Family – Kazoku – かぞく.

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Presentation on theme: "Family – Kazoku – かぞく."— Presentation transcript:

1 Family – Kazoku – かぞく

2 My Family or Yours? In Japanese there are two ways to say the different family members. It depends on if you are talking about your family, someone else's or speaking formally. There are also different ways to say brother and sister depending on if they are older or younger than you.

3 Father otousan お父さん chichi 父 Talking about Your Family
Someone else’s / formal chichi 父 otousan お父さん

4 Mother okaasan お母さん haha 母 Talking about Your Family
Someone else’s / formal haha 母 okaasan お母さん

5 Older Brother oniisan おにいさん ani あに Talking about Your Family
Someone else’s / formal ani あに oniisan おにいさん

6 Younger Brother otoutosan おとうとさん otouto おとうと Talking about Your Family
Someone else’s / formal otouto おとうと otoutosan おとうとさん

7 Older Sister oneesan おねえさん ane あね Talking about Your Family
Someone else’s / formal ane あね oneesan おねえさん

8 Younger Sister imoutosan いもうとさん imouto いもうと Talking about Your Family
Someone else’s / formal imouto いもうと imoutosan いもうとさん

9 Grandfather ojiisan おじいさん sofu そふ Talking about Your Family
Someone else’s / formal sofu そふ ojiisan おじいさん

10 Grandmother obaasan おばあさん sobo そぼ Talking about Your Family
Someone else’s / formal sobo そぼ obaasan おばあさん

11 Uncle ojisan おじさん oji おじ Talking about Your Family
Someone else’s / formal oji おじ ojisan おじさん

12 Aunt obasan おばさん oba おば Talking about Your Family
Someone else’s / formal oba おば obasan おばさん

13 Husband goshujin ごしゅじん shujin しゅじん Talking about Your Family
Someone else’s / formal shujin しゅじん goshujin ごしゅじん

14 Wife okusan おくさん tsuma つうま Talking about Your Family
Someone else’s / formal tsuma つうま okusan おくさん

15 Son musukosan むすこさん musuko むすこ Talking about Your Family
Someone else’s / formal musuko むすこ musukosan むすこさん

16 Daughter musume むすめ ojousan おじょうさん Talking about Your Family
Someone else’s / formal musume むすめ ojousan おじょうさん

17 Useful Words English Romaji Hiragana Family kazoku かぞく Your Family
gokazoku ごかぞく Parents ryoushin りょうしん Sibling kyoudai きょうだい Child kodomo こども Cousin itoko いとこ Relatives shinseki しんせき Niece meisan めいさん Nephew oisan おいさん Twins futago ふたご

18 Useful Expressions English Romaji Hiragana
Do you have brothers and sisters? kyoudai ga imasu ka. きょうだい が いますか。 How many people are in your family? gokazoku wa nan nin desu ka. ごかぞく は 何人 ですか。 4 people yo*nin desu. 四人 です。 *4 people is yonin not yonnin – there are a few more changes you’ll learn next lesson

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