オーストラリア研究(英語) Chris Burgess (1号館1308研究室、内線164)


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Presentation transcript:

オーストラリア研究(英語) Chris Burgess (1号館1308研究室、内線164) May 1948: Migrants arriving on ‘Empire Brent’ Chris Burgess (1号館1308研究室、内線164) cburgess@tsuda.ac.jp ・http://edu.tsuda.ac.jp/~cburgess

'It's not Disneyland': Climbing Uluru to be banned from October 2019 Traditional owners have been asking visitors not to climb Uluru since the 1985 handback Signs requesting people reconsider climbing have been in place at the base of the climb area since 1992. The climb had also claimed 36 lives since record-keeping began in the 1950s 2019=34th anniversary of the return of Uluru http://www.abc.net.au/news/2017-11-01/uluru-climbs-banned-after-unanimous-board-decision/9103512

Also available off campus: http://edu.tsuda.ac.jp/~cburgess URL also at bottom of course outline Also available off campus: http://edu.tsuda.ac.jp/~cburgess

Readings: Now on TsudaNet ポータル Readings for the following week can be accessed 1 week before (i.e. now!)

Migration: White Australia

MIGRANT OR IMMIGRANT? Migration = to move (migrant) (literally to change one’s place of living) Immigration = to move into (immigrant) BUT both describe those who have settled in a country other than their country of origin (i.e. NOT short-term workers, business-people, tourists, students, ‘entertainers’ etc) In popular usage migrant generally conjures up images of itinerant worker while immigrant suggests more permanence (though this distinction does not seem relevant in lit.)

Defining an “International Migrant” (IM) 1) Crossing a state border 2) Minimum period of stay (e.g. 3 months +) 3) Residential ‘Intention’ Often the state defines who is and is not an IM For example, highly skilled professional migrants are often called ‘expatriates’

“Japan has no migrants and is 移民・移住者 rarely heard in popular usage Officially 入国者 is used rather than 移民 在日外国人、ニューカマー、外国人労働者、日系人、アジアから来た花嫁さん etc “Japan has no migrants and is not a migrant society” Outside of academia, the term imin (migrant) is rarely used to describe those recent arrivals to Japan. As Douglass observes, foreigners coming to Japan are not ‘(im)migrants’ but ‘entrants’ (temporary residents). The emphasis on entrants reflects the dominant official position that Japan has neither minorities nor migrants and is not (and has no intention of becoming) a migrant society. Pak calls this position the ‘no immigration principle’, an institutionalisation of the tan’itsu minzoku (‘homogeneous people’) idiom which underlies the state system for controlling foreigners.

1788: 11 ships, 1500 人 (50% 囚人) (160,000 囚人 over next 80 years)

GOLD-RUSH 1850年代にオーストラリア東部で金鉱山が発見され、大量の移民が流れ込んで来た。 イギリスを始め、アイルランド、フランス、ドイツ、イタリア、中国等、様々な国の人々が金鉱に押し寄せた。 Migration at 50,000/year 1888: Phrase ‘White Australia’ first appears…

Origins of White Australia Policy

Origins of White Australia Policy


US House ‘regrets’ Chinese Exclusion Act The House of Representatives unanimously passed a resolution decrying a law — more than a century old — that prevented Chinese people from immigrating to the United States. The resolution voices ‘regret’ for the Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882, which banned Chinese workers from further immigration and barred existing residents from naturalisation and voting. The Act lasted for roughly six decades, and marked the first and only time the United States federal government explicitly rejected an immigrant group on the basis of their origin. http://gulfnews.com/news/world/usa/us-house-regrets-chinese-exclusion-act-1.1037685 June 19, 2012

Pre-War (Federation-1945)

Top 6 Overseas Born, 1901 Total Overseas Born (外国生まれ) 857,576 (22.7%) Total Australian Population: 3,773, 801

Pre-War (Federation-1945) 20世紀の初頭まではオーストラリアへの入国に関して人種による規制はなかった しかし、中国から数多くの金採掘業者が入ってくるのに従って、非ヨーロッパ系移民に対する反発が強くなった このことが1901年に発足した新連邦議会による初の移民制定法:「白豪主義政策」 http://discover.australia.or.jp/chapter05/005.html

