppm per year.   ~ per minute (RPM: round per minute 分速○回転)   How much is it per night? (一泊いくらですか?)

It is estimated that the present rate of increase of the worldwide CO2 concentration is about 0.7 ppm per year. 世界中の二酸化炭素濃度の存在増加率は1年につき約 0.7 ppm だと推定される。 世界的な二酸化炭素の現在の増加割合は一年でだいたい 0.07 ppm であると見積もられている。

We must therefore consider the possible effects of a continued increase in CO2 concentration on the Earth's atmosphere. We consider the effects of a continued increase in CO2 concentration on the Earth's atmosphere.    effect of A on B

We must therefore consider the possible effects of a continued increase in CO2 concentration on the Earth's atmosphere. そのため私たちは増加し続ける地球の大気中における二酸化炭素濃度の、潜在的な効果を考えなければならない。 私たちはそれゆえに、引き続く地球の大気におけるCO2濃度の増加により起こりうる影響を、考えなくてはいけない。

Carbon dioxide molecules, unlike the other components of pure air, have the property of absorbing the infrared (heat) radiation of the sun. A has properties like B.   A は B と同じような性質 (特性) を持っている。 absorb vs. adsorb infrared vs. ultraviolet    infrared: 熱、分子振動の励起    ultraviolet: 化学結合の切断

Carbon dioxide molecules, unlike the other components of pure air, have the property of absorbing the infrared (heat) radiation of the sun. 二酸化炭素分子は純水な空気の他の構成要素と違って太陽の赤外線(熱)放射を吸収する性質を持っている。 二酸化炭素の分子は純粋な空気の他の成分と違って、太陽の赤外線の〔熱〕放射を吸収する性質を持っている。

Therefore, the more CO2 in the atmosphere (exists), the more heat the atmosphere can absorb. そのため、空気中の二酸化炭素が増えれば増えるほど空気中に熱を取り込みやすい。 The (比較級), the (比較級). 後半は   The atmosphere can absorb more heat. で、the atmosphere が主語 (動詞が absorb なので)。

We do not know how severe the effect on the Earth might be. How severe is the effect (on the Earth)?

We do not know how severe the effect on the Earth might be. 私たちには地球でどのような厳しい影響が起きるか分からない。 その効果が地球に対してどの程度深刻なものになるかは分かっていない

One of the most serious possible consequences would be a melting of the polar icecaps with consequent flooding of vast coastal areas throughout the globe. consequence is B with C.: 結果は は C を伴った B である。                   B が起こり、引き続いて C が起こる。                   B = melting, C = flooding One of (複数名詞) [単数動詞] One of (複数名詞) which [複数動詞] [単数動詞] throughout the whole globe は誤り。

One of the most serious possible consequences would be a melting of the polar icecaps with consequent flooding of vast coastal areas throughout the globe. 最も深刻で、起こりうる結果の一つは、北極や南極の氷が解け、その結果地球のいたるところの広大な海岸地方で氾濫がおこるだろう。

Carbon monoxide, (or) CO, is not a component of normal dry air, but is a product of the incomplete combustion of carbon or of carbon compounds. CO is not a component of normal dry air CO is a product of the incomplete combustion of      carbon    carbon compounds.

Carbon monoxide, CO, is not a component of normal dry air, but is a product of the incomplete combustion of carbon or of carbon compounds. 一酸化炭素(CO)は、自然の乾いた空気の成分ではなく、炭素や炭素化合物の不完全燃焼の生成物である。 COの一酸化炭素は普通の乾いた気体の成分ではなく、炭素の混合物の不完全な燃焼の生成物である。

The gas, though colorless, odorless, and non-irritating, is very toxic. Though CO is colorless, odorless, and non-irritating, CO is very toxic. Though に導かれる節 (Though CO is colorless, odorless, and non-irritating) の主語 (CO) が主文 (CO is very toxic) の主語 (CO) と一致するので、Though 節の主語と Be 動詞 (CO is) が省略される。

The gas, though colorless, odorless, and non-irritating, is very toxic. その気体は、無色で無臭で、不快感もないのだが、とても有毒である。

The primary source of CO to which people are exposed in the outdoor atmosphere is automobile exhaust. The primary source of CO is automobile exhaust. people are exposed to CO in the outdoor atmosphere exhaust ⇔ suction outdoor ⇔ indoor

The primary source of CO to which people are exposed in the outdoor atmosphere is automobile exhaust. 人々が屋外の大気中でさらされるCOの主な源は自動車からの排出ガスである.

The concentration level inside an automobile (which is) moving in a heavy stream of traffic on a multilane highway will be in the neighborhood of 25 to 50 ppm. The concentration level is in the neighborhood of 25 to 50 ppm.     inside an automobile       moving in a traffic         on a highway

The concentration level inside an automobile moving in a heavy stream of traffic on a multilane highway will be in the neighborhood of 25 to 50 ppm. 多車線高速道路での交通量が多い自動車の内側の一酸化炭素の濃度水準は約 25~50 ppmである 多車線道路の激しい交通の流れの中を移動している自動車の内部のCO濃度はおよそ 25~50 ppmである

The maximum allowable concentration for healthy workers in industry, for an eight-hour working day, is 50 ppm. The concentration is 50 ppm. maximum allowable     for healthy workers in industry     for an eight-hour working day,

The maximum allowable concentration for healthy workers in industry, for an eight-hour working day, is 50 ppm.

A concentration of 1000 ppm can produce unconsciousness in 1 hour and death in 4 hours.

A concentration of 1000 ppm can produce unconsciousness in 1 hour and death in 4 hours.