Chapter 4 Quiz #2 Verbs Particles を、に、で にほんご111 (11/16/2006) Chapter 4 Quiz #2 Verbs Particles を、に、で
To read a book ほんをよみます。
To watch TV テレビをみます。
To eat lunch ひるごはんをたべます。
To study べんきょう(を)します。
To sleep ねます。
To take a bath おふろにはいります。
To take a shower シャワーをあびます。
To get up おきます。
To go home うちにかえります。
To go to school がっこうにいきます。
Transitive Verbs たべます ‘eat’ よみます ‘read’ みます ‘see, watch’ します ‘do’ Object を Vtransitive Transitive verbs: • syntactically, take object • semantically, the object is the target to which the action is directed In Japanese, transitive verbs generally take object which is marked by the particle を.
Transitive Verbs すし たべます ‘eat sushi’ ほん よみます ‘read books’ えいが みます ‘see a movie’ しゅくだい します ‘do homework’ ジョギング します‘jog’ を を を を を
Other verbs introduced in Ch. 5-1 〜に いきます ‘go to ~’ 〜に きます ‘come to ~’ 〜に かえります‘return to ~’ 〜に はいります ‘enter ~’ or へ or へ or へ These verbs are “directional” verbs. The destination (or goal) of the action denoted by these verbs are generally marked with the particle に. The verbs like いきます、きます、かえります can accompany the destination phrase marked by the particle へ (written as へ but pronunced as [ e ]).
Other verbs introduced in Ch. 5-2 おきます ‘get up, wake up’ あります* ‘take place, be carried out’ おわります ‘end’ はじまります‘begin, start’ ねます ‘sleep, go to bed’ The verbs on this page are “intransitive verbs” but generally they do only accompany the subject,a time expression, and/or locative expression. Note about あります: this verb also mean, as discussed in previous chapter, ‘to exist’. In this chapter, this verb is re-introduced as the verb denoting occurrence of an event, rather than the existence of an object. These verbs introduced so far are all “present tense.” This means that the action denoted by these verbs take place Habitually In the near future Note that the present tense with verbs denoting actions do not indicate that the action is taking place at the time the sentence is uttered (we will study this form soon).
How to express… Time Expressions: 〜に さんじにうちにかえります。 ろくじにおきます。 さんじにうちにかえります。 ろくじにおきます。 にちようびにべんきょうをします。
Do not use particle に with… あさ ‘(in the) morning’ ひる ‘(in the) afternoon’ こんばん ‘this evening’ まいにち ‘everyday’ まいあさ ‘every morning’ まいばん ‘every evening’ いま ‘now’ きょう ‘today’ いつ ‘when’ These are called “deictic” time expressions. The time referred to these changes according to when (and where) they are uttered. Exception: if the expression ひる refers to 12noon, it takes に.
Particle で Location of Activity: で しょくどうでたべます。 うちでテレビをみます。 (Cf. Location (of existence): に) しょくどうでたべます。 うちでテレビをみます。 としょかんでべんきょうします。 cf.うちにいます。