Chiba iGEM 2007 Marimo
What the hell is Marimo? Marimo (Japanese: 毬藻 marimo), also known as Cladophora ball, Lake ball, or Moss Balls in English, is a species of filamentous green algae (Chlorophyta) found in a number of lakes in the northern hemisphere. blabla…
To make a bacterial Marimo 1 2 3 まりも完成
Our System Gather bacteria Stick bacteria together Quorum Sensing Stick bacteria together flagella: fliC gene Control size (advanced) Tune Quorum Sensing
Detailed Design S R AHL
Detailed Design: Sender Cell Constitutively express flagella Produce AHL
Detailed Design: Reciever Cell LuxP > flagella no AHL > aiiA ??
Detailed Design: Overview ①Senderは常に鞭毛が生えていて、AHLを生産する。 ②ReceiverはAHL存在下で鞭毛が生えて、AiiAによりAHLを分解する。 ③鞭毛にはヒスタグが付いているのでニッケルイオンを仲介としてくっつく。 S R AHL
Quorum sensing, FliC-his gene Experiments & Results Quorum sensing, FliC-his gene
Experiments Quorum Sensing Flagella (fliC) engeneering modify? for a lab-class 自由溶液 size-tunable Flagella (fliC) engeneering
Quorum Sensing in a liquid… To make the AHL conc. gradation Sender(=AHL producer) Problem Senderを固める(拡散させない) 必要量のAHLを出すSenderの数 AHL拡散 Problem solvent’s viscosity AHL溜る -> 分解する(aiiA)
Size Control Super Sender Cell Super Reciever Cell Produce more AHL Sensitive
To Make a Marimo Check the flagella adsorption w/Quorum sensing 2-dimensional test @ plate 3-dimensional (marimo) Size control test
Controling Marimo Size
What we learned