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Concordanceというソフトを使って統計されたデータ 「ENJOY」は文章の中で77回使われていた。 「ENJOY」の前に一番多く使われていたのは「I」であり、次に使われていたのは「YOU」である。(「I」は28回使われた、「YOU」は9回使われた。) 「ENJOY」の後ろに一番多く使われたのはいろんな名詞であり、次に使われていたのは動詞のing形である。(名詞は全部で30回使われた、動詞のing形は8回つかわれた。)

したがって 「ENJOY」について、日本人の英語文章の中で一番使われているのは 「I   enjoy something.」 という文でしょう。

「ENJOY」の誤用の例 ~日本的英語?!~ There used to be so many small candy shops for little kids but I don’t know if they enjoy with 50 yen like our generation did. There used to be so many small candy shops for little kids, but I don’t know if they enjoyed buying them in the amount of 50 yen like our generation did. Tomorrow is holiday. I want to enjoy. Tomorrow is a holiday; I want to enjoy it. I think that you spend your enjoy time. I think that you enjoyed your time spent.

「ENJOY」の誤用の例 ~日本的英語?!~ They celebrate it and enjoy as much they can. They celebrate it and enjoy it as much as they can. This summer I will go to Montana again. Maybe I will enjoy than 5 years ago. This summer I will go to Montana again. Maybe I will enjoy it better than 5 years ago. Yesterday was very enjoy. I enjoyed yesterday very much.

結  論 From the wrong usage of ‘ENJOY’ in this Japanese composition, I draw this conclusion: ‘ENJOY’ should be used in the form of ‘enjoy something’ or ‘enjoy doing something’. The form ‘enjoy with something’ is only to be used in this way ‘I enjoy tempura with soba’.