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Receiving American Culture: American Cultural Imperialism or Japanese Cultural Assimilation? Erika Abe B15510.

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Presentation on theme: "Receiving American Culture: American Cultural Imperialism or Japanese Cultural Assimilation? Erika Abe B15510."— Presentation transcript:

1 Receiving American Culture: American Cultural Imperialism or Japanese Cultural Assimilation?
Erika Abe B15510

2 What kind of impression do you get from this picture?

3 Outline Introduction Defining Terms
Evidence for American Cultural Imperialism Evidence for Japanese Cultural Assimilation Analysis Conclusion

4 Outline Introduction Defining Terms
Evidence for American Cultural Imperialism Evidence for Japanese Cultural Assimilation Analysis Conclusion

5 2. Defining Terms Receiving American Culture: American Cultural Imperialism or Japanese Cultural Assimilation?

6 2. Defining Terms 文化・・・ (中略)ある社会の成員が共有している行動様式や物質的側面を含めた生活様式をさす
(中略)ある社会の成員が共有している行動様式や物質的側面を含めた生活様式をさす (ブリタニカ国際大百科事典 2014)

7 2. Defining Terms Examples Language → English Custom
→ Eating meat habits (MacDonald’s ) → popular event(Valentine’s Day)

8 2. Defining Terms Receiving American Culture: American Cultural Imperialism or Japanese Cultural Assimilation?

9 2. Defining Terms ⬇️ Cultural imperialism
a culture of a large and powerful country, organization having a great influence on another less powerful country (Cambridge Business English Dictionary 2011:196)              ◇ A Great influence of American culture replaces Japanese culture or not ⬇️

10 2. Defining Terms Receiving American Culture: American Cultural Imperialism or Japanese Cultural Assimilation?

11 2. Defining Terms ⬇️ Assimilation
the process becoming a part, or making someone become a part, of a group, country, society (Cambridge Free English Dictionary and Thesaurus 2016) ◇ Japanese culture makes American culture spontaneously(自発的に) to become a part of own cultural group or not ⬇️

12 2. Defining Terms ◇ American Culture Imperialism
A Great influence of American culture replaces Japanese culture. ◇ Japanese Cultural Assimilation Japanese culture makes American culture spontaneously to become a part of own culture.

13 2. Defining Terms Receiving American Culture: American Cultural Imperialism or Japanese Cultural Assimilation? ⬇️ Japanese culture is replaced by American culture or Japanese culture accepted it spontaneously, and make it becoming a part of own culture?

14 Outline Introduction Defining Terms
Evidence for American Cultural Imperialism Evidence for Japanese Cultural Assimilation Analysis Conclusion

15 Outline Introduction Defining Terms
Evidence for American Cultural Imperialism Evidence for Japanese Cultural Assimilation Analysis Conclusion

16 3. Evidence for American Cultural Imperialism
3.1) Introducing English as an official language in office 3.2) McDonalds’ number of stores in Japan

17 3. Evidence for American Cultural Imperialism
3.1) Introducing English as an official language in office 3.2) McDonalds’ number of stores in Japan

18 3.1) Introducing English as an official language in office
Introducing English in office= Conference is held in English Contacting business partners and other departments in English Make reports and presentation materials in English The number of foreign bosses and colleagues will increase

19 3.1) Introducing English as an official language in office
Have already introduced English to meet the world standard that English is important in business Announced to introduce English Rakuten, Inc. (PRESIDENT Online 2015) FAST RETAILING CO., LTD (U-NOTE 2014) Bridgestone Corporation (Bloomberg 2013) Honda Motor Co., Ltd. (Business Journal 2014) Sharp Corporation (GOOD TO GREAT 2010) etc... I will not consider Nissan this time. Because the official English language is in overseas branch offices, not in Japan.

20 3.1) Introducing English as an official language in office
Why Companies decided to Introduce English? 日本語の比重が大きい国際経営によって生じる問題を「言語コスト」と呼び、(中略) 通訳・翻訳のコスト、誤解、意思疎通の決定の遅れ、情報の漏れが挙げられる。 (Takamori, Momotarou 2015) Japanese companies have no choice other than to introduce English to gain more profit They are forcing to replace language Japanese with English ⬇️

21 3.1) Introducing English as an official language in office
◇ American Culture Imperialism A Great influence of American culture replaces Japanese culture. ◇ Japanese Cultural Assimilation Japanese culture makes American culture spontaneously to become a part of own culture.

