Going to the beach うみ に いきましょう うみ に いきましょう - Beach vocabulary - Beach safety
Sea or beach umi 海 うみ
fish sakana さかな 魚
ukiwa うきわ Lifesaver ring
crab kani かに 蟹
F - L - A - G - S Find the flags and swim between them. Look at the safety signs. Ask a lifesaver for some good advice. Get a parent of adult friend to swim with you. Stick your hand up for help.
diver daibaa ダイバー
taoru タオル towel
shark same さめ
coral sango さんご
Never: swim without an adult swim at unpatrolled beaches swim at night run and dive into the water
parasoru パラソル beach umbrella
bucket baketsu バケツ
beach shovel shaberu シャベル
What did they forget?
Don’t forget your sunscreen & a hat!