言語の意味論3 ー表示的意味論ー 2007.


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 言語の意味論3 ー表示的意味論ー 2007

プログラムの 表示的意味論・意味記述 言語Lで書かれたプログラムの厳密な「意味」として、何らかの数学的な実在(entity)を 「整合的」に対応させる方法を与えること。 数学的実在の集合 意味関数 Lプログラムの集合

λ計算の数学的モデル λ式が関数を表すことは直感的あるいは操作的な解釈で理解できる。  λ計算の数学的モデル  λ式が関数を表すことは直感的あるいは操作的な解釈で理解できる。 同様に、λ抽象(λx.M)や関数適用(M N)の解釈が関数に対する、我々の持つ通常のそれに対応していると理解できる。  λ式の中には、λx.x, λx.yxなど関数として無理なく解釈できものもあるが、そうでない、λy.(λx.y(xx)(λx.y(xx))のようなものがある。その両者を対象として、整合性のとれた、数学的な実在の集合とその構造を旨く表現する理論を構築することが、意味論を与えるために、まず必要となる。

自己適用 変数 x に x 自身を関数適用した xx という部分式にもつλ式は、その意味解釈に問題が生じることがある。実際、関数に自己適用を安易に許すと、次のような矛盾を引き起こす危険がある。 集合D上の任意の1変数関数 f : D -> D に対して、その定義域に f 自身が含まれているとする。即ち、 (D -> D) = { f | f : D -> D}がDの部分集合だ仮定する。 このとき Dの元a, b (但しa ≠b)をとり、関数 gε (D -> D) を次のように定義しよう。          g(h) = b   h( h ) = a の時、但し hε (D -> D)              g(h) = a  それ以外の時、但し hε (D -> D)    このとき、hの代わりにgを入れると、       g(g) = a  ならば g(g) = b g(g) ≠a  ならば g(g) = a    となりどちらの場合も矛盾する。よって、集合D が2個以上の元を持つ限り、 上の仮定は誤りで、D上の関数の自己適用は行えない!!!!

D. Scottの発見 λ記法をこれまで通り解釈し、かつ自己適用の許す、数学的構造(モデル)は存在するか?  λ記法をこれまで通り解釈し、かつ自己適用の許す、数学的構造(モデル)は存在するか? この大問題は、1969年に米国の数学者D. Scottにより肯定的かつ構成的に解かれた。 これにより、様々なプログラミング言語の表示的な意味論が構成・展開されるにいたった。

IMPの表示的意味論 IMP(特に命令)の意味論を状態の上の部分関数と定義することができる。またそのような関数の数学的基礎もD.Scottから始まる、理論的展開で強固なものとなっている。(以下、Σは状態の集合)  -算術式 a ε Aexp の意味(denotation)は関数: A[[a ]]: Σ-> N - ブール式 b ε Bexpの意味(denotation)は関数: B[[b]]: Σ-> T - 命令文 c ε Cexpの意味(denotation)は関数: C[[c]]: Σ-> Σ - [[ …]]という2重括弧は表示的意味論の表記に特有のもので、この中には構文要素が入る。A, B, C を意味関数と呼ぶ。  We define the semantic functions A : Aexp → (Σ→N) B : Bexp → (Σ→T) C : Com → (Σ→Σ)

算術式のDenotation Firstly, we define the denotation of an arithmetic expression, by structural induction, as a relation between states and numbers: A[[n]] = {(σ, n) | σ∈Σ} A[[X]] = {(σ, σ(X)) | σ∈Σ} A[[a0 + a1]] = {(σ, n0 + n1) | (σ, n0) ∈ A[[a0]] & (σ, n1) ∈ A[[a1]] } A[[a0 – a1]] = {(σ, n0 – n1) | (σ, n0) ∈ A[[a0]] & (σ, n1) ∈ A[[a1]] } A[[a0 × a1]] = {(σ, n0 × n1) | (σ, n0) ∈ A[[a0]] & (σ, n1) ∈ A[[a1]] } An obvious structural induction on arithmetic expressions a shows that each denotation A[[a]] is in fact a function. Notice that the signs “+”, ”-”, ”×” on the left-hand sides represent syntactic signs in IMP whereas the signs on the right represent operations on numbers, so e.g., for any state σ, A[[3 + 5]]σ = A[[3]]σ+ A[[5]]σ = 3 + 5 = 8, as is to be expected. Note that using λ-notation we can present the definition of the semantics in the following equivalent way: A[[n]] = λσ ∈ Σ.n A[[X]] = λσ ∈ Σ.σ(X) A[[a0 + a1]] = λσ ∈ Σ.(A[[a0]]σ + A[[a1]]σ) A[[a0 - a1]] = λσ ∈ Σ.(A[[a0]]σ - A[[a1]]σ) A[[a0 × a1]] = λσ ∈ Σ.(A[[a0]]σ × A[[a1]]σ)