22 3. Evidence for American Cultural Imperialism
3.1) Introducing English as an official language in office 3.2) McDonalds’ number of stores in Japan

23 3. Evidence for American Cultural Imperialism
3.1) Introducing English as an official language in office 3.2) McDonalds’ number of stores in Japan

24 3.2) McDonalds’ number of stores in Japan
Figure 1: McDonald‘s number of stores by prefecture 2015 Culture of eating hamburgers of McDonald's took root in Japan 都道府県別 マクドナルド店舗数 店舗がない県はあると思う? きく (Statistics by prefecture and Japanese prefectural character as seen in ranking 2015)

25 3.2) McDonalds’ number of stores in Japan
Figure 2: Reason for choosing a fast food shop People’s demand many stores ⬇️ マクドナルドを選ぶ理由:早く食べられるから、とても便利 昼食を選ぶときも寿司屋よりもマクドナルドの方が入りやすい、行き慣れている→店の需要がある→店舗数も多い (Marsh Co.,ltd 2007)

26 3.2) McDonalds’ number of stores in Japan
Table 1 : Number of Sushiro's stores by district Table 2: Number of McDonald's stores by district 全国地方 総数 北海道 8軒 東北 13軒 関東 123軒 中部 82軒 近畿 116軒 中国 17軒 四国 26軒 九州 62軒 沖縄 4軒 全国地方 総数 北海道 88軒 東北 146軒 関東 1,157軒 中部 517軒 近畿 646軒 中国 137軒 四国 79軒 九州 253軒 沖縄 42軒 Japanese food < American food Total: 447 stores Total: 3,065 stores 寿司を選んだ理由:日本文化を代表する食といえば寿司、だから寿司業界の中でもっとも市場規模が大きいスシローと比較し、マクドナルドの市場規模の大きさを確認するため。 寿司(日本)がハンバーガー(アメリカ)にreplacedされている (Akindo Sushiro co.,ltd 2016) (Statistics by prefecture and Japanese prefectural character as seen in ranking 2015)

27 3.2) McDonalds’ number of stores in Japan
◇ American Culture Imperialism A Great influence of American culture replaces Japanese culture. ◇ Japanese Cultural Assimilation Japanese culture makes American culture spontaneously to become a part of own culture.

28 Outline Introduction Defining Terms
Evidence for American Cultural Imperialism Evidence for Japanese Cultural Assimilation Analysis Conclusion

29 Outline Introduction Defining Terms
Evidence for American Cultural Imperialism Evidence for Japanese Cultural Assimilation Analysis Conclusion

30 4. Evidence for Japanese Cultural Assimilation
4.1) Japaneseizaiton(日本化) of foreign food 4.2) Incorporate foreign events

31 4. Evidence for Japanese Cultural Assimilation
4.1) Japaneseizaiton(日本化) of foreign food 4.2) Incorporate foreign events

32 4.1) Japaneseizaiton(日本化) of foreign food
・・・日本化(現象)、日本式[風]にすること (Eijirō on the WEB )

33 4.1) Japaneseizaiton(日本化) of foreign food
Which is a original cooking from different countries? A ) カレーライス B )天ぷら C ) ナポリタン These are born in Japan Those came from abroad, but improved to Japanese style 生まれた年、来歴を簡単に書く。 もしくは、書いて置かずに後に質問されたら、応えられるようにしておく。 D ) ラーメン E ) ハンバーグ F )トンカツ

34 4.1) Japaneseizaiton(日本化) of foreign food
自らの伝統に訓染ませて、独自の加工を加えつつ、日本の先人たちは自分の生活文化を築いてきた。そうして幅広い国際的な交流のなかで、さまざまな融合、変容を繰り返しつつ、独自な展開を遂げてきたのである。 (Hongxian 2012:77 )

35 4.1) Japaneseizaiton(日本化) of foreign food
◇ American Culture Imperialism A Great influence of American culture replaces Japanese culture. ◇ Japanese Cultural Assimilation Japanese culture makes American culture spontaneously to become a part of own culture.

36 4. Evidence for Japanese Cultural Assimilation
4.1) Japaneseizaiton(日本化) of foreign cuisine 4.2) Incorporate foreign events

37 4. Evidence for Japanese Cultural Assimilation
4.1) Japaneseizaiton(日本化) of foreign cuisine 4.2) Incorporate foreign events

38 4.2) Incorporate foreign events
Japanese company introduced Catch the people’s feeling Be accepted Example1: Valentines’ Day Began in the 1950’s, took root in the 1970’s Japanese confectionery company’s business strategy 1958年(昭和33年)2月、メリーチョコレート会社(東京)は、新宿・伊勢丹の売り場に「バレンタインセール」と手書きの看板を出した。3日間で売れたのは30円の板チョコ5枚と4円のカード5枚だけであった。翌年、ハート型チョコを作った。「女性から男性へ」という殺し文句を作ったのもその頃だ。(Asahi Shibun 1996) ⬇️ ⬇️ Source(バレンタインデーとチョコレートChocolate & cocoa association of japan < (Chocolate & cocoa association of japan 2009)

