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Presentation transcript:


I’ve just finished my work. I want to have lunch with Jane. (calling) Hello. This is Ken. Have you finished your work yet ? No, not yet.

You have finished your work. Have 現在完了形(完了)の疑問文 You have finished your work. Have you finished your work yet? Yes, I have. No, I have not. (No, I haven’t.) No, not yet. Point ①「もう~し終わったのか」とたずねるときにはhave ( has ) を文の先頭に出す。 ②文の最後に 「もう」 という意味の yet をつける。 ③答えるときにもhave(has)を使う。 ④Noのときには No, not yet. (いや、まだなんだ)をつかうこともある。

現在完了形 現在完了形完了の疑問文

? ? ? past now future finish your homework You ( )( )( ) have already finished ( ) you ( ) your homework ( ) ? Have finished yet No, I haven’t (have not). Yes, I have. No, not yet.

? ? ? past now future do your work You ( )( )( ) your work. have already done ( ) you ( ) your work ( ) ? Have done yet No, I haven’t (have not). Yes, I have. No, not yet.

? ? ? ? past now future have breakfast Taro ( )( )( ) breakfast. has already had ( ) Taro ( ) breakfast ( ) ? Has had yet No, he hasn’t (has not). Yes, he has. No, not yet.

? ? ? past now future get my letter Judy ( )( )( ) my letter. has already got ( ) Judy ( ) my letter ( ) ? Has got yet No, she hasn’t (has not). Yes, she has. No, not yet.

? ? ? ? past now future finish the meeting They ( )( )( ) the meeting. have already finished ( ) they ( ) the meeting ( ) ? Have finished yet No, they haven’t (have not). Yes, they have. No, not yet.

まだ 現在完了形 完了

I’ve not found the key yet. You’ve lost the key!

I’ve not found the key yet. I lost the key. past now future

I have not found the key yet. 現在完了形(完了) 否定文 past now future I have not found the key yet. Point ① 現在完了形(完了・結果)の文の否定(まだ~していない)は have(has) と過去分詞の間にnotを使う have(has) not 過去分詞 haven’t(hasn’t) 過去分詞 ②文の最後に 「まだ」の意味を表すために、yet をつける

I do my work past now future I ( )( )( ) my work ( ). have not done yet

You finish lunch past now future You ( )( )( ) lunch ( ). have not finished yet

Paul clean his room past now future Paul ( ) ( )( ) his room ( ). has not cleaned yet

Mika do her homework past now future Mika ( )( )( ) her homework ( ). has not done yet

They find the key past now future They ( ) ( )( ) the key ( ). have not found yet

I have not found the key yet. 現在完了形(完了) 否定文 past now future I have not found the key yet. Point ① 現在完了形(完了・結果)の文の否定(まだ~していない)は have(has) と過去分詞の間にnotを使う have(has) not 過去分詞 haven’t(hasn’t) 過去分詞 ②文の最後に 「まだ」の意味を表すために、yet をつける