Immigration Restriction Act (1901) (いわゆる「白豪主義政策」) Goal : assimilation Creating an ethnically homogeneous society (though exclusion of non-Europeans never written into law!) Rationale: theories of racial superiority Implementation Fines for ships carrying ‘undesirable’ migrants Dictation test…

Dictation Test (移民資格試験 ) 政府は公然と人種差別政策が行われている事実を隠蔽するため、移民資格試験を設けました 移民審査官が移民申請者のヨーロッパ言語理解能力を試すもので、事実上形式だけの検査 聞き取り試験の際、審査官が申請者を受け入れないと判断すれば、その場で申請者が話すことが出来ないと思われる言語を選んで質問しました。 e.g. ゲール語やトランシルバニア語が使用されることも Almost 2000 individuals excluded between 1901-1958 for failing the test See http://www.maltamigration.com/history/maltese-australian/prohibited3.shtml

‘write out dictation and sign in the presence of an officer, a passage of 50 words in a European language directed by the officer’ Níl aon tintéan mar do thintéan féin Scileann fíon fírinne. Is fear rith maith ná drochsheasamh Fillean meal ar an meallaire Aithníonn cíaróg cíaróg eile. Ní hé lá na gaoithe lá na scolb. Ná bac le mac an bhacaigh is ní bacfaidh mac an bhacaigh leat. Nuair atá an cat amuigh bíonn na luch ag damhsa. Meallan muilte Dé go mall ach meallan siad go mion.

Japanese Reaction Japan raised strong objections to Australia's Immigration Restriction Act Japan lobbied the British extensively during the passage of Bill through Australian Federal parliament Japan again tried to end White Australia by inserting a racial equality clause into the League of Nations preamble (1919) Defeated by Australia PM Hughes… http://www.abc.net.au/cgi-bin/common/printfriendly.pl?/federation/fedstory/ep2/ep2_places.htm

Tests then and now… Dictation Test (1901-58) for migrants 1904-09: only six out of 554 passed. No-one was able to pass the dictation test after 1909 (2000+ individuals excluded?) New 市民権 Test for would-be citizens from October 2007 (revised 2009) English proficiency Australian history, values, customs, & laws 「すべての移民は英語を話し、男女が平等であることを理解すべきだ」 John Howard (2006.9.5) Almost 2000 individuals excluded between 1901-1958 for failing the test

パート 2 – オーストラリアにおける民主主義の信念、権利、自由 16 目次 あなたへのメッセージ 3 試験対象セクション パート 1 – オーストラリアとその国民 8 パート 2 – オーストラリアにおける民主主義の信念、権利、自由 16 パート 3 – オーストラリアの政治と法律 22 試験対象セクションの用語集 30 練習問題 34 http://www.border.gov.au/Trav/Citi/pathways-processes/Citizenship-test/Australian-citizenship-test-resource/Australian-citizenship-practice-test

(in “Readings” folder) a, a, c (coat of arms) On Class HP! (in “Readings” folder)

Post-War (1945-1975) POPULATE OR PERISH! 「人口を増やさなければオーストラリアは消滅する」 From 1947 mass migration programs responded to need for labour post WWII

‘Ten-pound pom’ campaign British citizens encouraged to immigrate to Australia in the 1950s and 1960s ‘Assisted passage scheme’: journey from UK to OZ cost only £10 (\2000) for adults. Those under 18 were free! 1 million plus British citizens emigrated Gillard migrated when she was 5… 301.45121/H224

Official Apologies 2009 Kevin Rudd official apology 2010 Gordon Brown (British PM)

“Oranges and Sunshine” オレンジと太陽 Almost 150,000 poor British children placed in community care between 1947 and 1979 were relocated to Australia under false pretences.

http://oranges-movie.com/ DVD-6291

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P5YjbczJp80 Responsibility for past wrongs….