ブール式のDenotatiion The semantic function for booleans is given in terms of logical operations conjunction ∧T, disjunction ∨T and negation ¬T, on the set of truth values T. The denotation of a boolean expression is defined by structural induction to be a relation between states and truth values. B[[true]] = {(σ, true) | σ∈Σ} B[[false]] = {(σ, false) | σ∈Σ} B[[a0 = a1]] = {(σ, true) | σ∈Σ & A[[a0]]σ = A[[a1]]σ}∪ {(σ, false) | σ∈Σ & A[[a0]]σ ≠ A[[a1]]σ}, B[[a0 < a1]] = {(σ, true) | σ∈Σ & A[[a0]]σ < A[[a1]]σ}∪ {(σ, false) | σ∈Σ & A[[a0]]σ < A[[a1]]σ}, B[[¬b]] = {(σ, ¬Tt) | σ∈Σ & (σ, t) ∈ B[[b]]}, B[[b0 ∧ b1]] = {(σ, t0 ∧T t1) | σ∈Σ & (σ, t0) ∈ B[[b0]] & (σ, t1) ∈ B[[b1]]}, B[[b0 ∨ b1]] = {(σ, t0 ∨T t1) | σ∈Σ & (σ, t0) ∈ B[[b0]] & (σ, t1) ∈ B[[b1]]}. A simple structural induction shows that each denotation is a function. For example, for all σ∈Σ. true if A[[a0]]σ < A[[a1]]σ, false if A[[a1]]σ < [[a1]]σ B[[a0 < a1]]σ =

命令文のDenotation 関数/関係の合成、順序に注意 この等式がポイント The definition of C[[c]] for commands c is more complicated. We will first give denotations as relations between states; afterwards a straightforward structural induction will show that they are, in fact, partial functions. It is fairly obvious that we should take C[[skip]] = {(σ, σ) | σ∈Σ} C[[X := a]] = {(σ, σ[n/X]) | σ∈Σ & n = A[[a]]σ} C[[c0;c1]] = C[[c1]] C[[C0]], a composition of relations, the definition of which explains the order- reversal in c0 and c1, C[[if b then c0 else c1]] = {(σ, σ’) | B[[b]]σ = true & (σ, σ’)∈C[[c0]]} ∪ {(σ, σ’) | B[[b]]σ = false & (σ, σ’)∈C[[c1]]}. But there are difficulties when we consider the denotation of a while-loop. Write w ≡ while b do c. We have noted the following equivalence:  w ~ if b then c; w else skip so the partial function C[[w]] should equal the partial function C[[if b then c; w else skip]]. Thus we should have: C[[w]] = {(σ, σ’) | B[[b]]σ = true & (σ, σ’) ∈ C[[c; w]]} ∪ {(σ, σ) | B[[b]]σ = false} = {(σ, σ’) | B[[b]]σ = true & (σ, σ’) ∈ C[[w]]○C[[c]]} ∪ Writing  for C [[w]], β for B[[b]] and γ for C[[c]] we require a partial function  such that = {(σ, σ’) | β(σ) = true & (σ, σ’) ∈   ○ γ} ∪ {(σ, σ) | β(σ) = false}. But this involves on both sides of the equation. How can we solve it to find ? 関数/関係の合成、順序に注意 この等式がポイント

