After (I) verbed & After (I) verb


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Presentation transcript:

After (I) verbed & After (I) verb Bたあと & Bてから After (I) verbed & After (I) verb

したあとで、 Means “after (subject) verbed” Combines two sentences by sequencing them. Used in the past tense. Appears in the center of the sentence and is followed by a comma.

Samples English sentence: After Dave spoke to the teacher, he understood. Dave understood after he spoke to the teacher.

Samples – English English sentence: After Dave spoke to the teacher, he understood. Dave understood after he spoke to the teacher. This is the order the Japanese will be in – whatever follows “after” goes first.

Sample – 日本語 デーブは先生にはなしたあとで、わかりました。 After Dave spoke to the teacher, he understood. Dave spoke to the teacher デーブは先生にはなした (PF past is base ta) After あとで、 He understood わかりました。 デーブは先生にはなしたあとで、わかりました。

してから、 Means “after (subject) verb” Combines two sentences by sequencing them. Used in the present (future) tense. Appears in the center of the sentence and is followed by a comma.

Samples English sentence: After Dave speaks to the teacher, he will understand. Dave will understand after he speaks to the teacher.

Sample – English English sentence: After Dave speaks to the teacher, he will understand. Dave will understand after he speaks to the teacher. This is the order the Japanese will be in – whatever follows “after” goes first.

Sample – 日本語 After Dave speaks to the teacher, he will understand. デーブは先生にはなす→はなして After から、 He will understand. わかります。 デーブは先生にはなしてから、わかります。