39 4.2) Incorporate foreign events
Japan America Women give a chocolate to their beloved person Japan has a custom to give 義理チョコ People recognize valentine’s day as a event to confess their love to beloved person Man give a Message card, flowers, or gifts to their beloved person America doesn’t have a custom to give 義理チョコ People recognize valentine’s day as a event to celebrate their love with beloved person Japan made a original style spontaneously Source(バレンタインデーとチョコレートChocolate & cocoa association of japan < Source: (英トピ アメリカのバレンタインの慣習は?日本との差をチェック! 2012:12 < (Eitopi 2012)

40 4.2) Incorporate foreign events
◇ American Culture Imperialism A Great influence of American culture replaces Japanese culture. ◇ Japanese Cultural Assimilation Japanese culture makes American culture spontaneously to become a part of own culture.

41 Outline Introduction Defining Terms
Evidence for American Cultural Imperialism Evidence for Japanese Cultural Assimilation Analysis Conclusion

42 Outline Introduction Defining Terms
Evidence for American Cultural Imperialism Evidence for Japanese Cultural Assimilation Analysis Conclusion

43 5. Analysis for American Cultural Imperialism
3.1) Analysis for introducing English as an official language in office 3.2) Analysis for McDonalds’ number of stores in Japan

44 5. Analysis for American Cultural Imperialism
3.1) Analysis for introducing English as an official language in office 3.2) Analysis for McDonalds’ number of stores in Japan

45 3.1) Introducing English as an official language in office
Already have Introduced English Announced to introduce English Rakuten, Inc. (PRESIDENT Online 2015) FAST RETAILING CO., LTD (U-NOTE 2014) Bridgestone Corporation (Bloomberg 2013) Honda Motor Co., Ltd. (Business Journal 2014) Sharp Corporation (GOOD TO GREAT 2010) etc... I will not consider Nissan this time. Because the official English language is in overseas branch offices, not in Japan.

46 3.1) Introducing English as an official language in office
Why Companies decided to introduce English? 日本語の比重が大きい国際経営によって生じる問題を「言語コスト」と呼び、(中略) 通訳・翻訳のコスト、誤解、意思疎通の決定の遅れ、情報の漏れが挙げられる。 (Takamori, Momotarou 2015) Are Japanese companies really forced to replace Japanese with English? Are they seriously thinking about it?

47 3.1) Introducing English as an official language in office
Figure 3: Survey on introducing English as a official language in office (En-Japan 2011)

48 3.1) Introducing English as an official language in office
Figure 5 : Survey on introducing English as an official language in office (En-Japan 2011)

49 3.1) Introducing English as an official language in office
Figure 6 : Survey on introducing English as an official language in office 英語の社内公用語化、56%が「使い分けるべき」 
創論 アンケート結果 12: 2011< (Nihon Keizai Shimbun 2011)

50 2/5 5. Analysis for American Cultural Imperialism
◇ American Culture Imperialism A Great influence of American culture replaces Japanese culture. 3.1) Introducing English as an official language in office ◇Not all company introduced English in office now ◇Not all employee think should introducing English in office 2/5 5点満点数評価:より詳細に評価したいという話をする 2点の理由:多くの会社が導入しているわけではない。また、英語を導入するとしても日本語が優先されるべきだと考える従業員は多く、英語優先にしようとする企業は少ない。

51 5. Analysis for American Cultural Imperialism
3.1) Analysis for Introducing English in Japanese company 3.2) Analysis for McDonalds’ number of stores In Japan

52 5. Analysis for American Cultural Imperialism
3.1) Analysis for Introducing English in Japanese company 3.2) Analysis for McDonalds’ number of stores In Japan

53 3.2) McDonalds’ number of stores in Japan
Table 1 : Number of Sushiro's stores by district Table 2: Number of McDonald's stores by district Did McDonald 's business truly replaced Japanese companies? Is McDonald 's business expanding in Japan? 全国地方 総数 北海道 8軒 東北 13軒 関東 123軒 中部 82軒 近畿 116軒 中国 17軒 四国 26軒 九州 62軒 沖縄 4軒 全国地方 総数 北海道 88軒 東北 146軒 関東 1,157軒 中部 517軒 近畿 646軒 中国 137軒 四国 79軒 九州 253軒 沖縄 42軒 Total: 447 stores Total: 3,065 stores ⬇️ 寿司を選んだ理由:日本文化を代表する食といえば寿司、だから寿司業界の中でもっとも市場規模が大きいスシローと比較し、マクドナルドの市場規模の大きさを確認するため。 寿司(日本)がハンバーガー(アメリカ)にreplacedされている (Akindo Sushiro co.,ltd 2016) (Statistics by prefecture and Japanese prefectural character as seen in ranking 2015)