Cont. We clearly require some technique for solving a recursive equation of this form (it is called “recursive” because the value we wish to know on the left recurs on the right). Looked at in another way we can regard Γ, where Γ( ) = {(σ, σ’) | β(σ) = true & (σ, σ’)∈  γ} ∪ {(σ, σ) | β(σ) = false} = {(σ, σ’) | ∃σ’’ . β(σ) = true & (σ, σ’’)∈γ & (σ’’, σ’)∈ }∪ {(σ, σ) | β(σ) = false}, as a function which given  returns Γ( ). We want a fixed point   of Γ in the sense that = Γ(  ). The last chapter provides the clue to finding such a solution in Section 4.4. It is not hard to check that the function Γ is equal to  , where   is the operator on sets determined by the rule instances  = {({(σ’’,σ’) / (σ, σ’)) | β(σ) = true & (σ,σ’’)∈γ}∪ {(  / (σ,σ)) | β(σ) = false}. As Section 4.4 shows   has a least fixed point = fix( ) where  is a set  in this case a set of pairs  with the property that  (θ) = θ⇒  ⊆θ. We shall take this least fixed point as the denotation of the while program w. Certainly its denotation should be a fixed point.

一応のまとめ C[[skip]] = {(σ,σ) | σ∈Σ} C[[X:= a] = {(σ,σ[n/X] | σ∈ Σ& n = A[[a]]σ} C[[c0;c1]] = C[[c1]] C[[c0]] C[[if b then c0 else c1]] = {(σ,σ’) | Β[[b]]σ = true & (σ,σ’)∈C[[c0]]}∪ {(σ,σ’) | Β[[b]]σ = false & (σ,σ’)∈C[[c1]]} C[[while b do c]] = fix(Γ) where Γ( ) = {(σ,σ’) | B[[b]]σ = true & (σ,σ’)∈   C[[c]]}∪ {(σ,σ) | Β[[b]]σ = false}. In this way we define a denotation of each command as a relation between states. Notice how the semantic definition is compositional in the sense that the denotation of a command is constructed from the denotations of its immediate subcommands, reflected in the fact that the definition is by structural induction. This property is a hallmark of denotational semantics. Notice it is not true of the operational semantics of IMP because of the rule for while-loops in which the while-loop reappears in the premise of the rule. We have based the definition of the semantic function on while programs by the operational equivalence between while programs and one “unfolding” of them into a conditional. Not surprisingly it is straightforward to check this equivalence holds according to the denotational semantics

課題 Proposition 5.1 Write ω ≡ while b do c for a command c and boolean expression b. Then C[[ω]] ≡ C[[if b then c; ω else skip]]. Proof: The denotation of ω is a fixed point of Γ, defined above. Hence C[[w]] = Γ(C[[w]]) = {(σ,σ’) | Β[[b]]σ = true & (σ,σ’)∈C[[ω]] C[[c]]}∪ {(σ,σ) | Β[[b]]σ = false} = {(σ,σ’) | Β[[b]]σ = true & (σ,σ’)∈C[[c; ω]]}∪   {(σ,σ’) | Β[[b]]σ = false & (σ,σ’)∈C[[skip]]} =C[[if b then c; ω else skip]]. Exercise 5.2 Show by structural induction on commands that the denotation C[[c]] is a partial function for all commands c. (The case for while-loops involves proofs by mathematical induction showing that Γn( ) is a partial function between states for all natural numbers n, and that these form an increasing chain, followed by the observation that the union of such a chain of partial functions is itself a partial function.)

