日本AVAYA エンタープライズアカウント営業第二本部 森嶋 明人


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Presentation transcript:

日本AVAYA エンタープライズアカウント営業第二本部 森嶋 明人 AVAYA PORTFOLIOのご紹介 This is a high level brief overview of Avaya. 日本AVAYA    エンタープライズアカウント営業第二本部   森嶋 明人 Avaya – Confidential & Proprietary. Use pursuant to your signed agreement or Avaya Policy

私たちがご提供できる価値 Team Engagement Customer Engagement Networking 投資保護 素早い導入 Here is our value proposition in each of these three same areas. Team engagement or business communications. In this area our value proposition is to protect your investment vs. locking in, plus we’re faster to deploy, scale better, we’re open and mobile. Customer engagement or customer service. In this area we are well known for delivering best in class customer engagement (e.g. net promoter scores), ease of use, scale, operational costs savings for some of the biggest contact centers in the world. Networking. Some of the key benefits here are our seamless integration with CC/UC, speed, scale and highest levels of security. Team Engagement 投資保護 素早い導入 オープン、モバイル、拡張性 Public, private or hybrid cloud Customer Engagement 最高水準のネットプロモータスコア 新しいアプリケーションを素早く簡単 に展開 オペレーションコストの削減 新たな成長企業を支える拡張性 Public, private or hybrid cloud Networking UC/CCのシームレスなインテグ レーションを実現 新しいサービスを展開する際に 1/10のコスト・リソースへ 拡大するサイバーセキュリティーへ のスピーディーな対応 パブリックセイフティーの為の信頼 できる基盤

AVAYA キーテクノロジー Core Platforms Team Engagement (チームエンゲージメント) Avaya Audio, Video, Web Conferencing Avaya Communicator Clients – Desktop, Mobile, Web Avaya Desktop, Wireless, Video and Multimedia phones Customer Engagement (カスタマーエンゲージメント) Avaya Contact Center Avaya Multichannel (Email, Web, SMS, Social) Self Service Proactive Outbound Avaya Workforce Optimization Networking (ネットワーキング) Fabric Networking Top of Rack Switching Wireless LAN 9100 SDN Fx™ Architecture Identity Engines Pod Fx™ Full Stack Communications Here are some of our key technologies and services in our broad portfolio. Today’s customer relationships are ongoing conversations that unfold across time and channels. Phone, video, email, chat, social: It’s all one integrated omnichannel now. Done right, seamless execution pays off in increased revenue and higher lifetime value of customers. Our customer engagement solutions make it possible.  Team engagement is the magic that happens when everyone in your workforce is connected effortlessly to the mission, to each other and to customers. When it works you feel it in your culture and on your balance sheet—and your customers feel it most. Barriers disappear. Productivity rises. Our team engagement solutions get you there. Build a path to the future. Avaya’s advanced fabric networking technology takes SDN networking and cloud services to the next level. Reduce network outages, enjoy quicker access to information, and easily integrate new communications channels and applications. If you wish, do it all with your existing infrastructure. Core Platforms Avaya Aura® Platform Avaya Office™ Platform Avaya Breeze snap-in development platform Snap-in Store marketplace Professional Services (プロフェッショナルサービス) Technical Consulting and Advisory Services Testing and Optimization Services Deployment and Program Management Cloud (クラウド) Avaya Private Cloud Services Support & Managed Services (サポート、マネージドサービス) Support Advantage IP Office Support Services UC/CC, & Data Networking Managed Services

オムニチャネルへのシフト Single Channel Multi-Channel Cross Channel Omni Channel シングルタッチポイント 一つのチャネル Multi-Channel 独立した複数のチャネル それぞれのチャネルは組織的にも技術的にも独立 Cross Channel 同じブランドの体験の一部としてのチャネル 単一の顧客接点だが同じブランド体験ではない Omni Channel チャネルごとの体験ではなく、ブランド統一経験 単一の顧客ビューと体験の一貫性

Avaya カスタマーエンゲージメント ポートフォリオ Avaya Breeze (Engagement Development Platform) Avaya Aura Workforce Optimization Experience Portal / Proactive Outreach Manager WFO Select Control Manager Omni Center Elite Stack Elite CMS One-X Agent / Supervisor Automated Chat Avaya Contact Center Select (ACCS) Social Responder IP Office Contact Center (IPOCC) Interaction Center (AIC) Elite Multi-Channel (EMC) AVAYA Office Aura