Post-War (1945-1975) POPULATE OR PERISH! 「人口を増やさなければオーストラリアは消滅する」 From 1947 mass migration programs responded to need for labour post WWII Gradual Easing of Migration Restrictions 800 non-European refugees allowed to stay 650 Japanese war-brides (can apply for PR) Focus on Southern European Migrants… Painless integration…


Post-War (1945-1975) 1957: non-Europeans with 15 years residence allowed to become citizens 1958: Revised Migration Act abolished dictation test, removed mention of race 1966: Well qualified non-Europeans accepted, PR available to all after 5 years

Post-War (1945-1973) 1965: Labour’s longstanding commitment to White Australia policy is removed Whitlam (Labour) government ‘73 All migrants could become citizens after 3yrs Race to be ignored in selection of migrants International race agreements to be ratified 1975: Racial Discrimination Act

期間別(5か年抽出)移民出生主要6か国と総移民数に占める割合 1970年6月30日までの5年間 総移民: 804,100

期間別(5か年抽出)移民出生主要6か国と総移民数に占める割合 1980年6月30日までの5年間 総移民: 344,700

期間別(5か年抽出)移民出生主要6か国と総移民数に占める割合 1990年6月30日までの5年間 総移民: 616,100

期間別(5か年抽出)移民出生主要6か国と総移民数に占める割合 2000年6月30日までの5年間 総移民: 438,600

27% 10% http://www.abs.gov.au/ausstats/abs@.nsf/Products/1197BC920F1A28E5CA2578B00011976A?opendocument

DY 2009/12/09 p. 15

India now Biggest Source of Migrants to Australia (2011-12) 2010-11: 21,768 2010-11: 29,547 TOTAL 2010-11: 184,998 (70% skill stream, 30% family stream) http://www.minister.immi.gov.au/media/cb/2012/cb188313.htm http://www.immi.gov.au/media/statistics/pdf/report-on-migration-program-2011-12.pdf (N.B. New Zealand citizens are not counted as part of the migration program).

Re-emergence of White Australia? Attacks on Indians… December 2005

Foreign student death details suppressed (July 1st 2009)

Protest in New Delhi against racial attacks on Indians in Australia Indian activists of National Akali Dal hold an image of Australian Prime Minister Kevin Rudd as they shout slogans against racial attacks on Indians in Australia during a protest in New Delhi on January 17. Australia's foreign minister told parliament some of the recent violence against Indian students had clearly been racially motivated and had "considerably damaged" the nation's reputation. (January 17th 2010)

‘Curry Bashing’ Attacks Australia is upset with a cartoon published in an Indian newspaper that shows a person in a in a Ku Klux Klan hood wearing a Victoria Police badge.  The cartoon mocks recent remarks by Australian officials that say attacks against Indians are not racist, but typical "urban crimes“ (2010/1) http://www.ndtv.com/news/india/ku_klux_klan_ad_in_india_angers_australia.php

Re-emergence of White Australia? Attacks on Muslims… December 2005 December 2005

Cronulla Riots

Cronulla Riots Dec. 10th 2005: Lebanese Australian men attacked members of the N. Cronulla Surf Life Saving Club after they asked them to stop playing soccer because it was disturbing other beach users The next day, 5,000, mainly whites, gathered on Cronulla Beach Australia's biggest racist protest since vigilante miners killed two Chinese at Lambing Flat in 1860… “Australians not racist”, says Howard Cronulla was possibly Australia's biggest racist protest since vigilante miners killed two Chinese at Lambing Flat in 1860.

Riots infiltrated by neo-Nazi’s The Patriotic Youth League, which calls itself a "radical nationalist" group, was founded by One Nation activist Stuart McBeth in 2002. It has links to the German-based skinhead group Volksfront, the British Nationalist Party and the New Zealand National Front. It has campaigned for the immigrants to be deported and for foreign students to be kept out of universities.


人類間対立暴力の応酬 讀賣新聞14.12.05 p.7

「白豪主義」なお 豪・移民と衝突 衝突は、1970年代に撤廃されたとはいえ、完全に消え去ることのない「白豪主義」と、米同時テロ以降に深まった中東系移民への不信感に起因する民族対立を改めて浮き彫りにした。 イスラム系人口は全体の1.5%(30万人) 4割は70年代の内戦を逃れてきたレバノン系 讀賣新聞 2005.12.13 p.7

Counter-terrorism raids

Australian Muslim frontbencher suffers online abuse after Koran oath Australia’s first Muslim frontbencher, Ed Husic, has been subjected to “extreme” abuse after he chose to swear his oath of office on the Koran. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/australiaandthepacific/australia/10154392/Australian-Muslim-frontbencher-suffers-online-abuse-after-Koran-oath.html July 2013

