定期考査2 英語
5.単語・熟語 made friends with what kind of fall asleep look up a pile of 〜と友達になる どんな種類の 眠りに落ちる 見上げる 一山の〜 made friends with what kind of fall asleep look up a pile of
5.単語・熟語 a few hours set up sit on the ground farmer, hard 数時間、(テント)を張る に座る、地面 農場主、一生懸命 〜したらどうですか にちがいない a few hours set up sit on the ground farmer, hard why don’t you must
6.接続詞・過去進行形 When I am free, I often take a walk in the park. Yuri knows that we will come to the party next week. I don’t think that your idea is good. When I am free, I often take a walk in the park. We’ll be happy if Bob can come. 2 3 7 1 5 6 4 4 1 7 5 3 2 6 2 7 6 8 4 1 3 5 4 1 5 2 3 6
6.接続詞・過去進行形 If Sofia goes to Okinawa, she will take a lot of pictures. If you don’t have you racket, please use mine. My mother and my brother were cooking at that time. 5 3 1 2 8 4 6 7 5 2 4 3 1 6 7 2 3 1 4
7. Lesson 3 take took have fun had fun leave for left for be proud of 連れて行く 連れて行った 楽しむ 楽しんだ に向かって出発する 出発した を誇りに思う have fun had fun leave for left for be proud of
7. Lesson 3 ア. Aya’s family was happy when Max left for the training center. イ. Max is helping children now. ウ. When Max came to our house, he was only two years old.
8. Lesson 3 lose lost In In Japan 失う 失った 1916 1939 the country 失う 失った 1916 1939 the country How many guide dogs do we have in Japan? lose lost In In Japan
8. Lesson 3 ア. Many German soldier lost their eyesight in WWⅠ. イ. The first guide dog school opened in Japan. ウ. Guide dog schools opened in only Germany. オ. We need more guide dogs.