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Presentation transcript:

留学生のための就活ガイダンス Ⅰ Job-hunting Support Course I for International Students 日本での就職活動は何から始めれば良い?どんなことに気をつけるべき?と いった基本的なことから、ESや履歴書の書き方など実践的なことまで学ぶ ことができます。 It is a very good chance to learn basic information about job-hunting in Japan, when to start and what you should pay attention to. Also, you will be able to learn how to properly write the all- important ES and resume. 【Time】October 4 (Tue), 18:15-20:15 【Venue】Building 11 Room 506 【Language】Japanese *Q&A : English and Japanese 【Application】My Waseda→Home→Application Forms and Qustionnairs →Fill Out Application Forms→【SILS GNC】10/4 Start –up Seminar