JEFFREY WITZEL (University of Texas at Arlington, USA)


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Presentation transcript:

JEFFREY WITZEL (University of Texas at Arlington, USA) 国際言語文化研究科日本言語文化専攻 第27回日本語教育学講座講演会 JEFFREY WITZEL (University of Texas at Arlington, USA) Deeper than shallow: Evidence for structure-based parsing biases in second-language sentence processing ABSTRACT This study examines the reading patterns of native speakers (NSs) and high-level (Chinese) nonnative speakers (NNSs) on three English sentence types involving temporarily ambiguous structural configurations. The reading patterns on each sentence type indicate that both NSs and NNSs were biased toward specific structural interpretations. These results are interpreted as evidence that both first-language and second-language (L2) sentence comprehension is guided (at least in part) by structure-based parsing strategies and, thus as counterevidence to the claim that NNSs are largely limited to rudimentary (or “shallow”) syntactic computation during online L2 sentence processing. 日程:2013年6月6日(木曜日)午後6時15分~午後7時45分(6コマ目の授業時間帯) 場所:名古屋大学全学教育棟・北棟405号室   <参加自由・無料> コンタクト: 名古屋大学 玉岡賀津雄