医学教育とPersonal drugの考え方:今後の展望


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Presentation transcript:

医学教育とPersonal drugの考え方:今後の展望 第34回日本医学教育学会大会ミニ・シンポジウム 昭和大学, 東京, 2002.1.26(土) 東京大学大学院薬学系研究科医薬経済学 津谷喜一郎


History of the Guide to Good Prescribing 1991-1992 Global field test 1994 Guide to Good Prescribing Training courses Groningen (1995-2000) Cape Town (1996,1997, 2000) La Plata (1999, 2000, 2001) Manila (2001) Current languages Albanian, Arabic, Bengali, Bosnian, Catalan, Chinese, English, French, German, Indonesian, Italian, Japanese, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Serbian, Slovakian, Spanish, Turkish, Vietnamese

RCT on P-drug training Participants: 219 medical students in Groningen , Kathmandu, Lagos, Newcastle, New Delhi, San Francisco, Yogyakarata outcome: positive retention effect and transfer effect after six month de Vries TPGM, Henning RH, Hogerzeil HV, et.al. Impact of a short course in pharmacotherapy for undergraduate medical students: an international randomised controlled study. Lancet 1995: 346:1454-7


National courses Baghdad - Buenos Aires - Cairo - Damascus - Entebbe - Islamabad - Jakarta La Paz - Manama - Manila - Mexico - Moscow - Rabat - Seoul - Tokyo - Tunis

Who train whom ? present and future Who are trainers ? P-NET-J ⇒ P-NET-J + Who are trainees ? Those who have interest/motivation outside university       ⇒ Medical /pharmaceutical students in the university

Why ? “Irrational prescribing is a habit which is difficult to cure” de Vries TPGM, Henning RH, Hogerzeil HV, et.al. Impact of a short course in pharmacotherapy for undergraduate medical students: an international randomised controlled study. Lancet 1995: 346:1454-7

薬の選択:薬籠に何を入れるか 第6回日本薬剤疫学会シンポジウムII 2000.11.11(土),東京 オーガナイザー・座長  東京医科歯科大学 津谷喜一郎 1. WHO必須医薬品モデルリストの作り方                 京大・臨床疫学・福井次矢 2. 日本で使われる薬の数と承認の考え方          (財)医療機器センター・久保田晴久 3. 病院医薬品集(Hospital Formulary)の実態         帝京大・市原病院・薬・清水秀行、他 4. P-drugの考え方と実際                昭和大学・薬理・内田英二 ( 臨床薬理 2001; 28(3): 497-525)

エッセンシャルドラッグとパーソナルドラッグ 公開セミナー, 東京大学, 2002.1.26(土) 1. E-drugとP-drug:セミナーの趣旨  津谷喜一郎  2. 「EBMに基づいた必須医薬品リスト選定のガイドライン作成に関する   調査」班活動について      浜松医科大学臨床薬理学  渡辺裕司 3. P-drugの日本での展開      昭和大学第2薬理学 内田英二 4. 薬学におけるP-drug教育     富山医科薬科大学薬剤部  川上純一 5. WHOエッセンシャル・ドラッグ・モデルリストは先進国において意味 が あるか?  WHO Essential Drug List 担当医官  Hans Horgerzeil 6. 「内科医の薬100」 作成のコンセプトと実際 東海大学医学部 上野文昭 7. 米国HMOの現状  岡山大学大学院医療経済学        西田在賢 8. Panel discussion                            「薬理と治療」誌収載予定,2002

Future Marketing approval Reimbursement package Formula Training Core curriculum of medical training Clinical Practice Guidelines Decision making support system (Library) “Teachers manual”

Summary of clinical guideline The WHO Essential Medicines Library to facilitate the work of national committees Clinical guideline Summary of clinical guideline WHO Model Formulary Evidence: - Reasons for inclusion - Systematic reviews - Key references WHO Model List Cost: - per unit - per treatment - per month - per case prevented Quality information: - Basic quality tests - Intern. Pharmacopoea - Reference standards

Teacher’s Guide to Good Prescribing Overview (1) Part 1: How to teach pharmacotherapy with the GGP The role of the teacher How to formulate learning objectives How to make good patient examples Teaching notes to each chapter Developing critical appraisal skills Application in primary care settings

Teacher’s Guide to Good Prescribing Overview (2) Part 2: How to assess students, teachers and the course How to assess the students How to assess the teachers How to assess the impact of the training Part 3: How to mobilise support How to mobilise support for problem- based pharmacotherapy teaching