AVAYA キーテクノロジー Core Platforms Team Engagement (チームエンゲージメント) Avaya Audio, Video, Web Conferencing Avaya Communicator Clients – Desktop, Mobile, Web Avaya Desktop, Wireless, Video and Multimedia phones Customer Engagement (カスタマーエンゲージメント) Avaya Contact Center Avaya Multichannel (Email, Web, SMS, Social) Self Service Proactive Outbound Avaya Workforce Optimization Networking (ネットワーキング) Fabric Networking Top of Rack Switching Wireless LAN 9100 SDN Fx™ Architecture Identity Engines Pod Fx™ Full Stack Communications Here are some of our key technologies and services in our broad portfolio. Today’s customer relationships are ongoing conversations that unfold across time and channels. Phone, video, email, chat, social: It’s all one integrated omnichannel now. Done right, seamless execution pays off in increased revenue and higher lifetime value of customers. Our customer engagement solutions make it possible.  Team engagement is the magic that happens when everyone in your workforce is connected effortlessly to the mission, to each other and to customers. When it works you feel it in your culture and on your balance sheet—and your customers feel it most. Barriers disappear. Productivity rises. Our team engagement solutions get you there. Build a path to the future. Avaya’s advanced fabric networking technology takes SDN networking and cloud services to the next level. Reduce network outages, enjoy quicker access to information, and easily integrate new communications channels and applications. If you wish, do it all with your existing infrastructure. Core Platforms Avaya Aura® Platform Avaya Office™ Platform Avaya Breeze snap-in development platform Snap-in Store marketplace Professional Services (プロフェッショナルサービス) Technical Consulting and Advisory Services Testing and Optimization Services Deployment and Program Management Cloud (クラウド) Avaya Private Cloud Services Support & Managed Services (サポート、マネージドサービス) Support Advantage IP Office Support Services UC/CC, & Data Networking Managed Services

スマート コラボレーションの進化 分散とモバイルワークフォース 75%の企業がモバイル機器からのビデオカンファレンスの使用をサポートしています。 分散とモバイルワークフォース 50%の企業が 2017年までにBYODの規定を策定します。 *** 一般職の35% は仕事のためにタブレット等を使用しています。 ** 従業員の約40%はオフィス以外の場所で少なくとも20%の時間を過ごします。* So what are the analysts saying – byod mobile video, distributed workforce, they will need smart solutions and be able to adapt * Gartner IT Symposium – Scott Nelson, Gartner Analyst ** IDC Predictions Consumer - More Mobile, More Connected ***Gartner BYOD study by David Willis

モバイル / オフィス / リモートコラボレーション…. Voice, Video, IM, Presence, Web / Audio Conference, 3rd Party Integration, VM…. Mobile Content Sharing + Slider Click to VC IM, Presence Trace Location Embed into Cloud App http://www.zang.io Call Control, Record

AVAYA キーテクノロジー Core Platforms Team Engagement (チームエンゲージメント) Avaya Audio, Video, Web Conferencing Avaya Communicator Clients – Desktop, Mobile, Web Avaya Desktop, Wireless, Video and Multimedia phones Customer Engagement (カスタマーエンゲージメント) Avaya Contact Center Avaya Multichannel (Email, Web, SMS, Social) Self Service Proactive Outbound Avaya Workforce Optimization Networking (ネットワーキング) Fabric Networking Top of Rack Switching Wireless LAN 9100 SDN Fx™ Architecture Identity Engines Pod Fx™ Full Stack Communications Here are some of our key technologies and services in our broad portfolio. Today’s customer relationships are ongoing conversations that unfold across time and channels. Phone, video, email, chat, social: It’s all one integrated omnichannel now. Done right, seamless execution pays off in increased revenue and higher lifetime value of customers. Our customer engagement solutions make it possible.  Team engagement is the magic that happens when everyone in your workforce is connected effortlessly to the mission, to each other and to customers. When it works you feel it in your culture and on your balance sheet—and your customers feel it most. Barriers disappear. Productivity rises. Our team engagement solutions get you there. Build a path to the future. Avaya’s advanced fabric networking technology takes SDN networking and cloud services to the next level. Reduce network outages, enjoy quicker access to information, and easily integrate new communications channels and applications. If you wish, do it all with your existing infrastructure. Core Platforms Avaya Aura® Platform Avaya Office™ Platform Avaya Breeze snap-in development platform Snap-in Store marketplace Professional Services (プロフェッショナルサービス) Technical Consulting and Advisory Services Testing and Optimization Services Deployment and Program Management Cloud (クラウド) Avaya Private Cloud Services Support & Managed Services (サポート、マネージドサービス) Support Advantage IP Office Support Services UC/CC, & Data Networking Managed Services

AVAYA ネットワーキング Enterprise Campus Branch & Metro Data Centers Cloud 継続的な投資とポートフォリオの拡充を進めてまいります。 Ethernet Switching Wireless Networking Access Control Unified Management Applications Enterprise Campus Branch & Metro Data Centers Cloud

Avaya ネットワーキングソリューション データーセンターからキャンパス及びユニファイドアクセスへの包括的なポートフォリオをご提供します。 Simplification ● Fast Recovery ● Business Continuity ● Reduced TCO Network Fabric NFV + Fabric Avaya SDN Fx シングルプロトコル ビジネスの継続性 クラウドスケール アジャイル TCO削減 素早いリカバリ