意味論どうしの同等性 IMPに対して与えた、操作的、公理的、表示的が、それぞれ互いに等しいことは証明できる。

Complete partial orders Definition : A partial order (p.o.) is a set P on which there is binary relation  which is: (i) relexive: ∀p∈P.p  p (ii) transitive: ∀p,q,r∈P.p  q & q  r ⇒ p  r (iii) antisymmetric: ∀p,q∈P.p  q & q  p ⇒ p = q. But not all partial orders support the constructions we did on sets. In constructing the least fixed point we formed the union ∪n∈ω An ω-chain A0⊆A1⊆・・・An⊆・・・ which started at    the least set. Union on sets, ordered by inclusion, generalises to the notion of least upper bound on partial orders  we only require them to exist for such increasing chains indexed by ω. Translating these properties to partial orders, we arrive at the definition of a complete partial order. Definition : Let (D, D) be a partial order. An ω-chain of the partial order is an increasing chain d0  D d1  D・・・  D dn  D・・・ of elements of the partial order. The partial order (D,  D) is a complete partial order (abbreviated to cpo) if it has lubs of all ω-chains d0  D d1  D・・・  D dn  D・・・, i.e. any increasing chain {dn | n∈ω} of element in D has a least upper bound  {dn | n∈ω} in D, often written as   n∈ω dn.  We say (D,  D) is a cpo with bottom if it is a cpo which has a least element ⊥D(called “bottom”). ここが大事

Continuous functions Definition : A function f : D → E be monotonic on between cpos D and E iff for any d and d’ in D, if d d’ then f (d) f (d’) Definition Such a function is continuous iff it is monotonic and for all ω-chains d0 d1  ・・・ dn  ・・・ in D, f (dn) = f ( dn). An important consequence if this definition is that any continuous function from a cpo with bottom to itself has a least fixed point. n∈ω n∈ω

Fixed Point Definition : Let f : D→D be a continuous function on a cpo D.       A fixed point of an element d of D such that f(d) = d.       A prefixed point of f is an element d of D such that f(d)  d. The following simple, but important, theorem gives an explicit construction fix(f) of the least fixed point of a continuous funciotn f on a cpo D. Theorem 5.11 (Fixed-Point Theorem) Let f : D→D be a continuous function on a cpo with bottom ⊥. Define fix(f) =  fn(⊥). Then fix(f) is a fixed point of f and the least prefixed point of f i.e., (i) f(fix(f)) = fix(f)     (ii) if f(d)  d then fix(f)  d. Consequently fix(f) is the least fixed point of f. n∈ω

The Intuition behind CPO  We say a little about intuition behind complete partial orders and continuous functions, an intuition which will be discussed further and pinned down more precisely in later chapters. Complete partial orders correspond to types of data, data that can be used as input or output to a computation. Computable functions are modeled as information and the ordering x  y as meaning x approximates y (or, x is less or the same information as y) so ⊥ is the point of least information. We can recast, into this general framework, the method by which we gave a denotational semantics to IMP. We denoted a command by a partial function from states to states Σ. On the face of it this does not square with the idea that the function computed by a command should be continuous. However partial functions on states can be viewed as continuous total functions. We extend the states by a new element ⊥ to a cpo of results Σ⊥ ordered by ⊥  σ for all states σ. The cpo Σ⊥ includes the extra element ⊥ representing the undefined state, or more correctly null information about the state, which, as a computation progresses, can grow into the information that a particular final state is determined. It is not hard to see that the partial functions Σ→Σ are in 1-1 correspondence with the (total) functions Σ→Σ⊥, and that in this case any total function is continuous; the

Continued inclusion order between partial functions corresponds to the “pointwise order” f  g iff ∀σ∈Σ.f(σ)  g(σ) between functions Σ→Σ⊥. Because partial functions form a cpo so does the set of functions [Σ→Σ⊥] ordered pointwise. Consequently, our denotational semantics can equivalently be viewed as denoting commands by elements of the cpo of continuous functions [Σ→Σ⊥]. Recall that to give the denotation of a while program we solved a recursive equation by taking the least fixed point of a continuous function on the cpo of partial functions, which now recasts to one on the cpo [Σ→Σ⊥]. For the cpo [Σ→Σ⊥], isomorphic to that of partial functions, more information corresponds to more input/output behavior of a function and no information at all, ⊥ in this cpo, corresponds to the empty partial function which contains no input/output pairs. We can think of the functions themselves as data which can be used or produced by a computation. Notice that the information about such functions comes in discrete units, the input/output pairs. such a discreteness property is shared by a great many of the complete partial orders that arise in modeling computations. As we shall see, that computable functions should be continuous follows from the idea that the appearance of a unit of information in the output of a computable function should only depend on the presence of finitely many units of information in the input. Otherwise a computation yielding that unit of output. We have met this idea before; a set of rule instances determines a continuous operator when the rule instances are finite, in that they have only finite sets of premises.