Grammar and Vocabulary Ⅱ January 17, 2012 Construction Grammar and Vocabulary Ⅱ January 17, 2012
Itの特別な用法 (1) 今雨が降っています。 It [ raining is now]. It is raining now. (2) 今日は2007年6月15日です。 It [ 2007 June the 15th is today]. It is June the 15th, 2007 today.
(3) ビルの間に木が一本あります。 There [ the buildings between a tree is ]. There is a tree between the buildings. (4) 目新しくて、面白いソフトウェアはなにかありますか。 Is [ new interesting software any there]? Is there any new interesting software?
(5) 中国は人口が非常に多いので急速に経済が発展している。 China [ populous so that rapidly its economy growing is is ]. China is so populous that its economy is growing rapidly. (6) 蟻は一匹ずつ見分けるには小さすぎる。 Ants [ one by one to distinguish too small are ]. Ants are too small to distinguish one by one.
(7) できるだけ安くものを買うようにしなさい。 Try [ possible cheaply buy things to as as ]. Try to buy things as cheaply as possible. (8) 早寝早起きは良い習慣だ。 It [ to keep early hours a good habit is ]. It is a good habit to keep early hours.
WEB教材 Itの特別な用法 It_01
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