AVAYA キーテクノロジー Core Platforms Team Engagement (チームエンゲージメント) Avaya Audio, Video, Web Conferencing Avaya Communicator Clients – Desktop, Mobile, Web Avaya Desktop, Wireless, Video and Multimedia phones Customer Engagement (カスタマーエンゲージメント) Avaya Contact Center Avaya Multichannel (Email, Web, SMS, Social) Self Service Proactive Outbound Avaya Workforce Optimization Networking (ネットワーキング) Fabric Networking Top of Rack Switching Wireless LAN 9100 SDN Fx™ Architecture Identity Engines Pod Fx™ Full Stack Communications Here are some of our key technologies and services in our broad portfolio. Today’s customer relationships are ongoing conversations that unfold across time and channels. Phone, video, email, chat, social: It’s all one integrated omnichannel now. Done right, seamless execution pays off in increased revenue and higher lifetime value of customers. Our customer engagement solutions make it possible.  Team engagement is the magic that happens when everyone in your workforce is connected effortlessly to the mission, to each other and to customers. When it works you feel it in your culture and on your balance sheet—and your customers feel it most. Barriers disappear. Productivity rises. Our team engagement solutions get you there. Build a path to the future. Avaya’s advanced fabric networking technology takes SDN networking and cloud services to the next level. Reduce network outages, enjoy quicker access to information, and easily integrate new communications channels and applications. If you wish, do it all with your existing infrastructure. Core Platforms Avaya Aura® Platform Avaya Office™ Platform Avaya Breeze snap-in development platform Snap-in Store marketplace Professional Services (プロフェッショナルサービス) Technical Consulting and Advisory Services Testing and Optimization Services Deployment and Program Management Cloud (クラウド) Avaya Private Cloud Services Support & Managed Services (サポート、マネージドサービス) Support Advantage IP Office Support Services UC/CC, & Data Networking Managed Services

APS プロダクト 海外製品(Global APS or EP&T) 日本発 APS製品 製品 製品 Agent MAP Agent Q CC-One Portal Station Link Call Routing Event Collector CMS WebService CTI Real Counter 製品 ECH Handler CMS/IQ Driver Adminsync Open CTI Adapter for Salesforce Station Link Agent Map CC One Portal

FABRIC-BASED NETWORKING グローバルマーケットでの位置付け Rank Share Unified Communications [1] 2 23% Telephony Systems [1] 1 21% SME Telephony Systems [1] 25% Unified Messaging [3] 39% Mobile Voice and UC Client [4] 3 16% Contact Center/ACD [2] 26% Fabric-Based Networking* Leader* Voice Maintenance Services [5] 10% TEAM ENGAGEMENT CUSTOMER ENGAGEMENT FABRIC-BASED NETWORKING SERVICES 2014 Data We are a market leader in many of these areas. In telephony in general, Small Business Telephone Systems, unified messaging, contact centers and voice maintenance services we are the top player in the market. Note: Sources – [1] Dell’Oro Group; [2] Gartner, Inc.; [3] T3i Group; [4] Frost & Sullivan; [5] IntelliCom Analytics *Avaya internal estimate



SMART FINANCIAL SERVICES Smart SOlutions SMART FINANCIAL SERVICES SMART PUBLIC SAFETY SMART EDUCATION SMART HEALTHCARE SMART HOSPITALITY : So let me first look at the public safety, you know if you look at the smart solutions, Ill cover a few like health care, education, smart stadiums. And there is more, even a smart kiosk from a banking point of view that is out there. Let me first start with public safety. When you look at public safety, and this gives me the chill every time I talk about it. In the US, not necessarily here (UAE), we have been positioning this. In the US you may have heard about things like Carey’s law. A poor lady that was killed in a hotel, after her daughter ttried to dial 911 four times and got a busy signal in the hotel room. Her husband killed her. The daughter did what she was taught to do. Dial 911 for emergency. Unfortunately, she had to dial 9-911, sad story, not the desired outcome. But what’s interesting, is that Avaya took upon itself to go and change the status quo. We have now changed 16 states in the US where the government has intervened and forced any hospitality to allow people to dial 911 at all time. 30 days ago, another stabbing took place in the same hotel that Carey was killed, and the person is now recovering in the hospital, because 911 worked. That is what Avaya has done, we just saved a life. If that is not good application of the technology of innovation, then I don’t know what is. Kudos to Avaya, and all the people that are pushing this. But, we didn’t stop there. We talk about video. Great to dial 911 or 999 (in the UAE),but what I need is context. We talked about this context, we talked about multimedia. What I want is to be able to push a video to the people that are dialing for emergency. You can do this if you have a voice channel only. So once again, back to the government. The government has to force service providers to allow a data channel to be established when someone calls for emergency. I need to be able to push you a video to Maan to perform CPR because Im having a heart attack. I need to automate this process because reacting to a shooting versus someone having a heart attack in the mall is different. Business process workflow automation. We now have the ability through the data channel to get the exact location of the individuals that are calling. I can now turn on your smart phone camera, and put video and integrate it with video surveillance, or my video conferencing with the people responding with smart wearables such as google glass so that they have visibility as they respond the emergency situation. This is technology that Avaya brought to the market This is stuff that we can show you today.

SDN Fx Breeze Messaging + Communication Platforms Team Engagement Applications Customer Engagement Applications Contextual Analytics Open/Extensible Messaging + Communication Platforms SDN Fx Breeze

THANK YOU avaya.com +81 (6) 6346-5214 amorishima@avaya.com