Verb Plain Negativeform


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Presentation transcript:

Verb Plain Negativeform

The Characteristics of Japanese verbs 3 groups. Japanese verbs belong to いちだん verbs ごだん verbs Irregular verbs 2 parts. Japanese verbs have Stem たべます   (to eat) たべ ます   Root

How to make Plain present Negative form いちだん verbs ない Root Stem たべ ない ます  

Root Stem Stem ごだん verbs Look At the last letter of the verb stem How to make Plain present Negative form ごだん verbs Root Stem Stem Look At the last letter of the verb stem

How to make Plain present Negative form ごだん verbs The last letter of the stem should be one of the いline letters. Go Up to the あline!! Replace the いline letter of the verb stem with the あline letter + ない. Examples: to go to drink み 行 か き ない ます の ま ます ない

How to make Plain present Negative form ごだん verbs Only ONE exception If you find い as the last letter of the verb stem, replaceい with わ+ ない. Example: あわない  あいます  to meet/see someone NOT to meet/see someone

How to make Plain Past Negative form Irregular verbs ない Root Stem Half change half same し ない ます   To do pattern き こ ない ます   To come pattern

How to make Plain Past Negative form It is VERY easy!! Take the last い off from the verb plain present negative and putかった. Yes! It is the same system as いadjective past. Examples: not to go DID not go DID not drink not to drink 行 か な かった い の ま な い かった