54 3.2) Analysis for McDonalds’ number of stores In Japan
Figure 6 : MacDonald’s number of store in Japan It has decreased from about 4,000 stores to 3,000 stores < (Total Ranking News 2016)

55 3.2) Analysis for McDonalds’ number of stores In Japan
Figure 7 : MacDonald’s amounts of sales in Japan (Total Ranking News 2016)

56 2/5 5. Analysis for American Cultural Imperialism
◇ American Culture Imperialism A Great influence of American culture replaces Japanese culture. 3.2) McDonalds’ number of stores in Japan ◇Number of stores are decreasing now ◇Amount of sales are also decreasing now 2/5 2点の理由:年々、日本国内におけるマクドナルドの店舗数が減っているだけでなく、売り上げも減っている。

57 5. Analysis for Japanese Cultural Assimilation
4.1) Analysis for Japaneseizaiton(日本化) of foreign food 4.2)Analysis for incorporate foreign events

58 5. Analysis for Japanese Cultural Assimilation
4.1) Analysis for Japaneseizaiton(日本化) of foreign food 4.2)Analysis for incorporate foreign customs as a holiday

59 4.1) Japaneseizaiton(日本化) of foreign food
Which is a original cooking from different countries? A ) カレーライス Are these foods are really accepted spontaneously as a part of a original Japanese food culture? B )天ぷら C ) ナポリタン D ) ラーメン E ) ハンバーグ F )トンカツ

60 4.1) Analysis for Japaneseizaiton(日本化) of foreign food
Figure 8 : A survey on conscious for Japanese cultural foods Recognition is differ for each food 農林水産省 平成26年度日本の食魅力再発見・利用促進事業委託事業( 「和食」の保護・継承環境整備事業) 「和食会議アンケート」調査の結果報告 P.8 < (Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries 2014)

61 4/5 5. Analysis for Japanese Cultural Assimilation
Japanese culture makes American culture spontaneously to become a part of own culture. 4.1) Japaneseizaiton(日本化) of foreign food ◇Not all food is accepted as Japanese food ◇As the years passed it is becoming easy for people to accept 4/5 2点の理由:全ての料理が日本文化として認識されているかは不明確。 しかし年を重ねるにつれて、料理が定着しているのも事実であり、否定しきることもできない。

62 5. Analysis for Japanese Cultural Assimilation
4.1) Analysis for Japaneseizaiton(日本化) of foreign food 4.2)Analysis for incorporate foreign events

63 5. Analysis for Japanese Cultural Assimilation
4.1) Analysis for Japaneseizaiton(日本化) of foreign food 4.2)Analysis for incorporate foreign events

64 4.2) Incorporate foreign events
Japan America Women give a chocolate to their beloved person Japan has a custom to give 義理チョコ People recognize valentine’s day as a event to confess their love to beloved person Man give Message card, flowers, or gift to their beloved person America doesn’t have a custom to give 義理チョコ People recognize valentine’s day as a event to celebrate their love with beloved person Are these recognitions accepted spontaneously a part of a Japanese culture? I couldn’t find any study which surveys valentine’s day as a Japanese culture, so, I focus on the point of “how people think about Valentine’s day” (Eitopi 2012)

65 4.2)Analysis for incorporate foreign events
Figure 9 : A survey on conscious for Valentine’s Day (Macromill, Inc. 2015) 

66 2/5 5. Analysis for Japanese Cultural Assimilation
Japanese culture makes American culture spontaneously to become a part of own culture. 4.2) Incorporate foreign events ◇Recognition to Valentine’s Day is changing ◇Also, because there is insufficient data on whether to be conscious of Japanese culture, it is inadequate consideration. 2/5 2点:バレンタインデーに対する認識は変わっていっており、日本独自と言える固定化された文化ではないから。 また、日本の文化を意識するかどうかについてのデータが不十分であるため、十分考慮されていない。

67 Outline Introduction Defining Terms
Evidence for American Cultural Imperialism Evidence for Japanese Cultural Assimilation Analysis Conclusion

68 Outline Introduction Defining Terms
Evidence for American Cultural Imperialism Evidence for Japanese Cultural Assimilation Analysis Conclusion

69 6. Conclusion 2/5 3.1) Introducing English as an official language in office 3.2) McDonalds’ number of stores in Japan 4.1) Japaneseizaiton(日本化) of foreign food 4.2) Incorporate foreign events 2/5 4/5 2/5

70 Japanese Cultural Assimilation
Receiving American Culture: American Cultural Imperialism or Japanese Cultural Assimilation? Japanese Cultural Assimilation

71 Outline Introduction Defining Terms
Evidence for American Cultural Imperialism Evidence for Japanese Cultural Assimilation Analysis Conclusion

72 Thank you for listening !

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