Haiku. What is Haiku? A haiku is a short poem, invented by the Japanese poet, Basho. There are only three lines long. まつおばしょう (1644- 1694)


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Presentation transcript:


What is Haiku? A haiku is a short poem, invented by the Japanese poet, Basho. There are only three lines long. まつおばしょう ( )

What is Haiku? There is no room for waste - every word counts and must be chosen carefully. George Marsh, a distinguished poet and teacher of haiku, describes it as "a tiny poem filled with a love of nature".

たとえば sudden shower in the empty park a swing still swinging Margaret Chula fallen flower I see returning to its branch ah! a butterfly Moritake

According to the rules, a haiku poem is supposed to have 17 syllables in it, 5 in the first line, 7 in the second and 5 in the last line. Haiku are about the present moment, so verbs are usually in the present tense. What does this mean? Which words in the poems are verbs in the present tense?

たとえば sudden shower in the empty park a swing still swinging Margaret Chula fallen flower I see returning to its branch ah! a butterfly Moritake Breaking point

1.Fit it in to three lines 2.Include a season word 3.Use the present tense of verb 4.Try to include a break point 5.Try to avoid saying the same thing twice - like cold and chilly

何ですか? きせつ 春 夏 秋 冬 Season はる Spring なつ Summer あき Autumn ふゆ winter

雪だるま ほしのおしゃべり ぺちゃくちゃと きせつは、いつ? (When is the season?) 冬 = star =chatting おしゃべり ほし

北 ( きた ) 西 ( にし ) 東 ( ひがし) 南 ( みなみ )

なの花 ( はな ) や 月 ( つき ) は東に 日は西 に きせつは、いつ? 春

うまそうな 雪が ふうわり ふわりかな きせつは、いつ? 冬 うまい =おいしい うまそう ( な ) =おいしそう ( な )

きせつのことば 雪だるまほしのおし ゃべりぺちゃくちゃ と なの花や月は東に日 は西に うまそうな雪がふう わりふわりかな 雪 snow なの花 rape blossoms 雪 =き語 き語は、何ですか 。

あたらしいたん語 1. すいか 2. きた( plain form for きました) 3. なみ 4. なみうつ 5. のど 6. のどぼとけ 1.Water melon 2.Came 3.Wave 4.To wave 5.Throat 6.Adam’s apple

夏の川 魚がいっぱい かわいいな はいく ①

赤と黒 すいかのおいしい 夏がきた plain form of きました はいく ②

ビール飲む 父のなみうつ のどぼとけ wave はいく ③