Australia's Parliament House Lifts Face Veil Ban Australia's Parliament House on Monday lifted a short-lived ban on facial coverings including burqas and niqabs after the prime minister intervened. The department that runs Parliament House had announced earlier this month that "persons with facial coverings" would no longer be allowed in the open public galleries. The ban had been widely condemned as a segregation of Muslim women and a potential breach of anti-discrimination laws. http://abcnews.go.com/International/wireStory/australias-parliament-house-lifts-face-veil-ban-26310785 Oct 20, 2014

Racist taunt directed at AFL player of Aboriginal descent by a 13-year-old Magpies fan Sydney star Adam Goodes was called an "ape" by a teenage girl during the clash against the Magpies; Magpies President Eddie McGuire apologises… McGuire suggests Goodes be used to promote the musical King Kong… Adam Goodes Adam Goodes May 24/28th 2013

“To me Australia is very casual with racism, I would argue that many people in this country would not think what Eddie or the 13yr old girl said last Friday is 'bad'. In my opinion race relations in this country is systematically a national disgrace and we have a long way to go to reach a more harmonious and empathetic society.“ Harry O’Brien, Magpie star

オーストラリア人の約1割は人種至上主義者=調査(1 in 10 Aussies racist) 2008年 09月 29日 19:42 JST    [キャンベラ 29日 ロイター] 人口に占める移民の比率が高く、多民族国家として知られるオーストラリアだが、国民の10人に1人は「人種至上主義者」であることが調査で明らかになった。(belief in racial supremacy)  調査はウエスタン・シドニー大学が約10年にわたり、ニューサウスウエールズ州の約1万2500人を対象に実施。イスラム系など一部の民族グルー プが現代オーストラリア社会に属していないと考える人も全体の46%になるなど、人種差別的視点を持つ人が少なくないことも明らかになった。(Muslims don’t belong in Australia)  調査を率いたケビン・ダン氏は、地元ラジオ局に対し「80%以上の人が文化の多様性はメリットがあると考え、オーストラリア社会にとって良いこと だと見ている」とコメント。その上で、全体の10分の1は、人種によって優劣があると信じる人種至上主義的な人だという見方を示した。 http://jp.reuters.com/article/oddlyEnoughNews/idJPJAPAN-33990220080929 http://www.abc.net.au/news/stories/2008/09/28/2376201.htm?section=justin http://www.canberratimes.com.au/news/local/news/general/1-in-10-australians-outwardly-racist-but-not-in-the-act/1284880.aspx

Q: Why Did Australia open its doors to Migrants? A: World War II

Next Week: Multicultural Australia… Reading on Tsuda Net

オーストラリア研究(英語) Chris Burgess (1号館1308研究室、内線164) May 1948: Migrants arriving on ‘Empire Brent’ Chris Burgess (1号館1308研究室、内線164) cburgess@tsuda.ac.jp ・http://edu.tsuda.ac.jp/~cburgess

Acute Skills Shortage: 97,500 skilled workers wanted for 2005… Pastry Chefs Cabinet makers Bricklayers Motor mechanics

Worst Drought in 100 years Howard unveils $350m drought relief (October 16) Since 2001 the Howard Government has spent $1.25 billion in drought relief TOUGHER stage 3 water bans could be imposed across Melbourne by Christmas if no rain (limit garden watering to just 2 days/week) BUT, Government will not consider changing policy to sign the Kyoto Protocol...

Australian dollar overtakes US dollar http://www.guardian.co.uk/business/2010/oct/15/australian-dollar-overtakes-us-dollar The Australian dollar is worth more than the US dollar for the first time since it became a freely traded currency (2010/10/15)

Tamworth rejects Sudanese refugees A group of Sudanese refugees has been refused residence in Australia's most "Friendly Town" because of fears they could spark a repeat of the race riots that gripped Sydney a year ago. Tamworth city officials said on they had rejected residency for 5 Sudanese families because they could stir racial unrest in the city, 260 km northwest of Sydney. http://news.ninemsn.com.au/national/171174/tamworth-rejects-sudanese-refugees 2006: 24% of people on refugee visas from Sudan, making it the number one country of birth for humanitarian migrants to Australia (Iraq 2nd, Afghanistan 3rd) Dec 15 2006